Stat Quo - Statlanta Tracklisting

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Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
Yeah, because I mean, other Eminem produced tracks such as:

Lose Yourself
We As Americans
Like Toy Soldiers
We All Die One Day
Average Man
Till I Collapse
One Day At A Time
Git Up
6 In the Morning

Those are just all horrible beats that completely suck. I mean, people who suck win awards for producing beats all the time.

I swear man, people don't like a few beats the dude does for 2pac, and suddenly every beat before that that he did that was fucking banging is null and void.

Some of the smartest people in this board turn into complete imbeciles when Eminem is mentioned.
You're back. How shitty.
Just because you're such a big Eminem fanboy and love everything he does, does not mean everyone else does. (He look, I'm making assumptions about you, just like you assume I dislike Eminem's production only cause of Pac's album)
Yes he has made some okay beats but overall he is an average producer at best. Do I want an average producer on an album? No. I think his best beats are okay (listenable) at best and his worst beats are very bad. So unless he suddenly becomes a far better producer, I can expect beats by him ranging from shitty to okay. YES!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY EMINEM IS PRODUCING.
Eminem's beat on The Game's album was okay, his beats on The Massacre sucked (Gatman & Robbin' is one of the worst beats I've heard this year). Those are recent beats so I don't expect him to suddenly pull an amazing beat out of his ass.
I don't have shit against Eminem. Even after the racist tapes I didn't lose respect or whatever for him (and I'm black) so I'm not talking shit about Eminem cause I dislike him, I'm saying I don't want him to produce cause he's an average producer at best. Anyone who thinks he's even in the top 50 of producers is either a dickrider or has hearing disabilities. And he's producing five beats. With a "hit"-or-miss producer the odds don't look good when it's five beats.

"I mean, people who suck win awards for producing beats all the time."

Give me a fucking break.
By your logic, Britney Spears is an amazing artist. I mean, people who suck at singing don't win awards for singing right? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit man.
Chronic said:
You're back. How shitty.
Just because you're such a big Eminem fanboy and love everything he does, does not mean everyone else does. (He look, I'm making assumptions about you, just like you assume I dislike Eminem's production only cause of Pac's album)
Yes he has made some okay beats but overall he is an average producer at best.
Do I want an average producer on an album? No. I think his best beats are okay (listenable) at best and his worst beats are very bad. So unless he suddenly becomes a far better producer, I can expect beats by him ranging from shitty to okay. YES!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY EMINEM IS PRODUCING.
Eminem's beat on The Game's album was okay, his beats on The Massacre sucked (Gatman & Robbin' is one of the worst beats I've heard this year). Those are recent beats so I don't expect him to suddenly pull an amazing beat out of his ass.
I don't have shit against Eminem. Even after the racist tapes I didn't lose respect or whatever for him (and I'm black) so I'm not talking shit about Eminem cause I dislike him, I'm saying I don't want him to produce cause he's an average producer at best. Anyone who thinks he's even in the top 50 of producers is either a dickrider or has hearing disabilities. And he's producing five beats. With a "hit"-or-miss producer the odds don't look good when it's five beats.

"I mean, people who suck win awards for producing beats all the time."

Give me a fucking break.
By your logic, Britney Spears is an amazing artist. I mean, people who suck at singing don't win awards for singing right? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit man.
:eek: but i will co-sign the bolded. :thumb:
LOL, my bad, I shouldv'e known the dickryder would'nt say that! :):thumb:
Again, a dickryder can't admit his favorite artist has faults. Eminem has done A LOT of stuff I haven't liked. I just don't talk about the bad often and focus on the good.

Also, it was obvious by the rest of the context I typed after the list of songs I listed that I was joking.
You're back. How shitty.
Well, as long as that's your opinion, I will stick around.

Just because you're such a big Eminem fanboy and love everything he does, does not mean everyone else does.
Well, again I don't love everything he does. As a matter of fact, when Eminem first came out I fucking despised him. But, if you didn't exaggerate you wouldnd't actually have a way to tease me, so...

(He look, I'm making assumptions about you, just like you assume I dislike Eminem's production only cause of Pac's album)
I assumed nothing, I shall quote you from your post:

Production looks good, besides the fact that Eminem produced 5 tracks.
So...what else are people suppose to take that as? Your declaration of admiration for Eminem? :rolleyes:

"besides the fact that Eminem produced 5 tracks".

