Me, either. And I don't use torrents and share my IP with 1000s of people, either. Nor do I upload any data, which is where they get you, like you do with torrents. Torrents are very 2005.
They seem to be cracking down in other countries. Not really in the States. Haven't heard of anything from the RIAA in years. Plus, I don't download much since I have Netflix. I do get TV shows, but I think that's probably on the very bottom of the totem pole of people they go after. I'm sure music, movies, and even software are caught first.
When I was on the island, I got 3 MB/s download speeds and there was never any mention of piracy. I don't think the government gave a shit. That's when I did most of my downloading. I'd rather not pay for newsgroups if everything is just out there.
As far as IPs go, again, the 100s of gigs I've downloaded were mostly over there. They can go after a resort of 100+ people. I'm long-gone. At home, I've stuck to Netflix and if I need software, I use warez forums. Same for ebooks. At home I get about 1.2 MB/s, which is enough for me. Biggest thing I downloaded was an updated navigation DVD for my car which was 8GBs.