

Hulk Hogan
Now, knowing I'm a wrestling fan, did you really think the Hulkster would be left out? I remember the first time I saw wrestling in 1982, I thought it was cool because I saw two guys in the ring beating the hell out of each other with nobody stopping them. Wrestling was ok at that point, but more of something to do when I was bored. That was until Hogan re-entered the WWF in January of 1984 and beat the Iron Sheik for his first WWF Championship. Hulkamania had already been born over year before that in Verne Gagne's AWA, but Vince McMahon gave Hogan the platform to take it national. Hogan, from that point on, created the wrestling that we see today. He is honored, respected and revered in the wrestling industry as the greatest sports-entertainer to ever live. 20 years after he took Hulkamania national, it's still running wild. Thanks for what you did for wrestling Hulk, we are forever grateful
Frank Grimes said:
i kinda feeling sorry for jason,,,,,you know what after viewin your website imma leave you alone and let your own word's speak for u


Ja Rule (aka Ja Fool)
Ja burst onto the rap scene in 1997 in Jay Z's "Can I Get A" video. From the moment I first saw this man, he was CLEARLY trying to be Tupac Shakur. The bandana tied on his head backwards, topless with tattoo's blazing off his chest, the sagging pants and same 2pac gestures, shit, Ja even had Pac's trademark raspy voice. But Ja's problem is that it was all a gimmick. The man later switched and decided he was going to start singing love ballads with J-Lo. When called out by 50 Cent, he decided he was going gangsta again, and the majority of rap fans have lost respect for Ja ever since.


With me being a white rapper, does it really surprise you that this guy is someone I admire? Now, to be honest, when Eminem first came out, I hated him, I'm not going to lie. But, it wasn't until he released his second album, "The Marshall Mather LP", and heard "The Way I Am" that I started liking him. I believe that it was that CD in which Em had started growing up and writing real lyrics. Eminem is another rapper that talks about very important subject matter. He targets inattentive and lazy parents, the US Government, all hypocrites and lifetime bullies. The music he makes is for the underdog, so if you're not an underdog like myself, then you probly don't get his stuff. However, with songs like "We As Americans", "Soldier", "Till I Collapse", "White America" and "Kill You", he proves that he ain't JUST here to make money. Thanks for proving that it is possible to not be black and still be a good rapper, Em.
I noticed that you didn't bother to note the fact that there is about 8 PEOPLE listed on my "Most Admirable People" website. Funny how you left out also that the person who is listed as the person I admire most is my grandfather. Kinda funny how you left information out like that, huh?

Wow, I admire Eminem, you so busted me. I'm just such an immature little kid. Thanks for visiting the site though, hope you didn't forget to check out my raps.
Frank Grimes said:

Hulk Hogan
Now, knowing I'm a wrestling fan, did you really think the Hulkster would be left out? I remember the first time I saw wrestling in 1982, I thought it was cool because I saw two guys in the ring beating the hell out of each other with nobody stopping them. Wrestling was ok at that point, but more of something to do when I was bored. That was until Hogan re-entered the WWF in January of 1984 and beat the Iron Sheik for his first WWF Championship. Hulkamania had already been born over year before that in Verne Gagne's AWA, but Vince McMahon gave Hogan the platform to take it national. Hogan, from that point on, created the wrestling that we see today. He is honored, respected and revered in the wrestling industry as the greatest sports-entertainer to ever live. 20 years after he took Hulkamania national, it's still running wild. Thanks for what you did for wrestling Hulk, we are forever grateful
Your point? See, I do actually have interests and a life outside of this forum.

OR better yet , this line

jason_g_718 said:
I am not racist at all, but if EVER I were going to throw the "N" word at someone, it'd be Shaq

.and btw my short banning and probation was strictly a result of pissing rukas of.
Frank Grimes said:

OR better yet , this line


.and btw my short banning and probation was strictly a result of pissing rukas of.
Is there a problem with that? How sad it is that you have nothing better to do then work at cutting and pasting stuff from my website to this forum to try to what? "Discredit" me? I mean, what's your intention? to show people I have a life and interests outside of this forum?

By the way, such a nice way here of completely going off the original topic. At this point, you're freeposting, just posting shit that has not only nothing to do with Royce or D12, but posting shit that doesn't even have anything to do with rap music.
im actualy at this site atm cause im waiting for my bus sitting in the library, *did that one make me seem like i have a life*
its always funny the one that feels the need to constantly justifies that they have a life outside this forum usually looks a bit suss, it makes you think. and im sure my copying and pasting job took 1/10 of the time if took you to respond, lol
jason_g_718 said:
Is there a problem with that? How sad it is that you have nothing better to do then work at cutting and pasting stuff from my website to this forum to try to what? "Discredit" me? I mean, what's your intention? to show people I have a life and interests outside of this forum?

By the way, such a nice way here of completely going off the original topic. At this point, you're freeposting, just posting shit that has not only nothing to do with Royce or D12, but posting shit that doesn't even have anything to do with rap music.
man, you should type "btw" instead of "by the way", saves you time to get back to your imporant life outside "" that you keep telling us U have.

ok, imma stop the freeposting so i dont piss the mods off, im going to end this topic right here.
the end.
Frank Grimes said:
man, you should type "btw" instead of "by the way", saves you time to get back to your imporant life outside "" that you keep telling us U have.

ok, imma stop the freeposting so i dont piss the mods off, im going to end this topic right here.
the end.
Actually, I've been on the computer a lot the past two days because I'm working on furthering my rap career, which is starting to take off nicely, thank you.

