This is my thread


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I got death threats from Republicans. I thought they liked mean tweets

Solid pen choice. Would write with it
I made a random comment the day of the shooting. I follow OldRowSports on IG because despite being rooted in deep, Southern racism, I still find some of their memes funny. They have definitely been salty since 2020 and their posts are 50/50 memes/politics.

I just posted "very sad to see him get up" and got like 3 likes on it but plenty of people told me to kill myself but within IG's guidelines. Which I am not mad about because I too posted something celebrating the event. But it was still pretty funny to get told "flatline yourself." Very creative.

I actually don't feel one way or the other about it. I am always rooting for Team Chaos because I feel it's no skin of my back. Keyword being "feel."

I saw Obama had not endorsed Kamala publicly, at least as of last night. Chaos would dictate Michelle jumps in the race, because why the fuck not, and we see madness for the Dem nominee race. Plot twist after that is Michelle and Harris join forces, we get a lot of hip hop songs mentioning this as well as so many other pop culture references, and everyone is shocked on Election Night on why this didn't work out. Trump wins, publicly calls Harris and Michelle "baboon cunts" and everyone is mad for another four years.
We need photographic medical evidence of Trumps ear and how an AR-15 (five-five-six?) would penetrate a human ear at the reported distance, height and angle.

"Acoustic Forensic Evidence" of officially recorded audio converted to YouTube is not going to cut it. If I was the judge, I'd throw that shit out. Based on evidence.

Either the Orange Man got shot or it was faked.

Either way, it's not looking good is it? It's certainly not "God's miracle" that the Trump supporters claim it to be.

Man and woman... if that was the case, God would be a sadistic son of a bitch. So, maybe it's the devil's work and the devil is in the detail.

The most likely way going forward is America keeps dying along with its Western vassals. The parasite that infest America will keep their advantage, focus their root of evil to the East.
Tigers fan here.

Check out the 7th inning balloon release at the koshien on the Tube. They don't have that back home.

Japanese beer girls. Good food. Excitement. Less fat land whales.

Do you not like it when the Japanese make American better than American?


Well-Known Member
No way would Michelle Obama want to hold office. It'll be Kamala and Joe Biden. No, Kamela & Kanye. But she is gaining a lot of steam fast. Doubt Trump will want to debate her. She'll mop the floor with him, which will make the floor even dirtier and leave an orange streak.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
No way would Michelle Obama want to hold office. It'll be Kamala and Joe Biden. No, Kamela & Kanye. But she is gaining a lot of steam fast. Doubt Trump will want to debate her. She'll mop the floor with him, which will make the floor even dirtier and leave an orange streak.

I don't understand why people are saying that a debate would win people over for Harris. I got the feeling, since 2016, that most people on either side do not care about what's said during debates. Those feel more like entertainment for voters, to see flubs and drama.

I think most people have already made up their mind, especially on Trump. And if that's the case, we'd need to see a reputable poll and see what the numbers look like. I think I saw an infographic saying 60%+ want Trump. Harris was 30-something. Harris could run circles around him on live TV, but I'm not sure that leads to a net gain/loss for any candidate.

I could be wrong but I felt like people tolerated Biden's inaction the last four years. But I definitely heard more criticism for Harris as VP, including things from her career as AG and relating guns and/or drug crimes.

One peculiar thing that seems like a red flag to me is that many celebs and influential people immediately threw their support behind Harris publicly on social media. I'm not sure anyone does that unless they're concerned about voter retention after such a big shift, like Biden dropping out. Celebs are always vocal on who they support; that's not the issue. I think it's more about them panicking that Dem voters will see Harris and decide to not vote or throw in the towel, for whatever reason.

Meaning the Dems still aren't putting out their best candidate and they know it but they'd like to convince voters that it's just a small hiccup and everything will be fine.


Well-Known Member
New CBS polling has Kamala with a 62-37 lead on Trump among young voters. TikTok is going nuts for her. MAGA is talking nuts on Twitter as usual. You'd be surprised how much debates influence some no-nothing voters, like some young voters. When she fact-checks his lies and talks about his indictments, those video memes will be everywhere until the election. Perhaps it won't change any minds, but it will get some more engaged so they even go out and vote, which they might not otherwise have. Some of their attitudes are, sure I want her over Trump but I don't really give a shit. Not gonna wait on a line to vote. Remember, 18 year olds were 15 in 2020. They were 11 when he became Pres. in 2016. They hardly know anything about him or the government or foreign issues. It all about appearances for them. And that's what debates are all about.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
New CBS polling has Kamala with a 62-37 lead on Trump among young voters. TikTok is going nuts for her. MAGA is talking nuts on Twitter as usual. You'd be surprised how much debates influence some no-nothing voters, like some young voters. When she fact-checks his lies and talks about his indictments, those video memes will be everywhere until the election. Perhaps it won't change any minds, but it will get some more engaged so they even go out and vote, which they might not otherwise have. Some of their attitudes are, sure I want her over Trump but I don't really give a shit. Not gonna wait on a line to vote. Remember, 18 year olds were 15 in 2020. They were 11 when he became Pres. in 2016. They hardly know anything about him or the government or foreign issues. It all about appearances for them. And that's what debates are all about.
That is true. So maybe that means the social media endorsement posts will have a positive impact in favor of Harris.

But I'm getting hints of 2016 by a lot of the Dems. That having Harris over Biden makes this thing a sure-fire thing. Like they did with Hillary, who was also supposed to be a slam-dunk win due to her qualifications. Harris is no Hillary, though, at least not on paper. Hillary was known worldwide and for a long time. depp-rooted.

Harris does have being black going for her, though. If the "black woman President" memes do their job on social media, it could swing a ton of young votes her way.

