Kanye West 'Black Families r 'looting' White Families r 'Lookin for food'

yea it's all because of these two pics right here. There's a lot of controversy right now because of this

edit: by the way, those 2 links are from Yahoo! News...


Well-Known Member
did the people at yahoo news write the captions or were they written by the two different people at two different news organizatoins?

this "controversy" is being blown out of proportion
SeOuLjAh said:
yea it's all because of these two pics right here. There's a lot of controversy right now because of this

edit: by the way, those 2 links are from Yahoo! News...

Propz for the post man..I hadn't seen this yet. This is just dissapointing. I keep thinking we are a lot better and all the stuff of the past is getting farther behind us. But this shows that there still is some prejudice. This stuff isn't going to change over night though, we have prejudices hardwired into our system and we really have to just keep working at it. I remember in a psych class I had last semester they showed us a study done with cops where they had to play this video game and decide in a split second to shoot or not. (kinda like on MIB but instead of aliens and humans, it was blacks and whites) The results were depressing, they actually did shoot the black people more, but none of them felt they were racist, it was this hardwired prejudice. It's stuff like this that makes me wonder sometimes whether some of these rappers should take more responsibility with their lyrics, and be slightly better role-models, because if they can be more positive perhaps it could shave years off some of these prejudices. My 1 cent-

propz again for posting those pics, i can't believe the editor didn't catch that. I'd like 2 see who made the captions though, cuz if it was two diff. people then that could be an alternate explanation to the seemingly blatant prejudice.


Well-Known Member
^^(PuffnScruff)Does it matter who wrote it, it is a societal thing that needs to be changed. The black one is the criminal why'll the white one is surviving, it's a stereotype of society that needs to be changed and it is not blown out of proportion, it is just now reaching the forefront. Race is an issue many are afraid to touch, this might awake some people.

Makaveli we must of posted at the same time cus i never saw that, but on your comment on rappers being more positive, I'm sure you've heard the phrase "we are a product of our enviroment."

WHAT'S next? "Blacks are only being kidnapped by aliens while white people just watch!!! not fair"....................................

The world's most conscious rapper does it again, yay! he gets a medal....... :rolleyes:
PuffnScruff said:
i didnt hear him say about thing about the gov. of L.A.
i didnt hear him say anything about the associated press. ]

but of course it wouldnt be right to put blame were it should really go too. instead lets point fingers at the easy target. the president. i love kanyes music, but thats what he should stick too, music. not riding jesse jacksons dick.

everyone wants to put the blame on the president. that is just stupid. the gov of L.A. should be blamed for not calling in help from the federal gov and using all her resources that were giving to her and for not having a plan.

those pics came from the associated press. not the white house.
Oh please you sound like one of those people that are for Bush. Bush is a lousy president. He flew over Louisiana with his groomed dog without even getting down to actually see the situation. This guy doesn't care about anything. All he does is take vacations. I bet you if this was Florida, Bush would've had his brother Jeb prepared for everything in terms of rescue, shelter, you name it. Look how long it's taking for them to get help. The only reason, the people in New Orleans aren't getting help is because they are in the poor class. If the majority of people there were rich it would be a different story.

Bush denied the state money to fix the Lake in New Orleans, which is the same lake that has drowned the city. So technically it comes from him. If there was another president in the white house maybe the city and state could've gotten money and maybe this situation wouldn't be going on now.
Aristotle said:
Makaveli we must of posted at the same time cus i never saw that, but on your comment on rappers being more positive, I'm sure you've heard the phrase "we are a product of our enviroment."
Yah, it's a tough call. I just see them having such an incredible influence on people so while i love the doggystyle cd, i feel like that shyt is moving people backwards. It's all still really unresolved in my head though. I know some of these guys have had really bad lives in the past, but to be completely nerdy and quote spiderman "with great power comes great responsibility." Some of these guys that made it from nothing to something and have everyone listening.. I think they should start helping out their brothers and sisters and start leading a more positive movement.
Like I really really want a rapper to come out and bring up relevant issues and have a music video without 3 girls shaking their ass in it. Maybe i'm crazy and that'll never happen, but i can hope!

I read an interview with napoleon from the outlawz a while back (or i think he might not be an outlaw anymore?) anyway, he was talking about changing his style and swearing less and trying to bring up relevant issues. I know he's nowhere right now, but I thought he had some good stuff to say.


Well-Known Member
Well you bring up Snoop. Good choice too. He has his own football league for inner city youth and so forth, he is doing things for his community. But yet he still has girls in his videos and still raps about mostlythe same things. But we still have to remember we can't completely judge an artist based on his art. What he protrays himself as in a song doesn't neccessarily mean that is him in real life. The problem I see is that we are too critical to what they are saying and we dont take it for the art that it is. It's not like we think a painter is going to murder someone because he paints a picture of death. But when a rapper talks about it he is idicted. Same can be said for movie directors and so forth. I think you get what I'm saying though.
Aristotle said:
Well you bring up Snoop. Good choice too. He has his own football league for inner city youth and so forth, he is doing things for his community. But yet he still has girls in his videos and still raps about mostlythe same things. But we still have to remember we can't completely judge an artist based on his art. What he protrays himself as in a song doesn't neccessarily mean that is him in real life. The problem I see is that we are too critical to what they are saying and we dont take it for the art that it is. It's not like we think a painter is going to murder someone because he paints a picture of death. But when a rapper talks about it he is idicted. Same can be said for movie directors and so forth. I think you get what I'm saying though.
Yah i hear ya, your making clear sense. I think i've leaned towards your view for the most part too.. cuz it's the same people saying rap is destroying the world that say the we shouldn't be able 2 play games like grand theft auto cuz its going to make us all criminals. There's a fine line somewhere in the mix of all this, i just can't find it. What's too far and what's not. Thanks 4 the thoughts, i can't find an intelligent conversation about hip hop up here in hicktown minnesota.


