The Official NBA Thread 2011-12


Well-Known Member
haha oh my god that's so cute haha.. My Nephew is at the point of repeating everything you say, gotta replace the naughty words with happy words haha

Wow Wade, and then to go at the coach.. lol what is wrong with him.

I really know nothing of the Pacers and I can't be happier for them right now. Win the Series dammit haha


Well-Known Member
Yay 1 win :) I was dreading a sweep. Good thing it was close I say, last game was close and Thunder closed it out so now Lakers just need a blow out and it won't be as disgusting lol...

Did Artest nearly get into another scuffle? That guy needs some mood staberlisers pronto... And what happened to his psychologist? Gave up? Maybe he needs a psychologist like the one that took on Tony Soprano..


Well-Known Member
It's killing Thunder fans that they don't get the sweep...talking about Lakers fans celebrating like they just won a championship. I didn't watch the game but reading the Lakers forum, it was a damn close win.

On top of his mental outbursts, Artest is taking this series personal. I just hope its an incident free series for him, coz he has a massive target on his back after what he did to Harden.


Well-Known Member
I was watching the score, not the game. 1st Quarter was something like 4 - 18 in LA's favour... Thought oooh here we go. By halftime it was tied pretty much. Then neck and neck til the end.


Well-Known Member
What the hell.. does not look old, might look tired since they just played a win or go home game. Yeah he's aging, so is everyone, don't think that matters.

It's a team sport. One man has never won a Championship on his own. What did Kobe have 40+ points in that game? Lakers have to rebuild and that's going to take a while, whether Kobe is part of that as a player we'll see. If he doesn't retire he needs to believe they can win a Championship, otherwise what's the point?


Well-Known Member
You Laker fans are just mad that he'll never tie Mike. I'll say it again, in capital boldsies: HE'LL NEVER TIE MIKE.
What is this kindergarten?

- Adam Morrison has 2 rings, Lebron 0 (Lebron will ?never? tie A-Mo)

- Rob Horry has 7 rings, Jordan 6 (Mike will never tie Horry)

- Bill Russell has 11 rings (*sigh*)

Rings are, rings.



Staff member
What the hell.. does not look old, might look tired since they just played a win or go home game. Yeah he's aging, so is everyone, don't think that matters.

It's a team sport. One man has never won a Championship on his own. What did Kobe have 40+ points in that game? Lakers have to rebuild and that's going to take a while, whether Kobe is part of that as a player we'll see. If he doesn't retire he needs to believe they can win a Championship, otherwise what's the point?
I haven't paid attention to Kobe's face up close since the early 2000s so he looks old to me. Plus, he sounded very confident for a guy who's team, in regards to what people were saying before the season started, overachieved. They're lucky this season had a lot of shitty teams cause the Lakers are not a good team. In the interview I posted, he doesn't even consider the idea that they don't have a championship-caliber team. It's not just because the Thunder are explosive, MAAAAAN. If they don't make significant changes to the team, they will not win, as you said.


Well-Known Member
You and I both know
Do we? Or do you just hate Bryant so much? Just say you hate him & you'll post anything to show your hate for him. You don't need to drag me into it. I'm a fan, you're not. I can live with that and still talk constructive hoops on here with you.

The 6 rings issue is a fictional theme the media have created and fans have bought in to. When Kobe had 3, no one talked about him getting 6. When he had 4, there was minimal talk, when he had 5, everyone went crazy. Bulls fans were rooting for the Celtics in 2010 because Kobe was going to get his 5th. Why? What does it matter if Kobe gets 5? Even if by some miracle Kobe did get 6 rings, the next thing you'll say Ristol is , "Oh, he'll never get 7." :D

NBA fans have already made rings irrelevant in basketball. I say this because they only use rings to support their arguments, not to discredit them. Even when blatantly obvious. Writing off the achievements of players with more rings than MJ is common place in NBA talk.

- "No, Bill is irrelevant. He played in another era when defense was weak." Defense was weak? For 11 seasons?
- "No, Horry is irrelevant. Even though he played in MJs era. He never won an MVP" Oh, so if Rob won an MVP, he would be a better player than MJ?

If those guys don't count, why all of a sudden do rings count when it comes to Bryant? *rhetoric*


New York's Ambassador
He's also one of the cheapest, dirtiest players ever. And it was cool how he worked on Artest all year to get him off his meds. Stay classy, no. 24.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't care less if Kobe ties MJ. I am not after that and for the record MJ will always be my favourite player.

Kobe is always a funny bastard in media interviews, I think he hates the stupid, repetitive questions he gets asked.

I would say Lakers are pretty far from Championship caliber but if you are a player on a team I fully understand having confidence. He is the leader of that team, what's he supposed to say? "Yeah we need to get rid of this guy and perhaps try and bring in such and such, and the coach sucks so be rid of him...." lol Maaaaaaybe there is a little over-confidence but hey that's no new thing in sports.

So Spurs sweep, and its going to be interesting who comes out of the SAS V OKC... Looks like it's going to be Miami waiting so which one can take out Miami?


Well-Known Member
This was so cool.

Stayed classy even when Lisa tried to drag him into KG's comments.​

Plus his shoe sold out the day it was released (today)


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