The words "beside the fact" insinuate that you're not happy with him producing tracks for the guy.

Yes he has made some okay beats but overall he is an average producer at best.
"Okay beats"? "Average" at best? YOu're fucking hilarious dogg.

The beats I mentione alone are off the fucking hook. The entire "Cheers" album and TES are full of some of the baddest ass beats you're ever gonna find, period. "We Ain't" has one of the best beats on Game's CD. Granted LTTG wasn't that great beat wise, but that's hardly representative of Em as a producer. Even though some of the lyrics on Encore aren't up to snuff, most of the beats are banging.

Do I want an average producer on an album? No.
I agree with you, but Eminem is not an average producer, in my book.

I think his best beats are okay (listenable) at best and his worst beats are very bad.
I'm interested to know what his "best beats" are in your eyes.

So unless he suddenly becomes a far better producer, I can expect beats by him ranging from shitty to okay.
Well, it is true that that is only your opinion, correct? So, it is correct to say that Em's production skills lie in the ear of the listener, correct?

Eminem's beat on The Game's album was okay was one of the best three beats on the entire album, only behind "How We Do".

, his beats on The Massacre sucked (Gatman & Robbin' is one of the worst beats I've heard this year).
Don't know, haven't heard it, so I can't comment.

Even after the racist tapes I didn't lose respect or whatever for him (and I'm black)
The racist tapes are irrelevent anymore. Nobody bought into Benzino's bullshit.

Anyone who thinks he's even in the top 50 of producers is either a dickrider or has hearing disabilities.
When you've only been producing a few years, I don't know how ANYONE could call you one of the Top 50 producers. The only one that started bringing rank into this is you. All I said was he's a good producer.

And, Em IS one of the best producers in the game RIGHT NOW.

"I mean, people who suck win awards for producing beats all the time."

Give me a fucking break.
By your logic, Britney Spears is an amazing artist. I mean, people who suck at singing don't win awards for singing right? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit man.
So, Lose Yourself was terrible?


Well-Known Member
Wow, just wow.

jason_g_718 said:
Well, again I don't love everything he does. As a matter of fact, when Eminem first came out I fucking despised him. But, if you didn't exaggerate you wouldnd't actually have a way to tease me, so...
It's not teasing. I sincerely dislike you. If you stop being an idiot and actually took the fact that SO MANY people on this board think your opinion is wack into consideration, I probably wouldn't (not that it matters). If I got opposition to everything I said I know I'd be very sketchy about my own opinion. Any way...

jason_g_718 said:
I assumed nothing
Learn to read.

Chronic said:
He look, I'm making assumptions about you, just like you assume I dislike Eminem's production only cause of Pac's album
Did you completely skip the part in bold?

jason_g_718 said:
I swear man, people don't like a few beats the dude does for 2pac, and suddenly every beat before that that he did that was fucking banging is null and void."
Wow you're right, you're not assuming anything!!!!

jason_g_718 said:
So...what else are people suppose to take that as? Your declaration of admiration for Eminem? :rolleyes:

"besides the fact that Eminem produced 5 tracks".

The words "beside the fact" insinuate that you're not happy with him producing tracks for the guy.
Well no shit Einstein. What else could I mean by that? That I want to take Eminem out for ice cream and a movie?
When did I claim that I wasn't disatisfied with eminem producing 5 tracks? Never, so what the fuck are you even talking about? It's obvious that you really did skip the part in bold.

jason_g_718 said:
The beats I mentione alone are off the fucking hook. The entire "Cheers" album and TES are full of some of the baddest ass beats you're ever gonna find, period.
Okay :thumb:

jason_g_718 said:
Well, it is true that that is only your opinion, correct? So, it is correct to say that Em's production skills lie in the ear of the listener, correct?
You can rate beats based on certain critiques so no. One critique for instance is drums. Eminem's drums are weak as fuck.

jason_g_718 said: was one of the best three beats on the entire album, only behind "How We Do".
jason_g_718 said:
"We Ain't" has one of the best beats on Game's CD.
jason_g_718 said:
I agree with you, but Eminem is not an average producer, in my book.
jason_g_718 said:
And, Em IS one of the best producers in the game RIGHT NOW.
Thanks for your opinion.