Well-Known Member
The last line made me laugh, but hey, thats what this board for the most part is for.

Also don't forget about the hypocritical part. Becuase most fans want truth, being shot, going to jail, shooting at people. They want the "hard" rappers who have been to jail you know. So why I sit here and say we can't judge them on that, because it's just not fair; we also have to remember that most fans judge artists on the same basis, but with the opposite reaction. They glorify violence, poverty and so forth. I forget who said it but it was something like "imagine rap if no drug dealer picked up a mic", something along those lines. But yeah, the fine line between art, games and movies and other entertainment needs to be found, we need to draw a line between reality and art.


Well-Known Member
Aristotle said:
^^(PuffnScruff)Does it matter who wrote it, it is a societal thing that needs to be changed. The black one is the criminal why'll the white one is surviving, it's a stereotype of society that needs to be changed and it is not blown out of proportion, it is just now reaching the forefront. Race is an issue many are afraid to touch, this might awake some people.

Makaveli we must of posted at the same time cus i never saw that, but on your comment on rappers being more positive, I'm sure you've heard the phrase "we are a product of our enviroment."
i believe that it does matter. only because mistakes happen in journalism. things get by editors and fact checkers etc. sometimes they dont think about how something will look. if both captions came from associated press then i could understand people being mad. but they are comparing two captions, by two different news sources, written by different people. it matters. people are blowing this out of proportion
Those pictures & articles show how racist this country really is thats why i hate when people say its not a big deal or its blown out of proportion. As a black man or woman in america we are constantly under the scope and i hate this cause im not racist i don't hate white people but I will be damn if I let my people get disrespected. race is always gonna be an issue no matter how people try to cover it up. and for all you bush supports he's a closet racist too, just cause he hires some black people to make himself look good to black people don't mean shit. we aint fooled situations like this show us how he really feels about the Black, poor & unfortunate. and to all the white people who aint racist and look at us as equals i got love for u im just blowning off some steam at this racist society.


Well-Known Member
Bombsquad said:
Oh please you sound like one of those people that are for Bush. Bush is a lousy president. He flew over Louisiana with his groomed dog without even getting down to actually see the situation. This guy doesn't care about anything. All he does is take vacations. I bet you if this was Florida, Bush would've had his brother Jeb prepared for everything in terms of rescue, shelter, you name it. Look how long it's taking for them to get help. The only reason, the people in New Orleans aren't getting help is because they are in the poor class. If the majority of people there were rich it would be a different story.

Bush denied the state money to fix the Lake in New Orleans, which is the same lake that has drowned the city. So technically it comes from him. If there was another president in the white house maybe the city and state could've gotten money and maybe this situation wouldn't be going on now.
first off, remove michael mores dick from your mouth.
every president takes vactions. everyone in the capitol is on vacation. even when the president is on vacation, they still get briefed, they still have a job to do, they still do it. its not like they just sit around all day thinking "hey i have nothing to do"

for you info, i voted for nadar. i have never been a bush supporter. and you sound like one of those people that would call clinton the greatest presidents in a long time. dont ever speak to me again in less you have something intelligent to say.


Well-Known Member
Puff I know what your saying about the editors different reporters and such, I don't want to overlook that, but to me it is almost irrelevant with what i was saying. It is a stereotype, it's almost in our societies mindset. Those captions paint it perfectly. Truth be told, if we weren't to think like that, would this hav happened in the first place?


Well-Known Member
i dont think that way. when i saw the images of people on the news, i thought looters. when i saw both pictures i thought looters. i didnt care if they were doing it for survival or for personal gain, that is what they are,looters. whites,blacks, reds, yellows, they are looters. if i had too i would be looting for survival too and i also would be a looter. i dont think its fair that captions from an american and a french news organization define what people think or paint the picture that this is the way everyone feels and think because it just is not. bad journalism imo.
man fuck white people for real college whitey's get away with stealing shit all the the fucken time
:mad: all cop's looking at the black's as the white boy get away with free fucken food fuck that bull shit man feal me on this shit niggas and I work in a dam stow so I know what the fuck I am talken about fucker's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
red200 said:
man fuck white people for real college whitey's get away with stealing shit all the the fucken time
:mad: all cop's looking at the black's as the white boy get away with free fucken food fuck that bull shit man feal me on this shit niggas and I work in a dam stow so I know what the fuck I am talken about fucker's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody knows what your talking about. why would say some ingorant shit like you just said? why be racist like that? you do know like 95% of the board is white people dont you? you work in a what? stow? go back to school fool. :thumb:

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