Opinions on 'The Documentary'?


Active Member
^It's comments like that that ruin the board. You have your right to make your statement and contribution to this thread, but posting shit like that is just ignorant and incompetent, please reevaluate your answer and come with a good reason for your opinion.

Culcuo: Alright that's cool then :p We all have our own opinions so it's all good.
I didn't like it, i liked the cd he did with JT better. I thought most of the beats were weak and the lyrics were nothng special. I'd give it a 3/10
Cown said:
^It's comments like that that ruin the board. You have your right to make your statement and contribution to this thread, but posting shit like that is just ignorant and incompetent, please reevaluate your answer and come with a good reason for your opinion.

Culcuo: Alright that's cool then :p We all have our own opinions so it's all good.
Why did you edit your message?:p My opinion is that : the album sucks. I listened to it and I didn't like it it's simple as that.


Well-Known Member
Enough with this bickering, back to the album.

Calcuo, i see soooo many people complain about the "name-dropping" thing. Does it really bother you that much? I mean, he drops names but its not like he is just going, Dr. Dreeeeee, 2Paaaaccccccccc. Most of the time it is describing something, or he is dropping some metaphor about them, my point is, it is not some random thing like WESTSIDDEEEE became. Plus, name one rapper who hasn't dropped another rappers name in a verse. I think that people just kind of look for a reason to criticize the album, which is cool, the album could be criticized easily. But the "name-dropping" doesn't seem as bad as some make it out to be.
Aristotle said:
Does it really bother you that much?
It obviously doesn't bother me that much (that is, to the extent that I can't lsiten to the album) as I still gave the album a good 'review' but I really don't like the name-dropping.

Other artists might do it, & if they do it once or twice then that's cool. If I hear anybody name-dropping like this it will turn me off their music a bit for two reasons.

1. I don't like to hear bullshit, lazy, elementary lyrics repeated again & again.

2. I want to listen to an artist. An artist with nothing to say is a just a rapper.


Active Member
dimos06 said:
Why did you edit your message?:p My opinion is that : the album sucks. I listened to it and I didn't like it it's simple as that.
I edited because I replied to Culcuo first and then saw your post afterwards and instead of making a new post I edited the present.

Yeah well, you can contribute with a little bit more then "it sucks".
I've only heard a few songs on it but that one song dream I heard like a minute of it and he mentioned like 20 different people and that did get annoying.
Also the song Love it or hate it is unoriginal when he say's he's raps MVP.. Big L made that shit up, Unoriginal.
Beats are okay, not that amazing or great.
His lyrics are decent
Cover is stupid as hell
And name of the album is weak
But whatever I guess I am a hater just cuz the album sucks
I really liked the album when it first dropped but for me it has got repetititve awfully quickly. However that could be because some of the tracks had leaked almost a year in advance of the album being released.

Obviously the beats are superb. It surprises me how much of a higher quality they are than the beats on 'The Massacre' actually.

Lyrically Game's never going to be top of the class, but he holds it up pretty well. There's definitely more than a few 'rewind lines' in there.

As for the name-dropping, It really doesn't bother me as much as it seems to other people. It'snot as if he is doing it because he can't find any other words to rhyme, for the most part the names are relevant to the song.

Overall I'd give it a 7/10. It's most certainly the album of the year so far, but in February that ain't saying much.
The cd is pretty good ! Way better then 50's "Massacre" , The beats are pretty good, game's flow is tight....I just don't like his lyrics too much, always calling names, but for the rest, it's all good

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
7Datskat34 said:
I've only heard a few songs on it but that one song dream I heard like a minute of it and he mentioned like 20 different people and that did get annoying.
Also the song Love it or hate it is unoriginal when he say's he's raps MVP.. Big L made that shit up, Unoriginal.
Beats are okay, not that amazing or great.
His lyrics are decent
Cover is stupid as hell
And name of the album is weak
But whatever I guess I am a hater just cuz the album sucks
Shouldn't the album be 'OK' then? The beats are ok and the lyrics are decent right? ..... Oh right, the cover is stupid and the title is weak. You're right, the album sucks.
the documentary >>>> the black album, unfinished business, best of both worlds, unfinished business and collision course

its just a great album. Average rhymes, dope beats, dope concepts. Tight album. Its one of the best releases in a long ass time


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what you mean typcal?bucks shit was way different then banks,banks shit was different then game,game shit was way different then bucks AND 50 SHIT WAS WAY DIFFERENT THEN THE REST

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