Kanye West 'Black Families r 'looting' White Families r 'Lookin for food'

Well, the local goverment get's most of the blame. I actually went to Baton Rouge (thats where im from) and the local goverment clearly has no control. Even after these ppl evacuate the evacuees are still left in shambles. The Louisiana citizens are definitely racist towards the black evacuees. They literaly shut down a goverment building because they heard black ppl started riots downtown. This teenage boy said a white sheriff dropped him off on the interstate. Thank god somebody called the radio station and brung him back to his family.

The people in New Orleans aren't bad people they're just moody because nobody responded to them in days. They see blacks as ''rowdy, armed and dangerous'' criminals. If Kathleen Blanco had control she would wake up and see how Baton Rouge has increased in poverty. These New Orleans evacuees live on the streets.
As for Bush, he could have reached out to those ppl sooner instead of leaving them for dead. The federal goverment at the time tried but they clearly wasn't trying hard enough.

You'd have to be there to see how bad it is in Louisiana,
I guess


Well-Known Member
hmmm maybe nobody has told you this, but he stopped his vacation early to deal with katrina. he isnt always on vacaction. do you have proof that he is always on vacation? no you dont? because he's not. so dont make stupid remarks like that.

thats right hituup change your post cause you made some dumb remark and you dont know shit stfu newbie

my 95% figure may not be exact but its pretty damn close. prove me wrong. you are talking to a person who has been on this board a hell of lot longer than you.


Well-Known Member
-kaye0tic- said:
Well, the local goverment get's most of the blame. I actually went to Baton Rouge (thats where im from) and the local goverment clearly has no control. Even after these ppl evacuate the evacuees are still left in shambles. The Louisiana citizens are definitely racist towards the black evacuees. They literaly shut down a goverment building because they heard black ppl started riots downtown. This teenage boy said a white sheriff dropped him off on the interstate. Thank god somebody called the radio station and brung him back to his family.

The people in New Orleans aren't bad people they're just moody because nobody responded to them in days. They see blacks as ''rowdy, armed and dangerous'' criminals. If Kathleen Blanco had control she would wake up and see how Baton Rouge has increased in poverty. These New Orleans evacuees live on the streets.
As for Bush, he could have reached out to those ppl sooner instead of leaving them for dead. The federal goverment at the time tried but they clearly wasn't trying hard enough.

You'd have to be there to see how bad it is in Louisiana,
I guess
nice too see a point of view from someone who has been down there
PuffnScruff said:
hmmm maybe nobody has told you this, but he stopped his vacation early to deal with katrina. he isnt always on vacaction. do you have proof that he is always on vacation? no you dont? because he's not. so dont make stupid remarks like that.

thats right hituup change your post cause you made some dumb remark and you dont know shit stfu newbie

my 95% figure may not be exact but its pretty damn close. prove me wrong. you are talking to a person who has been on this board a hell of lot longer than you.
I changed the posts because I didn't want to dig in your ass too much. I I decided on baiting you in. But since you've replied so early I have no choice but to air you out.


Well-Known Member
you know what your cool. your the coolest kid that ever came across this board. and thats what you are a fucking kid. your so fucking cool. i wish i could be as cool as you.


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Chronic said:

He's saying that the media calls it 'looking for food' when it's white people and 'looting' when it's black people.

Can't believe I'm explaining this..
I can believe you're explaining it because it shouldnt have been said by Kanye to begin with. He should have gave some educated statements instead of just spittin the first thing he could think of. I dont understand how you people can agree with Kanye. He is a joke. He needs to stay on the mixing boards and step away from speaking on social issues because he is an idiot. The whole pulling the George Bush doesnt like black people card was the dumbest thing ever.


Well-Known Member
How can you get angry at him for voicing his opinion, be upset cus you don't agree with it, but don't try to put him on blast for using the 1st amendment.
Kanye was straight up when he said that, it was obvioulsey from his heart, and if you hatin on that then fuck you. He said what he had to say in his statement, and got what he needed to out. I would have done the same thing if i was in his shoes.

