The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

^i think gilbert wants out. hes a monster in 2k11.

NEW YORK -- With referees whistling technical fouls against players for even the slightest of complaints, the NBA players union issued a strongly worded statement Thursday threatening legal action and saying the changes "may actually harm our product."

"The new unilateral rule changes are an unnecessary and unwarranted overreaction on the league's behalf," NBPA director Billy Hunter said. "We have not seen any increase in the level of 'complaining' to the officials and we believe that players as a whole have demonstrated appropriate behavior toward the officials.

"Worse yet, to the extent the harsher treatment from the referees leads to a stifling of the players' passion and exuberance for their work, we fear these changes may actually harm our product. The changes were made without proper consultation with the players[..]ociation, and we intend to file an appropriate legal challenge," he said.

The NBA did not immediately comment on Hunter's statement.

In an effort to curb the amount of complaining about calls, NBA referees have been instructed to whistle technical fouls against players who made demonstrative gestures, who continue complaining after being warned to stop or who approach the officials in an aggressive manner. The NBA has also warned[..]istant coaches to stay seated or risk being[..]essed a technical foul.

Through the first 59 games of the preseason, there have been 69 technical fouls called against players and coaches for violations other than defensive three-second violations. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, on Oct. 14, 2009, there had been 51 technical fouls called through the first 62 preseason games.

But the pace of technical fouls being called has picked up noticeably in recent days, with 23 techs being called in nine games Tuesday night and 13 being called in seven games Wednesday.

Boston's Kevin Garnett was ejected from Wednesday night's Celtics-Knicks game, drawing two technical fouls for complaining about a technical foul called against teammate Jermaine O'Neal. In the same game, Knicks center Timofey Mozgov was given a technical foul for mumbling in Russian as he walked past one of the referees.

And while Hunter's statement said players are opposed to the changes, at least one player disagrees.

"It may take a while to get adjusted, any time something that severe is changed. You're used to playing a certain way, you're used to certain reactions. It may take a while for guys to get used to it, but we'll adjust. Again, it's for the betterment of the NBA, it's the betterment of teams and players, so we have to adjust," Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire said before being asked if he believes the tighter technical foul rules make for a better product. "Absolutely. It makes it a clean game, a fun game. You let the officials do their jobs, and we do ours."

Here was Boston coach Doc Rivers' take: "It is what it is. You've just got to live with it. What can you do? Listen, I do think as a league it's about all of us. It's not just the officials and the players and the coaches. We've got to keep trying to make this a better product. And so people smarter than me have decided this is what we need to do, so we need to do it and we need to adhere to it. I don't think it's that hard.

"I think it'll come to it eventually not being a knee-jerk thing. I think officials will have a better feel on it," Rivers said. "We're going to figure it out, it's just gonna take some time. When you talk to the officials, they don't get it yet. They're trying to figure it out, and it'll get figured out by game one."

lesidekick looks focussed


Well-Known Member
I think the approaching the ref aggresively calls for a more stict rule but the assistant coaches having to remain seated? Huh? I would like to see players that are cry babies *coughkgcough* get nailed but slight complaining or mumbling in Russian is a bit over the top.

:D Can't wait for the season to start!


New York's Ambassador
But if you're KG, and you're arguably the most distinguished player of your generation, don't you deserve a little room to argue? Players flipping out is a part of the game. There's a very fine line between tech-worthy behavior and run-of-the-mill bitching. It's fun to pick which is which. This new approach makes everything thoroughly boring.


Well-Known Member
No I don't think that justifies being a massive bitch. I don't mind the passion but lets make it short and get on with the game. I think I have this view because that's how I play, if an umpire is being an asshole on a few calls I don't even say a word I just get on with it. Obviously the stakes are a squillion times higher in the NBA but yeah, I don't like watching grown men cry at a bad call.
^^Looks like this season will have even more calls that give NBA fans an abundance of 'WTF? moments'.

Was I the only one that was surprised to read this? No surprise Sasha Vujacic marrying Maria Sharapova - Page 2 - ESPN I didn't know he had it in him.

Yak, is NBA 2k11 all that its hyped up to be??
lol fuck sasha. i didnt even know he liked girls.

2k11 is dope. the michael jordan challenges are fun to do. i havent done my player yet but my friends told me they noticeably improved it from last year. the only glitch ive witnessed so far was michael jordan dunkin thru the backboard lol but thats cool since its mj.