Look for me in the next few weeks to be profiled on
Frank Grimes said:
im actualy at this site atm cause im waiting for my bus sitting in the library, *did that one make me seem like i have a life*
its always funny the one that feels the need to constantly justifies that they have a life outside this forum usually looks a bit suss, it makes you think. and im sure my copying and pasting job took 1/10 of the time if took you to respond, lol
LMAO! @ "waiting for the bus". LMFAO....oh...I'm sorry, that was just some funny shit to me. See, I have my own car, so, I haven't had to wait for the bus in 12 years since I was 15,'t take it personally dude, I'm sorry. Reading that was just funny to me.
i said i wasnt replying anymore, but what the fuck.

but the was one of the most pathetic post's iv seen, your ripping someone for waiting fo a bus, i like public transport, i use it almost daily when not riding my bike. i happen to think theres enough car's on the road already. i dont feel the need to burn anymore fuel.
Frank Grimes said:
i said i wasnt replying anymore, but what the fuck.

but the was one of the most pathetic post's iv seen, your ripping someone for waiting fo a bus, i like public transport, i use it almost daily when not riding my bike. i happen to think theres enough car's on the road already. i dont feel the need to burn anymore fuel. people are so sensitive. Funny how you seem to be able to dish it out but can't take it. You, Hurts and Nasquad, that's all you do, make fun of people and then when someone blasts back, you bitch that they're blasting you.

Besides, I told you in my post, I wasn't making fun of you, I was laughing at your comment. I'm sorry, it just struck me as funny at that particular moment.

As for your last sentence, is it that, or did you lose your license? Or, better yet, are you even old enough to drive?

Me personally, I'm glad I have a car, I can go when I please and don't have to wait for anyone or anything. Plus, I don't have to pay 45 cents everytime I want to go somewhere.
ShArpEnUrSwOrD said:
ill make u a pack of cookies for not using any more fuel, like you not using fuel makes a muthafuckin difference shut the hell up
lol @ Sharp...

Remember the Delorean (sp?) that Doc drove in Back 2 The Future? Didn't it run on trash? I remember him filling it up at the beginning of the movie and he puts like a banana peel, a milk carton, some rotten foods in there and shit like that. Maybe we can get Frankie boy a car like that. Start a "Donate Frankie A Car" thread. lol.
Wait.. so you immediately thought Ja Rule was trying to be Tupac because:

A) a bandana
B) tattoos
c) a voice which sounds NOTHING like tupac.

wow. reaching there buddy. reaching.
MC mufasa said:
Wait.. so you immediately thought Ja Rule was trying to be Tupac because:

A) a bandana
B) tattoos
c) a voice which sounds NOTHING like tupac.

wow. reaching there buddy. reaching.
Ja was trying to be 2pac. I've heard a lot of people say that he was trying to be DMX when he first came out, but 2pac was the one that had been known for 6 years to dress and act the way Rule was in the Can I Get A... video.

I'm hardly the only person that thinks Ja wants to be 2pac and has tried to be 2pac.

And also, if you think Ja's voice sounds "nothing like 2pac", you're deaf. They don't sound identical, but Ja has a 2pac-esque voice.

I have ever seen ANYONE Mufasa, twist people's words like you do.

LOL and what makes me laugh the most is you're going to sit there and tell me that Ja wasn't trying to be Pac and you were what? Like eight years old when Can I Get A...dropped? Pff...I was fuckink 19 attending college classes for broadcasting.
jason_g_718 said:
Ja was trying to be 2pac. I've heard a lot of people say that he was trying to be DMX when he first came out, but 2pac was the one that had been known for 6 years to dress and act the way Rule was in the Can I Get A... video.

I'm hardly the only person that thinks Ja wants to be 2pac and has tried to be 2pac.

And also, if you think Ja's voice sounds "nothing like 2pac", you're deaf. They don't sound identical, but Ja has a 2pac-esque voice.

I have ever seen ANYONE Mufasa, twist people's words like you do.

LOL and what makes me laugh the most is you're going to sit there and tell me that Ja wasn't trying to be Pac and you were what? Like eight years old when Can I Get A...dropped? Pff...I was fuckink 19 attending college classes for broadcasting.

So his voice sounds "2pac-esque". Like you say, it doesn't sound identical, but you use this reason to justify hating him. Because they have a very minute, miniscule similarity you hate him.. Very weird.

In fact, what's very strange is that you hate on Ja Rule, yet you ignore The Realest, who in many peoples opinion, tried to be 2pac's clone - Death Row's attempt at trying to bring back 2pac, without actually bringing 2pac back. Hmmmm very weird.

And so, i suppose, because Ja Rule wears a bandana, sometimes wears no shirt, has tattoos, and wears his pants baggy he is trying to be 2pac (im just restating the reasons you give for hating Ja Rule). So what about Game, 50 Cent, Eminem.. i mean they do this exacty same stuff.

whoa!! hes topless, got tattoos, is wearing baggy pants and wearing a bandana backwards with a hat on top!! omg!! its tupac man!!

uh oh!!! another one!!


Hey, i guess everyone is trying to emulate 2pacs fashion sense. Again i have proved you wrong. Why dont i see you paying out Eminem for also looking like 2pac?? haha.. oh wait Eminem doesnt have the raspy voice!! Ja Rule's voice sound slightly similar and so lets hate him!!

You're a joke. You're also very fucking dumb.

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