FiveThirtyEight says Newsom would be her VP. It hasn't been confirmed publicly who her VP will be, right?


Well-Known Member
Could be Newsom or I think Shapiro. No way should it be another woman. Yeah, no way will this be a sure win. Those Republican swing states have had 4 years to redistrict their states, prevent black voters from voting, make laws to disqualify as many mail-in ballots coming from Dem districts as they can. I think Republicans have totally locked down Georgia now. And Trump's Postmaster General is still in office ready to sabotage (lose/hold up) votes nationally. But this is the first Presidential election that has Roe on the ballot. That's going to bring out every Dem woman. At the same time, the left is not happy with Biden Admin's support of Israel, and Jews are not happy with his criticism. Kamala will inherit some of that negativity from both sides. I don't really see her being good on foreign policy issues. She'll probably let the usual Dem experts guide her, and they're totally mediocre. But, all in all, million times better than Trump, who is visibly aging lately. He already mixes up names. He'll be in Biden's shape by next year, and if he wins, the fascists who come along with him will set the policy.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Could be Newsom or I think Shapiro. No way should it be another woman. Yeah, no way will this be a sure win. Those Republican swing states have had 4 years to redistrict their states, prevent black voters from voting, make laws to disqualify as many mail-in ballots coming from Dem districts as they can. I think Republicans have totally locked down Georgia now. And Trump's Postmaster General is still in office ready to sabotage (lose/hold up) votes nationally. But this is the first Presidential election that has Roe on the ballot. That's going to bring out every Dem woman. At the same time, the left is not happy with Biden Admin's support of Israel, and Jews are not happy with his criticism. Kamala will inherit some of that negativity from both sides. I don't really see her being good on foreign policy issues. She'll probably let the usual Dem experts guide her, and they're totally mediocre. But, all in all, million times better than Trump, who is visibly aging lately. He already mixes up names. He'll be in Biden's shape by next year, and if he wins, the fascists who come along with him will set the policy.
I looked it up earlier, I think the odds are showing Shapiro as the most likely. I don't know much about him.

That same list had Nick Saban all the way at the bottom of the list of odds, which was kinda funny.
I keep seeing Walz's name in the mix. I remember him a few years ago on live C19 address in MN, trying to be straight and telling us folks that - since the federal gov. is worthless, his admin. went directly to China for masks and at the last minute the Chinese admin. "prevented the shipment". - Ok. But Walz endorsed the demented guy until the very end. And the crazy lady Flanagan doesn't need to take over as the Gov'na of MN. Other than that, Kanye is the Dem's best bet. Killary is still watching from behind the curtain.
TS's vinyls will be one of the last things left from our civilization. "We believe she was one of their main gods. And we believe this track, "Woman's World," was used as torture for her followers in their Coliseums."
Swifties declare Armageddon on Vance over "childless cat lady" comment. lol

I'm with Swifties on this one. I don't have cats but as a crazy lady I'm offended.

Why he gotta bring cats into this yall?

We should have two prezidents and two veep. The prezidents can live-debate bi-monthly and have Hulk Hogan mediate it. That would make America a little better. I hope.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
We had put off doing my mom's final rituals for a while since we were going to do it in India. My dad booked last minute tickets to India so we're going on Monday. My poor sister is gonna travel 30K miles in less than a month lol

We got her ashes yesterday from the funeral home before going to work. Took them around the clinic one last time. Our biller and her very pretty close and so the biller saw her and said some words. It's considered bad to bring the ashes in to the house and they suggest to keep them out the house, or at least in the garage. So my mom's in my car right now in the garage lol. Feels really weird but...whatever.

She won't be placed in the usual ritual spot of Haridwar; we're instead taking her to Bodh Gaya, where Buddha achieved Enlightenment. It's my dad's choice and my sister and I don't have a preference but it's not the typical spot to spread ashes. But it is a spot you can do it.

It's a direct flight, 14 hours. I hate Air India but no other airlines does direct from here. And I can't sleep on planes without jerking my head awake every ten minutes. But whatever, it's for mom, right?
I know how Buddhist rituals can take time. My dad lives in Japan (the last time I checked..) and he wants me to go over there and perform the "after-life insurance" rituals when the time comes. Wants me to make sure I get a "Made in Japan" headstone and not China. lol Visit is grave on anniversaries etc. Silly shit like that. I doubt I'll be able to fulfill his wishes.

When my Japanese grandma was dying, she was communicating to us with a pen and a pad and one of the last things she scribbled was "don't give me a christian burial". Funny shit. Don't worry grandma!!

I want my ashes cooked in a stew and consumed by friends and foes.

Stay hydrated!
The news in the UK today is awful:

Yesterday a 17 year old male arrived by taxi at a Taylor Swift Dance, Yoga and Bracelet making event for 5 to 11 year olds.

Info below - from Sky news:

Two children dead and nine others injured
Two children have died and nine have been injured, police have confirmed.
Chief Constable Serena Kennedy says six of the children are in a critical condition and all those injured have suffered stab wounds.
Two adults are also in a critical condition after being injured, she adds.
She repeats the news we heard earlier that a 17-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
She says he is from the Banks area but was born in Cardiff.
She describes how officers were "shocked" when they arrived at the scene, finding several children had been subjected to a "ferocious attack".

Full report:

Southport stabbings latest: Third child dies as others fight for lives; Taylor Swift posts about attack | UK News | Sky News
Trust nobody. Be prepared to defend your family.

Sadly, as an American in 2024, I'm not shocked at all.

Meanwhile in flyover MPLS

I stay the fuck out of that city if I can. What a shithole! And relatively it's not even that bad!!

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