So are we having a Streethop NBA fantasy league this season?
im down.


Staff member
The new rules as far as officiating are a joke. This is not an elementary school. It's the premier basketball league in the world. You have the right as a player to voice a little bit of displeasure with the fucking officiating.

And what's with assistants not able to voice any concern? That was a walk, though. It was pretty obvious.


Well-Known Member
Thank goodness the NBA season is back.

Rome wasn't built in a day - Lebron James

I'll admit I found it really funny how the green monster fans were chanting 'over-rated!'. I know (insert all points defending the Heat) but really, if they won everyone would be talking about how this team is going to steamroll the NBA.

Lakers looked good in their first game. Shanwow seems to have worked on his three point shooting during the off season.


Staff member
^But Houston looked better. I was a Kings fan for a long time so I've grown accustomed to the style in which Rick Adelman's teams lose to the Lakers. They play better for 3 and 1/2 quarters then all of a sudden, they just completely dismantle as if they've never touched a basketball. It's incredible. Psychologists should study that shit. I like that the Rockets were pushing the ball to Scola in the ending minutes but it just got too predictable and too...static. He's a beast, no doubt, and anyone watching Argentina can attest to that. But let's get some ball movement, some better plays, hope for an open look. That last play after the rightfully-overturned call was badly drawn up. You don't have a barely 6-ft guard who's not going to dunk it try to take it in, especially cause that would just tie the game. The Lakers got into a nice rhtym and they would have destroyed the Rockets in overtime. I'd rather have Brooks shoot a 3pt than do what he did.


Well-Known Member
Damn shame the Streethop NBA fantasy league didn't work out. I really thought we'd have more people interested. NBA is the biggest sports thread after the football/soccer one(s). Even more bizarre is that the Streethop football fantasy league only has about 5 people playing in it, including myself.

Anyway, for those of you that are interested in winning a championship ring Ron Artest's Win My Bling Raffle.

A triple dose on off the court happenings. I like this story mostly coz of that "We ain't coming back to L.A" comment in the finals last year.

WALTHAM, Mass. -- Paul Pierce was out to lunch at Johnny Rockets in his native Los Angeles this past summer when he noticed a young man come in, buy a burger, and do a double-take when he spotted the Celtics star. Instead of approaching Pierce, the teenager quickly dashed out of the restaurant. Pierce wasn't sure why the kid was in such a hurry -- until he returned about 10 minutes later. "He came back with the biggest Lakers flag I've ever seen," Pierce said. "Asked me to sign it. I snatched that thing from him and threw it [across the room]."
We all like a good fight, at least if we could see it happen. I personally think Delonte West is a shady character...

BOSTON -- Celtics coach Doc Rivers confirmed a locker room fight occurred between reserve guards Delonte West and Von Wafer following Friday's morning shootaround, but didn't care to elaborate much on the topic. "There was a fight and that's all you need to know," Rivers said. "I'm going to leave it alone. Obviously, I'm not real thrilled that it happened, but we'll handle it." The two players were guarding each other in a game of three-on-three when West repeatedly fouled Wafer, according to a report on, which first reported the incident. Wafer headed to the locker room in the team's practice facility in Waltham, but was later followed by West, who threw the first punch and the two wrestled, according to the website.
Am I the only one expecting this deal to go really bad really soon?

NEW YORK -- A couple of minutes before 2 p.m. ET Friday, Allen Iverson walked into a Manhattan hotel ballroom, signed on the dotted line and agreed to play for a team halfway around the world. "The Answer" is headed to Turkey, after agreeing to a two-year, $4 million contract to play for Besiktas in the Turkish Basketball League. "Honestly, I don't think my basketball talents had anything to do with the reason I'm not on an NBA roster right now," Iverson said. "I think it has a lot to do with a lot of other things. A lot of negative things that maybe I could have -- well, I [definitely] could have had a better grip on. A lot of me not being in the NBA, on an NBA roster, is my fault. But I can't cry over that; I have to move forward.
Rondo dished out 24 assists in a triple double vs. the Knicks last night. Awesome performance.


Staff member
^Why are you expecting the Iverson deal to go bad?

Anyway, I just wanna give a quick shout out..

fuck the lakers and their easy upcoming 30-game schedule.

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