jason_g_718 said:
The racist tapes are irrelevent anymore. Nobody bought into Benzino's bullshit.
I repeat, learn to read. Why did I mention the racist tapes? Because you implied that my opinion was biased.
jason_g_718 said:
Some of the smartest people in this board turn into complete imbeciles when Eminem is mentioned.
(Before you start again with your bullshit, I'm not saying I'm one of the smartest people on this board, that post was directed at me so I assume you're talking to me.) So I say that even with the racist tapes my opinion on Eminem isn't biased. Is that hard to understand? Why say that those racist tapes are irrelevent? They're not, I used them as an example to prove a point. THIS
jason_g_718 said:
Nobody bought into Benzino's bullshit.
is irrelevent.
Or were you not implying that I was being biased? If not, what did you mean by that then?

jason_g_718 said:
So, Lose Yourself was terrible?
I repeat, learn to read.
How did you manage to pull this out of your ass?

jason_g_718 said:
I mean, people who suck win awards for producing beats all the time.
You're saying that him winning an award proves he's not a bad producer.

Chronic said:
By your logic, Britney Spears is an amazing artist. I mean, people who suck at singing don't win awards for singing right? Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit man.
I use Britney Spears as an example to show that winning awards does not prove talent.
So when did I say Lose Yourself was terrible?

jason_g_718 said:
When you've only been producing a few years, I don't know how ANYONE could call you one of the Top 50 producers
Why not? Eminem has been producing for over 5 years (way longer than that but I'll say 5 for the sake of discussion), is that not long enough? How long does it have to be? 6 years? 6 years and 1 week?

jason_g_718 said:
The only one that started bringing rank into this is you.
Granted. I brought it up because I've seen people on this board claim Eminem was a top 10 producer.

Congratulations on proving yet again that you're a complete retard. And please, don't stay on behalf of annoying me. That would be quite useless considering there's an ignore button.

EDIT: You offered nothing but your subjective opinion. While I did the same, I did it because you came at me. I did it to explain why I don't want him producing tracks.

A summary of our discussion

Me: Too bad Eminem is producing
You: Your opinion is wrong. You're only saying you don't like Eminem's beats because you disliked his beats on 2Pac's album
Me: Eminem doesn't make good beats, that's why I don't like a lot of them.
You: Eminem does make good beats + replying to things that weren't there + misunderstanding a lot of things

Great :thumb:


Well-Known Member
Maybe the reason that you can't understand very simple things is that my English is not good enough. You'll have to forgive me, English is my second language :)
Ayo Chronic misschien moet je die shit maar laten hangen mofo zal het nooit leren..ay ik heb het geprobeerd is een groot verschil tussen jou en mij..dus eigenlijk moet je het toch maar proberen misschien dat jij tot hem door kan dringen 1 ding is cker die man is nog koppiger dan ik... :D


Well-Known Member
Ik zou het ook moeten laten, mn hoofd gaat nog eens ontploffen door zn fucking domheid, maar ik kan niet weerstaan. Hij is gewoon zon grote idioot dat ik wel moet discussieren.
Jij bent meer raar lol, hij is gewoon fucking dom.
Yuh raar maar shit meestal lees ik mn posts niet terug dat had je al opgemerkt ^...Dus uhmz daarom lijkt het alsof ik raar ben..en ik ben een heel klein beetje raar....Maar fuck...
Ik wil net reageren op een andere post van hem...In een andere thread ookal weet ik dat ie mij negeerd ziek dit in zijn sig:

Literally, the STUPIDEST QUOTE EVER on 2pacboard:
One MC On DJ:puffy wouldn't fuck up pac's album up as bad as Em did I think..

Ik denk wtf? Maar cool ik weet wat je bedoelt daarom reageerde ik ook steeds op zijn posts en nu denken mensen dat ik de hele tijd achter hem aan zat ( no homo)...

Oh 1 note hij neemt je mening alleen maar aan als je macht hebt anders niet...^
It's not teasing. I sincerely dislike you.
To quote you, "wow, just wow". It's sad that you can actually dislike someone you don't know. Actually, it's fucking pathetic.

