Kanye West 'Black Families r 'looting' White Families r 'Lookin for food'

when i said :

The rest of them fuckheads and rednecks, die slow muthafuckers !!!

i wasn´t saying that ALL white ppl were ^^

Got it ? there are Racist ppl everywhere and everycolour ;)


Well-Known Member
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
first off this sentence right here is being a straight up hypocrite. you want people to treat u with respect, and look how ur talking, ur sterotyping, and bashing, just like those rednecks and fuckheads do to u.

i am white. personally i absolutly hate George Bush and everything he stands for. His presidency has made me completly outraged. From the long vacations to him bankrupting a few companies and even him being a fuckin coke head/alcoholic. How the fuck can we have a former coke head for a damn president? N e one out there have friends on coke? u trust them???

i also agree 100% that no and i mean NO white person will ever understand what a person of a different race feels like. there are endless amounts of reasons for this and im not even gonna get into those reasons, but there are countless.

i absolutly love what kanye said on live tv. i see exactly what he means when he says blacks are looting and whites are looking for food. its fucked up, this very country is a fucked up place. i see those types of things every single day amd it makes me fucking sick to my stomach.

and most importantly dont think im on here bullshiting trying to kiss the asses of a mostly black message board. these are my real beliefs and i live with this mindset every day, i despise racists, and racists can be n e color of skin.

real talk :thumb:
Patrik08 said:
fuck kanye lost my repect for that bitch
You lost respect for a man because he spoke from his heart? Sure it wasn't organized and was very discombobulated, but it is something that he wanted to get off his chest because plenty of blacks have felt how he's felt.


Well-Known Member
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
and most importantly dont think im on here bullshiting trying to kiss the asses of a mostly black message board.
Haha, dont kid yourself. But anyways the rest of your shit was mostly on point.
Kanye said what he said hate it or love it he spoke from his heart, cant hate a man for doing that.
Bombsquad said:

I hate how the white people on this forum are trying to jump to their fellow white man's aid. White people don't understand that the world is already made for them. Listen to 2pac's song "White Man's World." They will never understand the pain blacks go through and won't understand Kanye because they can never be in the black man's shoes. People claiming they hate bush and then trying to jump for him when comments like this are made. Look at all the destructions and catastrophes that have happened since his presidency.
I'm so sick of all this white shit / black shit. There isn't a day I wake up and go fuck man I'm white! woo hoo!!! Can we talk logically without making everything a race deal. Would i not get ripped the fukk apart if i started my post with "I hate how the black people on this forumn... "black people don't understand..." Check yourself kid. What do you want form us "White people" We can't do anything more than understand that you guys have had a hard run. But things are getting better, and I for one acknowledge every peson here as equal, so can we cut the black shit white shit, and just talk 2 eachother person 2 person. I can't say shit without risking being white so my opinion doesn't count.
HiGhTillDeaTH said:
i also agree 100% that no and i mean NO white person will ever understand what a person of a different race feels like. there are endless amounts of reasons for this and im not even gonna get into those reasons, but there are countless.

Sorry bro, I disagree wit this. I think white women and white gays understand for one thing. I also think that just because i'm white doesn't mean i can't comprehend what they were put through. I know what it's like to be shit on. When your like 15 and your getting shit on by some teacher tellin you your useless and you'll never keep a job for more than 6 weeks. I know it's not the EXACT SAME. Yes no white person can claim the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE. But I can imagine what it feels like. I never had a single thing stolen from me, but I can imagine how the Indians felt when their entire worlds were flipped upside down. You get what I'm saying. I don't want to be jumping on ya on some technicality, just trying 2 show you my point of view. Btw, what about all the white jews that went through the holocaust, you don't think they know EXACTLY what the racial minorities feel like sometimes? I think they do. We all experience discrimination some point in our life.
MakaveliPrime01 said:
I'm so sick of all this white shit / black shit. There isn't a day I wake up and go fuck man I'm white! woo hoo!!! Can we talk logically without making everything a race deal. Would i not get ripped the fukk apart if i started my post with "I hate how the black people on this forumn... "black people don't understand..." Check yourself kid. What do you want form us "White people" We can't do anything more than understand that you guys have had a hard run. But things are getting better, and I for one acknowledge every peson here as equal, so can we cut the black shit white shit, and just talk 2 eachother person 2 person. I can't say shit without risking being white so my opinion doesn't count.

This world is nothing but a race. No matter how hard America is trying to promote this "melting pot" bullshit and making the whole world seem like it's colorblind when things are still very black and white. You've got to understand that this world is built off hatred. And who said things are getting better. Things have and will always be the same. The difference between caucasians today is that they are not blatant with their racism as before like in the civil rights days. Until you understand that, you'll never understand Kanye. Nobody wants nothing from white people but for them to stop their racists ways like they portray in the newspapers. If you are going to understand, then understand, but you guys dont have to come try to disrespect Kanye because what he said was on point.

I'm glad he's using his fame to speak up. Because of this I have a whole new respect for him.
Aristotle said:
Haha, dont kid yourself. But anyways the rest of your shit was mostly on point.
Kanye said what he said hate it or love it he spoke from his heart, cant hate a man for doing that.

so are u saying i am kissing the asses of the black people on this board? i am the last person to kiss ass
MakaveliPrime01 said:
Sorry bro, I disagree wit this. I think white women and white gays understand for one thing. I also think that just because i'm white doesn't mean i can't comprehend what they were put through. I know what it's like to be shit on. When your like 15 and your getting shit on by some teacher tellin you your useless and you'll never keep a job for more than 6 weeks. I know it's not the EXACT SAME. Yes no white person can claim the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE. But I can imagine what it feels like. I never had a single thing stolen from me, but I can imagine how the Indians felt when their entire worlds were flipped upside down. You get what I'm saying. I don't want to be jumping on ya on some technicality, just trying 2 show you my point of view. Btw, what about all the white jews that went through the holocaust, you don't think they know EXACTLY what the racial minorities feel like sometimes? I think they do. We all experience discrimination some point in our life.

well.... intresting point with white women and gays, but i still feel like a white person(whether gay, or a woman) can not comprehend what it is like to be black and will never understand. and they can simply not understand. maybe this will make u understand more... just within the past year my girlfriend of 3 years cheated on me with my best friend since kindergarden. now i am sure u can understand what it MIGHT feel like to have something like this happen to u, but u will never understand completly untill it has happened to u first hand. point being u can imagine something like that but u dont see how ENORMUS it is untill it happens to yourself.

before this situation happened to me i felt like it would be so easy to just say fuck it, fuck u both, im a moving on with my life, and have no worries. well guess what its not that easy, u will never understand the amount of dorment and how much it has fucked my brain up since all that has happened. i was averaging 2 hrs of sleep a night during this time, my stomach was constantly turning and i couldnt eat a thing, i started smoking heavy amounts of weed, and smoking ciggerates.

point being u only will feel a portion of what a person of a race other than white goes through. because u dont see what that person goes through on a daily basis and just how much life is getting them down.

i agree with u everyone gets shitted on mulitple times throughout there life, but not of the same magnitude. i got shitted on by baseball coaches, teachers, etc. but fuck them they dont mean shit to me in my real life. when someone shits on u for the color of ur skin, something u were born with, thats just plain fuckd up and its something to get pissed off about. we will never understand what it is to be downgraded just for the color of our skin.

i guess my whole point is the magnitude and the history are the two big factors that i just see there is no way for a white person to ever comprehend what a person of a different race will go through. we dont see the day to day struggles and hardships, we cant hop into their minds and understand their true feelings.

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