The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

There are reports of infighting in the Cleveland Cavaliers organization in the wake of their disappointing loss to Orlando in the Eastern Conference. And the consensus around the league is that Mike Brown was badly out-coached by Stan Van Gundy in the series. It's a tough and unfair job; you are Coach of the Year after winning 66 regular season games. Plus you go 8-0 to start the playoffs and yet maybe you're not the right guy for the job.

How does Brown's job status impact the Knicks? If Cavs owner Dan Gilbert were to decide to make a big, bold coaching move, that would certainly enhance the club's chances of re-signing LeBron James.

And this is where things could get interesting. Gilbert's first call could be to Pat Riley, who knows a thing or two about coaching superstars and winning championships. He also won just 15 games in his final season with the Miami Heat.

Does Pat Riley really want to end his coaching career with a 15-win team? Yes, Riley is already a Hall of Fame coach, but guiding LeBron to his first title would cap off a brilliant career.

Knicks Knation - NY Daily News
i agree, they need a coach change. they had one play.. give the ball to bron

A rumor surfaced this month that the Wizards called the Spurs with an offer for him, and maybe all of this made Ginobili wonder if the ground had shifted. Asked by the Argentine press this week whether he thought he could be traded, he said “impossible” had lost a few letters.

“Today I believe there is a chance it could happen,” he said.

There's always a chance. Popovich said that. “People get in trouble when they say never,” Popovich said Wednesday.

If somebody makes what Popovich calls “a stupid offer,” then who knows?

“But Manu Ginobili is someone I cannot envision trading,” Popovich continued. “He has been such a huge part of our heart and soul; people like that are hard to come by. You don't even think about trading somebody like that. I can't imagine a scenario where he would be traded.”

As Popovich put it, “He fits us.” He closes games as few can, and a moment in the Spike Lee documentary, “Kobe Doin' Work,” underlines that. Then, the Lakers are about to play the Spurs, and the camera focuses on Ginobili, who was unable to play that night because of an injury.

“That's a bad boy, right there,” Bryant said in the film. “I have so much respect for his game.”
weak draft, wouldnt do it
Don't trade Manu. That dude's the best player on the team (when he's healthy), but he's one of the most injury-prone players. Spurs should see what they will get if they trade Manu and try to milk the other team of talent as much as they can lol.

Bryant's endurance and fourth-quarter production will be one of the major storylines Thursday night when the Magic tries to tie the series at 2. He has played at least 40 minutes in eight out of the last nine games - averaging 42 minutes a night, with those nine games being played over the last 22 days. Overall, he has hit the 40-minute mark in 15 of the Lakers' 21 playoff games.

"As far as me hitting the wall, so what if I did?" Bryant said yesterday after practice. "I didn't, but so what if I did? It means nothing."

Why's that?

"Because," he said, "I'll run straight through it."
hahahaha, i just laughed when i read that.
LOL kobe didnt get tired, it was just a mental thang

yea i love manu and his passion for the game but lets be real, the way hes playin is takin a tol on his body and he went be able to what he used to do. i wouldnt mind tradin him for a younger athletic version of manu but this draft is mad weak.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty sad about the Cav's coach.. Had a great season, playoff's weren't THAT bad they didnt make the Finals but sometimes you need to stick with it, I'm sure he learnt alot from it. Phil Jackson had early problems with the Finals and that was with Jordan. Gotta show some loyalty.

Think the Lakers and especially Kobe is gonna go crazy tonight, I'd say Lakers win this one.


Well-Known Member
okay, so my friend is bitching that Gasol was classless for scoring in the end.

I say, you score any chance you get in the finals.

I also say, that dude didn't have any right pushing Gasol...

Regardless, you shouldn't have pushed him, Gasol will go mad next game.

Prepare for Gasol teh Beast!



Well-Known Member
Is that what Pietrus problem was? Gasol scoring? C'mon, that doesnt deserve that kind of foul. If anything Orlando were still defending so offence is still on right?

Classic moments in game 4:

1) Howard grabs Kobe and when Howard talks smack , Kobe tells Howard: "shut the f!@k up and play" x 2

2) Derek Fisher's 3 pointer to tie the game. That was awesome.

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