MTV ruined a generation of good wholesome White Kids!

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I ain't black, but I ain't white either. Everything in this world nowadays could be classified as being stereotypical. But fucc all that shit where I'm from we hardly have whiteboys, a couple I know are coo, but at my old hs it was racist as hell, I noticed when I was in school whiteboys couldn't wear hip hop clothes for a fear of being slapped silly, nowadays in this small ass town there's a few whiteboys who are my friends are crazy as hell, so in other words there stupid, not from rap but because of drugs like oxycontin, E and those faggot ass smirnoff drinks. Fuccin' fuccers need to learn how 2 man up N' drink a man's beer.... ;)
They started talking like blacks.
Black people have been here long before Hip Hop slang. Trust me, my parents don't talk like that, and the same goes for most older black people. If anything, they way older-generation black talk is the way "black people" talk because they've been here long before me and other black Hip Hop fans.

Lmao at people taking this thread seriously.
This forum is Street Hop, and therefore, we take it serious. This is as opposed to how we'd treat it if it was in Thugz Mansion.
Its just Stupid ass people taking adavantage of the NEW POPULAR thing, 10 yrs ago rap wasn't that popular as now but becuase its THE NEW STYLE everybody trying to look, act, and be gangsta BUT I DUN SEE ANY OF EM BY THE HOOD DOING THAT SHIT I BET THEY WON'T EVEN GO NEAR THE HOOD if they do walk around the hood acting like that they would either get jumped, shot or robed for doing that stupid shit around here PERIOD



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Some of the things you said were ok, others weren't.

First of all, I wouldn't just blame MTV, lol. But yeah, alot of kids act like rappers they see on tv and all of that bullshit. I wouldn't call it acting BLACK, but they're definitely acting. The problem with the way people look at hiphop is, they think all of it is the same and all white people who listen to it are wannabes. That's a big no-no. The wankstas that DO dress like the rappers on tv and DO talk like their favorite rappers on tv though, those kids DEFINITELY deserve to be picked on.

Hiphop is a culture. The rapping, the graphetti, the breakdancing, the dj'ing and everything else. The way you talk, the way you dress. Everything. Most people call it acting black, but I like to look at it as tryin to be a part of the culture. Some people just take it too far though.
rock hasn't had anything good come out since the mid 90's. who came out last year? maroon 5? rock music is dead right now. people say the same thing about rap being dead, and maybe they don't listen to other genres
Lmao at people taking this thread seriously.
I thought it was obvious from the get-go that this thread wasn't serious. Kinda reminds me of that april fools joke Maddox played where he turned his site into that of a cliched 'net user and people actually took it seriously (despite the fact that he even left hints all over the site that it was a joke.)
get out from this board fuckin racist people

im white but i love Hip Hop specialy i love 2pac.
There is no difference between black or white since u fuckin racist people that loves rock shit came here and talks a lot of shit.

-=ArtofWar=- said:
Its just Stupid ass people taking adavantage of the NEW POPULAR thing, 10 yrs ago rap wasn't that popular as now but becuase its THE NEW STYLE everybody trying to look, act, and be gangsta BUT I DUN SEE ANY OF EM BY THE HOOD DOING THAT SHIT I BET THEY WON'T EVEN GO NEAR THE HOOD if they do walk around the hood acting like that they would either get jumped, shot or robed for doing that stupid shit around here PERIOD

didn't know you had to live in a shitty neighborhood to listen to rap
some of that shit is partly true, back in the day there were a select number of white people that listend to rap and embraced it, although some of it might have offended them, they understood why it was said.(these kids were outcasts)on the other side there were white kids(now a days called wiggers)that listened to it when mtv made it "cool".

3rd base the jewish rap group are a prime example of these kids that respected it, remember when vanilla ice came out, well 3rd base were the group dissin him becuz they felt he was an insult to the art.

"So much game in a too $hort rap, cant be white and whites cant be black
why u wanna act like someone else, all you gotta do is just be yourself"

- The Ghetto, Too $hort
as much as you wanna jump all over him for it, he does have a point. But you know what, it's more the strength and character of the person listening to rap rather than MTV's influence. I've been around drugs, drug dealers, and shitty things all my life, but I don't use drugs/sell them/carry a gun.

But people like me are rare. Instead of strong character, most people have weak character and will be persuaded by almost anything. They will get caught up in the hype. I think you should be more upset with human nature than with MTV, although -- I will admit -- MTV has definitely done more negative than positive for the youth.
OxyContin said:
MTV has ruinied the lives of good, moral, young white American youth by exposing them to the evils of rap music.

I will take my neighborhood as an example.

Ten years ago all was well in the neighborhoods of Northeast Philadelphia when Rock music was listened too and bands such as "The Offspring", "Live", and "Oasis" ruled the airwaves. The young white males spoke proper English, wore appropriate clothes, and did not use dangerous drugs such as marijuana and PCP.

I remember when these young white males used to wear "Rap Sucks" t-shirts and reffered to themselves as "dudes".
Now all I hear is "nigga this", "nigga dat", "pass me that blunt dawg".

I blame MTV, and Puff Daddy. Ever since Puffy used The Police's "Every Breath You Take" to exploit and make money of off Biggie's death things went down hill, that's when the young innocent, feeble white minds got their first dose of this poisionous rap music. They started talking like blacks. Wearing "black clothes", and using black mood enhancers such as marijuana and PCP.

Now all I see is G-Unit and Shady LTD clothes on whites. White girls screaming for their "baby daddy!". White boys who drop out of catholic high schools so they can hustle drugs and listen to 50 Cent. White kids calling each other "niggaz", and all kinds of foul shit.

FUCK MTV!!!!!! bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Maybe its time for the slavemasters descendants to live the life they gave us.
Don't you guys know that the dude's just kiddin' around with y'all? It's pretty obvious he's kiddin' hence his "LMAO" at y'all for taking this thread too seriously.
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