I just listened carefully to the lyrics of "Clouds" by Ricky Ross and Pusha and realize Pusha mentions the Alpina B7. Damn. I should've known when I was back home so I could've listened to the song while driving it.
The past few years I've really realized how lucky I am/was. I got this kid that's a friend of mine. Good guy, but he gets butt hurt real easy. He'll start a discussion on cars and when he found out what my parents have, it was on from then. How expensive BMWs and Lexuses are, how an STi can do what my 535i does for cheaper. Features my car has, etc. I never act arrogant, like remind him all of our cars would beat the shit out of the Corollas and Camry(ies?) and Subaru Forester his parents have, but he still gets butt hurt and says some real ignorant, jealousy-fueled shit. I always walk away pissed.
And it isn't just cars. It's sports teams too. His city lost its NBA team (you can guess where he's from), his university never won any championships in football (which is all that matters, really), and his NFL team has lost in the Super Bowl and never won it. It made me realize my city is doing fan-fucking-tastic in sports. Well, maybe not the Cubs, but... Still, he gets butt-hurt over that too.
I know it's a weird thing to be thankful and grateful for, cars and sports of your city, but man it must suck having an inferiority complex like that. I can appreciate that kids at my school drive Maseratis back home and come from even more money that me (oil tycoons in Saudi, or bankers in the UAE, for example), but I never get butt-hurt. I'm at that point where I should be earning my own and so I can't be claiming these things as mine, so that's what I'm working for now.
But this guy...man... He's a friend, but this really puts a damper on what we can discuss.