The Massacre Growing on any1?


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OxyContin said:
I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. This album isn't fresh. It's the same recycled formula that the Monkeys have been using ever since "GRODT" came out. I can honestly say that "The Documentary" shits all over "The Massacre". I guess 50 Cent should have kept those beats instead of giving them to the
How can you say that when 50 used the same formula 4 the games the documentary?:rolleyes:
IMO GRODT wasn't a classic album, nor was it great, but it was a VERY good album cuz you could listen to it from start to finish, but The Massacre isn't like that. Had this been 50's first release, it would've been a good start to his career, however, I don't think he'll make an album like GRODT ever again because he's too much into his paper now. He's not gonna make some shit like Many Men again
Album sucks, 2 good songs on the album

Im Supposed To Die Tonight
Piggy Bank <<----- As a diss song it sucks, but as a normal song its preety good


Well-Known Member
::Remembers when emcees cared about what they said on their records::
Some of the beats are nice, a lot of them are listenable, but being a fan of the emcee I completely think this album was no good and still is no good. But since you combine the lyrics with the beats to make music, i feel dumb for sayin that, the album is decent. Nothin special at all though, not even a little bit, any artists out their right now could of made this album. You think your career would start to fall a little bit when not even your production can really hold the album, but i guess not in 50's case.

Is it wrong to like the Massacre? Is it stupid to admit that you are actually feeling those beats? Who should you give more credit 50 cent for writing catchy hooks( thats his job) or his producers for making bangin beats? Is it wrong to like something that is so catchy it stays in your head all day?


Active Member
Still not feeling it, album is weak as hell, to many "I'm trying soooo hard to be a gangsta, so I wanna show everybody how much money I have and how many bitches I fuck" going on on that shit. His flow is off at times and the production is far from what I expected.


SicC's Love
I wasn't too sure about it the 1st time i listened to it, but now i like almost every track on it, my fav is just a liitle bit and bitch get in my car (not sure if thats the proper title)

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