Why Doesnt Marshall Do More Collabs?

what the fuck is wrong with your taste if you actually wrote Silk the Shocker as a valued collaborative artist.

After that initial shock, i think a collab with Nas should have happened. it would have been amazing.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
sniper said:
curtis and jeffrey got beef, and joseph and jason have got caught in the crossfire.

Well Joseph and Jason chose to do the song with Jeffrey, so if Curtis is pissed I see his point.
Pittsey said:
Well Joseph and Jason chose to do the song with Jeffrey, so if Curtis is pissed I see his point.
*thumbs up*

Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada.

I mean, the Em/Ja beef, whether people want to admit it or not, was thick as fuck. Jada starts "ridin'" with Em during the beef, next thing you know, he's in a video with Ja. That's straight out fucked up if you ask me.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
jason_g_718 said:
*thumbs up*

Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada.

I mean, the Em/Ja beef, whether people want to admit it or not, was thick as fuck. Jada starts "ridin'" with Em during the beef, next thing you know, he's in a video with Ja. That's straight out fucked up if you ask me.

I think Eminem's a bit old for beef now, plus he's supposed to be a label head. As for 50, I think he needs beef to sell, without it he's a poor figure of a rapper. I guess he needs to make his money quick off the back of 3 albums (yes I know he had 2 before GRODT, I'm not counting them), after that I think he'll have passed his sell by date. But with all his ventures I'm sure by that point he'll be very well off.
As for Eminem and Dre, I'd rather be with them than against them, they're the biggest powers in mainstream hip-hop and for the next 10 years at least I'd expect.
Pittsey said:
I think Eminem's a bit old for beef now, plus he's supposed to be a label head. As for 50, I think he needs beef to sell, without it he's a poor figure of a rapper. I guess he needs to make his money quick off the back of 3 albums (yes I know he had 2 before GRODT, I'm not counting them), after that I think he'll have passed his sell by date. But with all his ventures I'm sure by that point he'll be very well off.
As for Eminem and Dre, I'd rather be with them than against them, they're the biggest powers in mainstream hip-hop and for the next 10 years at least I'd expect.
I pretty much agree with everything you said here.

Shady/Aftermath is now, what Death Row was 10 years ago, ONLY, the label is being run the way it should, rather than, as Dre said once "a bunch of street niggaz running business deals". Shady/Aftermath IS the Death Row of 2005, question is, can they last longer? I'll say yes.
aban said:
Are you a pussy? Why would anybody be scared of dre.dre or even eminem...and what fucken powers do they got, are they gonna kill anybody they want with thier super powers. are they starting some kind of revolution or some kind of movement
Are you fuckin' serious?

Why does everyting always have to revolve around violence with people in here?

"I tell you to fight, you take it as I'ma whoop someone's ass"
-Eminem "Mosh"

Jesus Christ, grow up man. Not everything in life is about fighting. There's A LOT of ways to take someone out. Dre and Em CONTROL THE FUCKING GAME. They have MOST OF the best rappers in the inudstry (or at least the best selling ones) on their label, and the legends and powers they don't have, they're working with (Jay Z, Nas, Jada, Timbaland, so forth).

Dre and Em control the fucking genre pretty much right now, THAT'S why people should rather want to be with them than against them.
aban said:
lol really I dont care about what the fuck you SAY because you're biased
Nah, biased means you can't admit that the subject matter in which you're promoting has any flaws.

Eminem has not put out the best of his work lately. Encore was HALF as good as it should have been. That was the most anticipated album Eminem has ever put out and everyone in the industry was talking about how "legendary" they heard it was gonna be.

Encore is half good and half bad.

Loyal To The Game, while I liked it, did not sound like a typical Pac album and Eminem could have done much better.

I don't think Eminem is perfect by any means at all. He just happens to be the best rapper in the industry right now and is controlling the game. This is not opinion, this is fact. Look at who Eminem is working with and producing for and look who is signed to Shady/Aftermath. You look at those facts and it becomes fact that he has the game in his pocket.

No bias, just the truth.

Hopefully Eminem's already rumored 4th album "The Funeral" will be more thought out than Encore.
aban said:
We all know Nas is better than eminem and thats a FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Look at who Eminem is working with and producing for"

50cent, busta, game,ugly bucket, banks,elthon john, d12, dido, etc these people dont even have talent except for elthon john so who gives a fuck who he works with.


First of all, Dre does the producing for Game, Bust Eve and so forth.