And anyone who is blaming the president is a moron, because there is three parts to America's Government. And if you check all three you can see why our government is fuckin up.

Now Bush is a moron, got media audio for days if you want me to prove this, his Dad, yes his father got him to where he is today. High media execs got fired for exposing Bush's war record. THats how serious fucking with the government is. Anybody heard any other reprcussions from kanye's statemnts?
PuffnScruff said:
you know what your cool. your the coolest kid that ever came across this board. and thats what you are a fucking kid. your so fucking cool. i wish i could be as cool as you.
Please stop talking out your ass. You are a joke.

The president has alot to do with problems going on right now. He's never around in emergency situations to show support of being a true leader. He's not a leader. It would've been best if he wouldn't have ran for a 2nd term. He's lost in that white house. He has no clue what he's doing, but plenty of his supporters will be the ones to try to defend him blindly. Unless you are living in the real world, you will not see the effects his presidency has had on the poor and struggling working class since he's came into office. Plenty of board members that sit on there pc and try to cover for the president are turning the blind eye because I can assume those board members aren't living in reality. The point is Bush could've did so much for the situation, but he didn't.
i hate usa !!!!i counted 5 white peeps they shown lootin but then they film all the blacks!!!usa treat blacks n minorites real shitty!!!did yall hear bout a gas shortage rumor?it was Bush behind it he tell u not to buy it but he own a oil company n took Iraqcountry why not steal from them? usa was n is a land yall stole anyway continue wit yall do.i notice this too it took them 4 days to get them help but say if this happened in Canada or England those peeps would havebeen tooken care of!!!!!usa is not the greatest country !!!!! i have no love 4 no politian becuz they r snakes n phonys!!lets start a Revolution!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hituup said:
He's never around in emergency situations to show support of being a true leader. QUOTE]

do you get your news from rense.com?

bush was at ground zero. bush was in biloxi, and bush is going to be on new orleans on monday. never around in emergency situations to show support huh?
PuffnScruff said:
Hituup said:
He's never around in emergency situations to show support of being a true leader. QUOTE]

do you get your news from rense.com?

bush was at ground zero. bush was in biloxi, and bush is going to be on new orleans on monday. never around in emergency situations to show support huh?
You live in Kentucky. If I'm not mistaken Kentucky was a Bush state. There goes your views right there. Your surrounded by uncivilized people so your ideas are uncivilized. You support the war in Iraq also huh?

Bush didn't get to the ground zero site until 2-3 days later. Bush didn't show his leadership and show up at the Hurricane Katrina site immediately. The guy flew over the site with his groomed dog without even getting down.

Bush doesn't care about the poor because plenty of his votes were not from poor people, which plenty of blacks happen to fall for that category. So don't act shock when people like Kanyed say things like this about the president and society. This world is very hateful. It's just that there are blankets over everything in America.


Well-Known Member
the fact that you are judging my views on the fact that i LIVE in the kentucky shows how little you know me or anything about me. i LIVE in kentucky. i'm not from kentucky.

here is a little info you dont know about me. i was born in turkey, moved to dayton ohio, then to las vegas nevada, to the east side of saint louis, for the past few years i have LIVED in kentucky and next month i am moving to orlando florida. why am i telling you this? i just want to point out that your ass.

my ideas are uncivilized because i am surrounded by uncivilized people? and you said i talk out of my ass? people in kentucky are actually very nice people and would give you the shirt off their back or help out a complete stranger if they saw they were in need of help.

have you ever stopped to think that maybe it wasnt safe yet for him to visist ground zero or the aftermath of katrina? secret service. learn about them. learn about their role and what their job is.

whats your deal with his dog? do you have some beef with his dog?

your last post has proved you are a dumbass. do yourself a favor kid. just shut up.
Puff seems to be 1 of the few people NOT talkin out of their ass on this.

Every time theres any problem its automatically Bush's fault, and people wont come up with reasons why, just cause "hes an idiot". Im not a Bush supporter, but if ur gonna bash him then atleast sound like you know what ur sayin.

