Kanye West 'Black Families r 'looting' White Families r 'Lookin for food'


Kanye West criticized United States President George W. Bush and the government’s reaction to Hurricane Katrina last night during “A Concert for Hurricane Relief” a live benefit concert that aired on NBC.

West had sharp words for President Bush and the government’s reaction to the disaster wrought in four states by Hurricane Katrina during the one-hour live special.

The show was aired live on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and Pax and featured performances from Harry Connick Jr., Wynton Marsalis, Faith Hill, Aaron Neville and others.

West, who didn’t perform, was on the stage with comedian Mike Myers reading a script from the teleprompter when he deviated from the pre-written script.

“I hate the way they portray us in the media,” West said echoing comments that big media outlets are biased in how they present images of the hurricane victims.

“You see a black family, it says, ‘They're looting.’ You see a white family, it says, ‘They're looking for food.’

“It's been five days [waiting for federal help] because most of the people are black,” West said. “And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I've tried to turn away from the TV because it's too hard to watch.

“I've even been shopping before even giving a donation, so now I'm calling my business manager right now to see what is the biggest amount I can give…the way America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off, as slow as possible. I mean, the Red Cross is doing everything they can. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way -- and they've given them permission to go down and shoot us!”

There was a tape delay, but the person in charge of censoring was only looking for profane words and didn’t know that West was not following his script.

West’s comments were edited out of the West Coast airing of the show, which was broadcast three hours later.

Before the show was over, the host, NBC News’ Matt Lauer, stated that emotions in the country are high because of the destruction the hurricane has left, the handling of the disaster and the strain of the war in Iraq.

“Sometimes that emotion is translated into inspiration, sometimes into criticism,” Lauer said referring to West’s’ comments. “We've heard some of that tonight. But it's still part of the American way of life."
had to be said, but i hope kanye aint the next government target to shut down, cos he is very outspoken.

source = all hip hop


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It had to be said?

Well does Kanye realise that the white people they show with the bread or whatever he's talking about, most definitely stole it just like the black people are stealing things.
it was a sarcastic comment aimed at the media, sayin white ppl r 'lookin' for food, while the black ppl r 'lootin and stealin'

oh my days.


New Member
sniper said:
it was a sarcastic comment aimed at the media, sayin white ppl r 'lookin' for food, while the black ppl r 'lootin and stealin'

oh my days.

I dont think it was sarcastic, he was almost crying and If you read the newspapers, you can see the difference in the way they portray blacks/whites throughout this whole looting thing.
“I hate the way they portray us in the media,” West said echoing comments that big media outlets are biased in how they present images of the hurricane victims.

“You see a black family, it says, ‘They're looting.’ You see a white family, it says, ‘They're looking for food.’
yall misunderstanding me.


Well-Known Member
KosimO said:
It had to be said?

Well does Kanye realise that the white people they show with the bread or whatever he's talking about, most definitely stole it just like the black people are stealing things.

He's saying that the media calls it 'looking for food' when it's white people and 'looting' when it's black people.

Can't believe I'm explaining this..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah. It's sad how the situation is playing out. But, the media and how it runs isn't going to change anytime soon, if people feel bad about the help or lack thereof that is being received in the South, then they need to do something about it. Every little bit helps, I know I didn't complain until I did all that I felt I could do to help out. And I think it's funny how he complains about other people not doing anything and he hasn't done anything yet himself.

I think the entire thing was a guilt trip, he feels bad about what happened as well as about not doing anything, and that probably is what sparked such an emotional outbreak from him at such a opportune time.

I'm not talking bad about anyone, I just try to help out as much as I possibly can in any way possible, which I think more people should try and do.
Chronic said:

He's saying that the media calls it 'looking for food' when it's white people and 'looting' when it's black people.

Can't believe I'm explaining this..
surprised me too :thumb:


Well-Known Member
i didnt hear him say about thing about the gov. of L.A.
i didnt hear him say anything about the associated press. ]

but of course it wouldnt be right to put blame were it should really go too. instead lets point fingers at the easy target. the president. i love kanyes music, but thats what he should stick too, music. not riding jesse jacksons dick.

everyone wants to put the blame on the president. that is just stupid. the gov of L.A. should be blamed for not calling in help from the federal gov and using all her resources that were giving to her and for not having a plan.

those pics came from the associated press. not the white house.


Well-Known Member
^ I agree. Kanye just wants to sound poitical conscience and smart but he doesnt know what the hell he is talking about. He should just stick to music but the same thing goes for a lot of other artists and actors.
For not calling in federal help? WTF are you talking about. Like Bush didnt KNOW abotu the situation? That mother fucker should have done, and still be doing, a LOT more then he has. But he's not. How is the blame placed solely on the govener?