Em produces:

Jay Z

2 of those last names are 2 of the most legendary artists EVER. Do you think Nas and Jay would let Em produce for them if they didn't respect him?

Get a fuckin' clue man.
Silk is the most talented of the miller family which is why I mentioned him, I reckon that would be sick, especially if silk put percy and corey on.
jason_g_718 said:
*thumbs up*

Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada.

I mean, the Em/Ja beef, whether people want to admit it or not, was thick as fuck. Jada starts "ridin'" with Em during the beef, next thing you know, he's in a video with Ja. That's straight out fucked up if you ask me.

Wait a second. You think just because Jadakiss "rides" with Ja Rule it automatically means he is beefing with Eminem? Ummm ever thought that Jadakiss is staying cool with BOTH Eminem AND Ja Rule, seeing as he's done things with both of them? Jadakiss can hang out with who he wants, and if Eminem sees it as an insult that he hung out with Ja Rule, then Eminem is fucking stupid (even though he wont see it in such a manner).

It's not "straight up fucked" you idiot. It's called having friends in the hip hop community.

Man you need to check yourself. You are WAY 2 biased to have a legitimate discussion with anyone.
MC mufasa said:
Wait a second. You think just because Jadakiss "rides" with Ja Rule it automatically means he is beefing with Eminem? Ummm ever thought that Jadakiss is staying cool with BOTH Eminem AND Ja Rule, seeing as he's done things with both of them? Jadakiss can hang out with who he wants, and if Eminem sees it as an insult that he hung out with Ja Rule, then Eminem is fucking stupid (even though he wont see it in such a manner).

It's not "straight up fucked" you idiot. It's called having friends in the hip hop community.

Man you need to check yourself. You are WAY 2 biased to have a legitimate discussion with anyone.
Wow, awesome there how you take my words and attempt to twist them just to get your own meaning.

No, I never said that. Where did I ever say Jada was beefing with Em? I said I THINK IT'S FUCKED UP that jada does a bunch of stuff with Eminem and then turns around and works with Em's worst enemy. In my opinion that is fucked up. If any of my friends hung out or became friends with an enemy of mine (which has happened), I will drop that friend in a heartbeat because if they're hanging out with someone they know I can't trust and someone I can't stand, how the fuck can I trust my friend?

Of course Jada can hang out with whoever he wants you fool. Again, where did I say otherwise? I said TO ME his actions are fucked up.

And I'm not biased at all. I don't blindly follow Eminem. I don't think everything he does is good or perfect. Matter of fact, I think Encore was a huge fucking disappointment.
jason_g_718 said:
Wow, awesome there how you take my words and attempt to twist them just to get your own meaning.

No, I never said that. Where did I ever say Jada was beefing with Em? I said I THINK IT'S FUCKED UP that jada does a bunch of stuff with Eminem and then turns around and works with Em's worst enemy. In my opinion that is fucked up. If any of my friends hung out or became friends with an enemy of mine (which has happened), I will drop that friend in a heartbeat because if they're hanging out with someone they know I can't trust and someone I can't stand, how the fuck can I trust my friend?

Of course Jada can hang out with whoever he wants you fool. Again, where did I say otherwise? I said TO ME his actions are fucked up.

And I'm not biased at all. I don't blindly follow Eminem. I don't think everything he does is good or perfect. Matter of fact, I think Encore was a huge fucking disappointment.

"Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada."

You're trying to say that because Jadakiss hung around with Ja Rule, they should be beefing because Jada was 'disrespecting' Em.

Perhaps Jadakiss was friends with Ja Rule prior to working with Eminem? Ever thought of that?

And why would it matter who your friend hangs around with? Just because someone is YOUR enemy why does your friend have to suffer from it? It's between you and your enemy, not your friend. It's your problem, not your friends.

Youre too protective of Em man, even if you criticise his album.
MC mufasa said:
"Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada."

You're trying to say that because Jadakiss hung around with Ja Rule, they should be beefing because Jada was 'disrespecting' Em.

Perhaps Jadakiss was friends with Ja Rule prior to working with Eminem? Ever thought of that?

And why would it matter who your friend hangs around with? Just because someone is YOUR enemy why does your friend have to suffer from it? It's between you and your enemy, not your friend. It's your problem, not your friends.

Youre too protective of Em man, even if you criticise his album.
Jesus Christ....

1. I NEVER EVER SAID Em and Jada "should be beefing".

2. If Jada was friends and down with Ja prior to working with Em, then if I were Em, that'd make me question Jada's intentions in regards to me even more.