I disagree with what Kanye said, it seems Kanye loves to pull the race card all the time. I think HE is the racist one here. hes sayin how the government sent the army there to shoot blacks, theyre there to protect themselves and others, theres people who looted rifles and were shooting at helicopters who were coming to rescue people. But i suppose thats Bush's fault too right? BUT what i also believe is its rediculous how long it took to get help down there. But at the same time i dont feel sorry because those people were warned to get the fuck out of there, a hurricane is on the way! but instead they stayed there feeling all tough, and what happened? they got nailed. Im not sayin people deserved to die, but they should have been more responsible themselves.

Anyways, enough of ME tryin to sound like I know what im talkin about ... the Kanye video was funny shit, i was watching the morning news this morning before work and they kept playing him say "Bush doesnt like black people!" and the look on Mike Myers' face was priceless hahaha they kept goin back and playin it and havin a riot with it.
everybody's lootin, i would be too, i'd be jackin the shit outta stores, its hell on earth, and the government doesn't know what the fuck to do.
I just wanna say that I as an African, and Black and living as well in a racist country, would like to say that all Africans living across the World are Proud for what Kanye West said on National American TV, here in europe we don´t have as much censorship as you do in USA and for days we´ve been able to see that comment on the news throughout the day !
We´re very proud for what he did and how he did it ! He was smart enough to not do it in the VMA´s because they would edit him out, so he waited to go Live and Public !!!

Here in Portugal and Africa we´re with Kanye West 110% !!!

The rest of them fuckheads and rednecks, die slow muthafuckers !!!

Fuck George W Bush !!! muthafucka takes more than 60 days of vacations, wtf is this, ppl dying on the streets !!! Those who put that fucker in the Office should be ashamed of themselves !
slang said:
I just wanna say that I as an African, and Black and living as well in a racist country, would like to say that all Africans living across the World are Proud for what Kanye West said on National American TV, here in europe we don´t have as much censorship as you do in USA and for days we´ve been able to see that comment on the news throughout the day !
We´re very proud for what he did and how he did it ! He was smart enough to not do it in the VMA´s because they would edit him out, so he waited to go Live and Public !!!

Here in Portugal and Africa we´re with Kanye West 110% !!!

The rest of them fuckheads and rednecks, die slow muthafuckers !!!

Fuck George W Bush !!! muthafucka takes more than 60 days of vacations, wtf is this, ppl dying on the streets !!! Those who put that fucker in the Office should be ashamed of themselves !

I hate how the white people on this forum are trying to jump to their fellow white man's aid. White people don't understand that the world is already made for them. Listen to 2pac's song "White Man's World." They will never understand the pain blacks go through and won't understand Kanye because they can never be in the black man's shoes. People claiming they hate bush and then trying to jump for him when comments like this are made. Look at all the destructions and catastrophes that have happened since his presidency. If Bush never denied New Orleans the money to fix the levies that caused the water to flush the city there would be no huge problem in New Orleans like there is now.
slang said:
The rest of them fuckheads and rednecks, die slow muthafuckers !!!
first off this sentence right here is being a straight up hypocrite. you want people to treat u with respect, and look how ur talking, ur sterotyping, and bashing, just like those rednecks and fuckheads do to u.

i am white. personally i absolutly hate George Bush and everything he stands for. His presidency has made me completly outraged. From the long vacations to him bankrupting a few companies and even him being a fuckin coke head/alcoholic. How the fuck can we have a former coke head for a damn president? N e one out there have friends on coke? u trust them???

i also agree 100% that no and i mean NO white person will ever understand what a person of a different race feels like. there are endless amounts of reasons for this and im not even gonna get into those reasons, but there are countless.

i absolutly love what kanye said on live tv. i see exactly what he means when he says blacks are looting and whites are looking for food. its fucked up, this very country is a fucked up place. i see those types of things every single day amd it makes me fucking sick to my stomach.

and most importantly dont think im on here bullshiting trying to kiss the asses of a mostly black message board. these are my real beliefs and i live with this mindset every day, i despise racists, and racists can be n e color of skin.


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