PuffnScruff your an idiot.
Kanye was probably talking about this with the "looting" and "finding" comment:

NEW YORK -- In one of the photos, a man wades through chest-deep waters with a large black bag filled with items from a grocery store. In another, two people wade through equally high waters, carrying bread and soda.
They were just two out of hundreds of stunning images transmitted Tuesday, the day after Katrina ravaged New Orleans. What has drawn attention to these two photos, though, is their captions.
In the first, the young man, who is black, is described as having "looted" the items. In the second, the pair, who are white or light-skinned, are described as "finding" the items.
The photos were by two different photographers working for two different news agencies, The Associated Press and AFP/Getty Images. But they appeared together on Yahoo News, and they sparked a flurry of blog entries, emails and calls contending the captions were unfair to blacks.
"The pictures appear to be identical but one individual is "looting" and the other is "finding" needed items!" one person wrote the AP. "This is irresponsible journalism and fuels the attitude that 'all' African-Americans are looters."
On Thursday, Yahoo withdrew the photo of the light-skinned pair at the request of Agence France Presse, which distributes Getty's U.S-produced photos internationally. In a note, Yahoo wrote it "regrets that these photos and captions, viewed together, may have suggested a racial bias on our part.
AFP said it withdrew the photo because it had been flooded with time-consuming phone calls and emails, while already stretched covering the enormous tragedy.
"It's safe to say that it was just causing us a lot of problems," said Bob Pearson, AFP's director of photography in the United States.
The Associated Press said its policy was clear.
"When we see people go into businesses and come out with goods, we call it looting," said Santiago Lyon, AP's director of photography. "When we just see them carrying things down the road, we call it carrying items."
Lyon said the photographer who took Tuesday's photo, Dave Martin, had seen the man go into the store and take out the items.
As for the other photo, Getty said it stood by its caption and its photographer, Chris Graythen, who says the subjects of his photo were simply picking up items floating by in the dank waters.
And Graythen, frustrated by the controversy, wrote an emotional response on a photojournalism Web site, SportsShooter.com.
"These people were not ducking into a store and busting down windows to get electronics," he wrote. "They picked up bread and cokes that were floating in the water. They would have floated away anyhow."
Yahoo said it believed the controversy was merely a result of the juxtaposition of the two photos.
"We've explained that this was two separate news organizations, two separate photographers and two separate occasions," said Joanna Stevens, spokeswoman for Yahoo Inc. "Once people understand that, they're no longer angry with us."


Well-Known Member
DrugBa11ad said:
For not calling in federal help? WTF are you talking about. Like Bush didnt KNOW abotu the situation? That mother fucker should have done, and still be doing, a LOT more then he has. But he's not. How is the blame placed solely on the govener?

PuffnScruff your an idiot.

your the fucking idiot. maybe you should go back to grade school, jr high, and high school and learn about the local, state, and federal branches of government and learn about how shit works. there are chains of commands in this shit. the federal govt stepped in when the came the conclusion that the gov of L.A. wasnt going to do shit.

on that note. STFU newbie!
i just saw this clip on the uk news. Kanye goes on to say george bush does not like black people. Mike myers was standing next to him you should have seen his face he was like wtf do i do. I would love to get a copy of that video
This Situation Is A Very Sad One I Just Recently Understood How Bad It Was Down There. I Can't Stand Bush Cause He's A Dumb Ass But What We Need To Do Is Come Together As A Nation To Help In Anyway We Can. I Know I Have Done What I Can I Even Thought About Taking A Trip Down There To Volunteer. God Bless


Well-Known Member
Puff, you're my boy, but you are way off on this.

First of all, he did say something about the Associated Press. That's what he was talking about when he was discussing how blacks are being portrayed in the media.

And what resources did she have? Louisiana is not equipped to handle a disaster of this size. Why is that? Because of President Bush.

Bush's policies concerning Iraq and the war has forced him to cut funding for domestic projects. [highlight]It is a fact that Bush cut funding that was specifically for flood-preventing levees in New Orleans. Local officials have been complaining about this for YEARS to no avail. In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In fiscal year 2004, the Corps requested $11 million for the project. The President’s budget allocated $3 million, and Congress furnished $5.5 million. Similarly, in fiscal 2005 the Corps requested $22.5 million, which the President cut to $3.9 million in his budget. Congress increased that to $5.5 million.[/highlight]

How much did he propose for next year? A whopping $3 million. I can see how concerned he was about the dangerous flooding possibilities.


Well-Known Member
AmerikazMost said:
Puff, you're my boy, but you are way off on this.

First of all, he did say something about the Associated Press. That's what he was talking about when he was discussing how blacks are being portrayed in the media.

And what resources did she have? Louisiana is not equipped to handle a disaster of this size. Why is that? Because of President Bush.

Bush's policies concerning Iraq and the war has forced him to cut funding for domestic projects. [highlight]It is a fact that Bush cut funding that was specifically for flood-preventing levees in New Orleans. Local officials have been complaining about this for YEARS to no avail. In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In fiscal year 2004, the Corps requested $11 million for the project. The President’s budget allocated $3 million, and Congress furnished $5.5 million. Similarly, in fiscal 2005 the Corps requested $22.5 million, which the President cut to $3.9 million in his budget. Congress increased that to $5.5 million.[/highlight]

How much did he propose for next year? A whopping $3 million. I can see how concerned he was about the dangerous flooding possibilities.
it's all good :D i always respect your opinion.

i never got to see the kanye thing so i'm only basing what i've said about that on what i have read. thats my ignorance.

the govt declared it a disaster area before the storm hit. there were resources down there for the gov of L.A. before the storm hit. i'll admit there wasnt enough. but i think there should be more blame being put on other people and not just the president. the mayor of new orleans was bitching on a phone interview yesterday or the day before about how mad he was at the gov. of L.A. she needs to take alot of the blame imo. you will not see her re-elected.

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