3. Bottom line, I can't trust a person who is down with an enemy of mine. Not possible.

4. LOL, whatever.
jason_g_718 said:
Jesus Christ....

1. I NEVER EVER SAID Em and Jada "should be beefing".

2. If Jada was friends and down with Ja prior to working with Em, then if I were Em, that'd make me question Jada's intentions in regards to me even more.

3. Bottom line, I can't trust a person who is down with an enemy of mine. Not possible.

4. LOL, whatever.

Ok one more time for you.

jason_g_718 said:
Personally, I don't see how Eminem don't have beef now with Jada.
What the fuck are you trying to say here? You're saying that considering the circumstances (Jada doing music with Ja), Eminem should feel insulted by Jada because of his ties with Ja Rule. Isnt that what you are saying? If not, then enlighten me for fucks sake.

2. Yes. If Jada was FRIENDS with Ja Rule. Cant he be FRIENDS with both Eminem and Ja Rule? The quarrel is between JA RULE AND EMINEM NOT JADAKISS. And what do you mean by "question Jada's intentions even more"? What do you think his intentions are? To steal Eminems shit or something? NO! His intentions include making quality music, creating new friendships amongst fellow rappers, and as far as i can see, Jadakiss ASKED Eminem to be on the D-Block track. Eminem didnt force Jada to put him on it - so eminem could have well and truly refused to do the track seeing as Jada was friends with Ja.

You analyse this beef shit too much man. So if you are mutual with someone, and one of ur mates is firneds with that person - but suddenly u and the mutual person have a fight, does this mean ur mate has to fight them to? where the fuck is the logic in this?
MC mufasa said:
Ok one more time for you.

What the fuck are you trying to say here? You're saying that considering the circumstances (Jada doing music with Ja), Eminem should feel insulted by Jada because of his ties with Ja Rule. Isnt that what you are saying? If not, then enlighten me for fucks sake.

2. Yes. If Jada was FRIENDS with Ja Rule. Cant he be FRIENDS with both Eminem and Ja Rule? The quarrel is between JA RULE AND EMINEM NOT JADAKISS. And what do you mean by "question Jada's intentions even more"? What do you think his intentions are? To steal Eminems shit or something? NO! His intentions include making quality music, creating new friendships amongst fellow rappers, and as far as i can see, Jadakiss ASKED Eminem to be on the D-Block track. Eminem didnt force Jada to put him on it - so eminem could have well and truly refused to do the track seeing as Jada was friends with Ja.

You analyse this beef shit too much man. So if you are mutual with someone, and one of ur mates is firneds with that person - but suddenly u and the mutual person have a fight, does this mean ur mate has to fight them to? where the fuck is the logic in this?
Perhaps I worded my statement wrong. I basically meant by saying that that I'm surprised Em doesn't have a problem or feel betrayed or offended that Jada is working with Ja. Does that make you happy? I NEVER SAID they "should be beefing". You have yet to show me where I said those exact words.

Would you trust someone that hung out with you who was friends with one of your worst enemies? I personally wouldn't. But that's me.

Now, after reading the rest of your post, when you want to stop assuming shit and putting words in my mouth and adding things to the actually statements I've made, then we can debate. And to your last question, the person would have to make a choice, me or the mutual friend I'm now having problems with.

People are either with me or against me, bottom line.
No dont weasel out of it buddy.

jason_g_718 said:
2. If Jada was friends and down with Ja prior to working with Em, then if I were Em, that'd make me question Jada's intentions in regards to me even more.
Ill say it again (and let me just say im not putting "any words into your mouth", or "twisting shit around", as you put it)

Yes. If Jada was FRIENDS with Ja Rule. Cant he be FRIENDS with both Eminem and Ja Rule? The quarrel is between JA RULE AND EMINEM NOT JADAKISS. And what do you mean by "question Jada's intentions even more"? What do you think his intentions are? To steal Eminems shit or something? NO! His intentions include making quality music, creating new friendships amongst fellow rappers, and as far as i can see, Jadakiss ASKED Eminem to be on the D-Block track. Eminem didnt force Jada to put him on it - so eminem could have well and truly refused to do the track seeing as Jada was friends with Ja.


And you got a bad attitude. This attitude shows tha you think the world revolves around you, and that you are too self involved. See, youre turning your own beef with someone into a beef with all your friends and that person. You think everyone should be down with you and not the other. It shows you are self involved.

My assumption anyway.

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