Suge Pulled a Tupac and shot himself?

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Rukas said:
Pac didnt shoot himself in the nuts, unless Im mistaken, all the shots were fired from the same gun. So unless Pac also shot himself in the head then no, he didnt shoot himself in the nuts.
it has also been said that his head wound was a pistol whip not a bullet.

maybe he drew down shot himself in nuts, attackers took his guns and shot him again?

anyway, for some reason I have always felt like he shot himself.
Hankaveli said:
maybe I am just to tired, but I am haveing a hard time with what exactly it is you r trying to say.

I did not think anyone was arested?

well the cops are saying it is possible so they must know something we don't or whatever.

just saying cops pullin shit out there ass cus suge didn't shoot himself they obviously checked for gun residue on his hands since he's a felon.they have no witnesses so there stuck making up shit till someone disputes it.but goodnight and sweet dreams lol
LAZARU$ said:
just saying cops pullin shit out there ass cus suge didn't shoot himself they obviously checked for gun residue on his hands since he's a felon.they have no witnesses so there stuck making up shit till someone disputes it.but goodnight and sweet dreams lol
Good point about poweder burns.

and Fuck the Police!

Thanks I hope I have some good dreams, laying off the weed has caused me to have some crazy ass ones



Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Hankaveli said:
it has also been said that his head wound was a pistol whip not a bullet.

maybe he drew down shot himself in nuts, attackers took his guns and shot him again?

anyway, for some reason I have always felt like he shot himself.

Well, its also been said that he wasnt shot at all and that he made it up. Haters love to say things. I could make a post on some message board and say Mickey Mouse had Tupac shot, and then you could come on here and say "well it's been said that Mickey Mouse had Tupac shot."

Hospital and police reports show that he was shot in the head, leg and groin, with the same gun.

I look at evidence, not what was said.


New Member
On Suge they got witnesses saying a dude in a black hoodie fired six shots at him, nobody have said anything about him shooting himself. It's all speculation!

As far as Pac goes people came to rob him and he reached for his gun and got shot 5 times, whether he accidentally shot himself or not, we will never know!
As for the article, lol, i stopped reading it after the first paragraph when the only options were new rap war or shot himself :rolleyes:

as for when Pac got robbed, he was shot before he had the chance to take out his gun.....

his head wound pistol whip? he had a bullet go straight through his brain for gods sake

Pac didn't get a shot off at Quad Studios let alone shoot himself, for him to get a shot off, he would of had to of pull his gun before he even noticed Stretch and the other guy not pulling and hitting the floor, by the time he noticed that it was too late...

Like Rukas said, facts
Hankaveli said:
Tupac was human he made many mistakes and had faults, don't assume that he was perfect.
Funny how alot of people will only say that about Pac and no other artist.

As for Suge, I saw footage of him on Jimmy Kimmel being loaded into the ambulance - Suge was on a stretcher talkin on his cell phone, shit was funny as hell.
So far all I know is from what Lil Cease said on Hot97. Even though he was young when Pac was shot, he saw what went down according to him.

Cease said that during the robbery, Pac tried to pull out his gun quickly out of his pocket, but in the midst of doing that he had shot himself in the nuts. When the gunman saw what happened, this is when they got shook and started to fire Pac. This is according to Lil Cease. If you have the "Chronicles Of Junior Mafia" DVD maybe you'd understand what he's saying. I've personally never seen the DVD, so someone with the DVD can clear it up.

Someone also clear this up. Was 2pac grazed in the head? I heard he was only grazed by the bullet, but now I'm hearing he was pistol whipped and had a bullet go through his head? Which one is it?

And also how is it that the bullets are from the same gun IF CEASE'S STORY IS VALID. Clear this up also. Or could Cease be telling a lie because a caller called up to the station that day and asked why he didn't say anything when Pac was alive and Cease paused for a long time before answering so his story imo is not even straight.
Hankaveli said:
yeah no shit, don't mean he would tell everyone.

Imagin all the shit he would have got if he came out and openly said "I shot myself in the nuts".

Like I said he was not suposed to be packing so he made up a story and ran with it.

Tupac was human he made many mistakes and had faults, don't assume that he was perfect.
fuck you he is perfect! Dont lie you liar, lol!
Hankaveli said:
Many people believe that in 1994 at the quad studio shooting Tupac shot himself in the Nuts drawing for his guns.

I myself believe this to be the case, he was not suposed to have guns on him so his hommies got rid of them and he blamed it on the attackers.

Lowering the IQ of the board anyone?
I will come back to this topic later with reports of people that said Tupac Shot himself,

In "holla if ya hear me" Micheal Eric Dyson, says that a friend that wished to remain anynoms said he shot himself.

no one fucking knows for sure, many mysterys in the life and times of Tupac.
Rukas said:
Well, its also been said that he wasnt shot at all and that he made it up. Haters love to say things. I could make a post on some message board and say Mickey Mouse had Tupac shot, and then you could come on here and say "well it's been said that Mickey Mouse had Tupac shot."

Hospital and police reports show that he was shot in the head, leg and groin, with the same gun.

I look at evidence, not what was said.

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