If you stop being an idiot and actually took the fact that SO MANY people on this board think your opinion is wack into consideration, I probably wouldn't (not that it matters). If I got opposition to everything I said I know I'd be very sketchy about my own opinion. Any way...
Nobody on this board as EVER been able to tell me why I should care what people here think of me. People I don't even know. For real dogg, why?

Learn to read.
Learn to communicate beter.

Wow you're right, you're not assuming anything!!!!

Well no shit Einstein. What else could I mean by that?
Exactly the point I was getting at jackass.

That I want to take Eminem out for ice cream and a movie?
You could, but 50 might get jealous.

You can rate beats based on certain critiques so no. One critique for instance is drums. Eminem's drums are weak as fuck.
I don't focus on one aspect of a fuckin' beat, I look at the entire thing. Eminem's are fine for the most part.

Thanks for your opinion.
No need to say something you don't mean. You couldn't give 2 fucks about my opinion, so don't be fake and act as if you do.

I repeat, learn to read. Why did I mention the racist tapes? Because you implied that my opinion was biased.
Based on his work for 2pac, not the racist tapes. Take your own advice, learn to read.

(Before you start again with your bullshit, I'm not saying I'm one of the smartest people on this board, that post was directed at me so I assume you're talking to me.)
I'm talking about ANYONE on this board that thinks they're smarter than most others, which you come off as being.

So I say that even with the racist tapes my opinion on Eminem isn't biased.
Which is still irrelevant.

Is that hard to understand? Why say that those racist tapes are irrelevent? They're not, I used them as an example to prove a point. THIS is irrelevent.
To prove what point? A point that you created that before wasn't even mentioned? Nobody ever said you were biased against him for the tapes, man.

How did you manage to pull this out of your ass?
I was looking for your head.

You're saying that him winning an award proves he's not a bad producer.
Yeah. And you can use your support that people win awards all the time that shouldn't get it. So...does that mean all awards anymore are irrelevant?

Why not? Eminem has been producing for over 5 years (way longer than that but I'll say 5 for the sake of discussion), is that not long enough? How long does it have to be? 6 years? 6 years and 1 week?
You know, for once, I'm not "riding Em's dick" and now your'e trying to get me to. When I tout him, you tell me I'm a dickryder. When I hold credit from him, you ask me why.

I don't give a fuck who you are, if you haven't been doing something MAINSTREAM for a decade, you can't be considered one of the greatest. Eminem has not been producing mainstream for more than 5 years.

You: Your opinion is wrong.
Show me where I said the words "your opinion is wrong". I've come on here 100s of times and said NOBODYS opinion is more right or wrong on here than someone else's. So you just put your foot in your mouth.

But, I do want to thank you for actually admitting you dislike me, someone you don't even know, because that makes me know how pathetic you actually are.



Well-Known Member
I don't want to bother replying to you anymore because of things like this:

Me: You can rate beats based on certain critiques so no. One critique for instance is drums. Eminem's drums are weak as fuck.

You: I don't focus on one aspect of a fuckin' beat, I look at the entire thing. Eminem's are fine for the most part.

ONE critique FOR INSTANCE. I was giving ONE example of how you can rate beats. I didn't say ONLY his drums are weak, I just said his drums are weak. So WHERE in my text did you find that I say you should focus on one aspect of a beat and not the entire thing?

"But, I do want to thank you for actually admitting you dislike me, someone you don't even know, because that makes me know how pathetic you actually are."


Welcome back to the board, I'll stay out of your way now.


Shine High 4 Life
I bet 50 is mumbling under his breath like mother fu*ka got more beats from dre and em than I did ... and how could dre and em betray me and let nas produce a track on the album :p :thumb:
QUESTION TO JASON no offense and im not trying to disrespect you or draw you into an argument but wouldnt it be easier for you and every1 if u didnt take criticism against eminem personally ?
ThUg $TyLe said:
It is quite easy to dislike someone you don't know :thumb: people hate 50 Cent, Eminem, but do people know them?
This is where you're wrong. People do know 50 Cent, they don't know Curtis Jackson. People DO know Eminem, they don't know Marshall Mathers.

When someone says "I hate 50", they're not referring to Curtis Jackson, the man 50 is when nobody's looking, the man 50 is when he's just with his friends and family. They hate the MUSICAL ARTIST that they see on TV, in magazines and so forth.

I hope you understand what I mean in this post.
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