A few days ago, this video spread like wildfire on my Facebook newsfeed. I just found out the guy is from my state so that could partially explain why. You probably saw it too.
Habits & Contradictions is good. It starts out strong and it ends strong but the middle is a bit weak. My Hatin' Joint, Sexting, and How We Feeling come to mind as weak points.
I had training today. The trainer said 'as such' an average of 16 times an hour. I got irrationally angry at this. I have the same trainer for the next 4 days. Ugh.
I had training today. The trainer said 'as such' an average of 16 times an hour. I got irrationally angry at this. I have the same trainer for the next 4 days. Ugh.
How do people in Seattle cope with snow. Are you guys good with it or go all pussy NYC and shut everything down cus there is 2 inches of snow on the ground
buying music vs downloading for free leads to different experiences. I truly think we as a people would complain less about lack of quality music if we paid for the music more often.