Ja Rule must be furious!

alright well jason, you can easily replace everything I said about 50 to Eminem. It works the same.
No...it doesn't. Because Em killed Ja worse than 50. You're fucking amazing. You go off on a tangent that unnecessary because you aren't even paying attention to who I'm speaking of, then make up for your foolishness by just saying "well, the same argument applies". LOL, amazing kid.

And the beef was between 50 and Ja. Why did Em have to get in the beef?
A. Ja Rule claimed just before Em signed 50 that "any label who signed 50 would have beef with Murder Inc"

B. Ja Rule called out Em's daughter's name on record.

Its because he saw that Ja was at a low point, with much or less no fan support and with the help of a very popular rapper who was on his label, decided to diss Ja.
Buddy, you need to go back and learn some things.

I dont think Eminem had any part in this beef.
LOL, this shit is so amazingly ignorant that I don't know if it's more sad or funny.

And I dont know where you've been man, but a couple months ago MTV, Muchmusic, major websites all had articles on the beef between Ja and 50.
I don't use MTV.com...I'm not 15. The sites I use are this board, allhiphop.com, rapbasement.com and streethop.com

But whatever eh man, you gotta get all defensive and call me a jackass. Thats alright, im just trying to clear shit up.
I called you a jackass because you don't pay any attention and then go off on me when I wasn't even talking about the same thing you're bitching at me for. Pay some fucking attention, man.
Dubs said:
"I understand you're a noob dogg, but that's no excuse for being illiterate."

haha its funny you say that, because i had a talk with one of the mods a little while ago about this. actually man, ive been around since 2001, alot longer then you man. check the members... my old name was Dubs a.k.a PaKaveli. nice try though eh...
And I guess when your Join Date date says you joined this month and you have like 12 posts I'm supposed to know you used to be someone else?

I ain't phsychic dogg..and...you posted this cuz I'm supposed to care or something?
OxyContin said:
Put yourself in Jeffrey's shoes.

Imagine what Ja Rule must have felt like when he found out that 50 Cent's "The Massacre" sold over a million copies in just 4 days, while Ja's album, "R.U.L.E.", is barely hanging on the Top 200 Charts, and sold a 'respectable' amount of 599,791 CDs since the 8th of November, 2004.

Even "New York" didn't help him much. 50 Cent is solely responsible for ending this dude's music career. I bet Ja is really fuming right now.
I wouldnt say 50 is responsible!! if ja bought out decent stuff then more people would buy it :thumb:
I truly believe, that if 50 Cent was not on Aftermath, Ja would be doing fine now. Look at the backing 50 has got? In my opinion, lyrically wise, Ja would kill 50! But if you look at it like this. How can he win a battle when 50 Cent is rolling with the most popular artist about at the moment? Put 50 Cent on another label, a shit label, and watch the shit change! If he ever leaves Aftermath, you'll see it yourselves! The fan support he had would die out, and thats real!
Robbo1984 said:
I truly believe, that if 50 Cent was not on Aftermath, Ja would be doing fine now. Look at the backing 50 has got? In my opinion, lyrically wise, Ja would kill 50! But if you look at it like this. How can he win a battle when 50 Cent is rolling with the most popular artist about at the moment? Put 50 Cent on another label, a shit label, and watch the shit change! If he ever leaves Aftermath, you'll see it yourselves! The fan support he had would die out, and thats real!
:thumb: I agree with this 100%, actually.

Which is why I'm so bummed the Game/50 beef was a publicity stunt. I was SOO looking forward to 50 being dropped from Shady/Aftermath. :(
jason_g_718 said:
:thumb: I agree with this 100%, actually.

Which is why I'm so bummed the Game/50 beef was a publicity stunt. I was SOO looking forward to 50 being dropped from Shady/Aftermath. :(
Yeh, that stuff was shocking! Now as soon as his album comes out, there fine! There was no need for him to do that, everyone knew he'd make money off that album anyway. There was no need for it. Thats a money grabbing dude right there! He don't care about his fans. All he cares about is sales, money and so on! If you got as much money as him, why worry? Id love to have the money he's on right now, without pulling a stunt like that! But thats my opinion.

Oh yeh, and if 50 was to be dropped, id be happy too! He just, doesn't fit in with the rest. I truly believe that he is a weak rapper, with hardly no talent. Therefore he does not deserve the money he is on! But again, that is my opinion. But then, alot of rappers now a days, do not deserve the money they earn from these record sales and stuff! But fair play to them I suppose, there earning a shit load of money, and basically doing there thing! But I do not agree on 50's way of things!
jason_g_718 said:
:thumb: I agree with this 100%, actually.

Which is why I'm so bummed the Game/50 beef was a publicity stunt. I was SOO looking forward to 50 being dropped from Shady/Aftermath. :(
The shit that Robbo said is the EXACT same thing that I said man. So for some reason you agree with him. Alright bra, haha.

And theres no use arguing with you because you believe your right and that obviously what Im saying and what other people are saying is fucking wrong. You just keep responding back with new shit, so fuck it man. Im gonna keep my opinion on who won the beef, and u keep supporting your shady/aftermath crew.
jason_g_718 said:
And I guess when your Join Date date says you joined this month and you have like 12 posts I'm supposed to know you used to be someone else?

I ain't phsychic dogg..and...you posted this cuz I'm supposed to care or something?
And man what does this mean? Your judging people by how many post they have. Thats fuckin' dumb buddy. You think your some hero cause you have over 1, 000 posts? Everyone under you has obviously less knowledge about rap right? Fuckin' ridiculous buddy ... Ive been around here alot longer then you man so don't think that you know more shit because thats what you seem to think just cause you got some special love for Em and Shady/Aftermath. And your the person that brought the subject about being a noobie up man, so don't ask why you should care.
Dubs said:
The shit that Robbo said is the EXACT same thing that I said man. So for some reason you agree with him. Alright bra, haha.

And theres no use arguing with you because you believe your right and that obviously what Im saying and what other people are saying is fucking wrong. You just keep responding back with new shit, so fuck it man. Im gonna keep my opinion on who won the beef, and u keep supporting your shady/aftermath crew.

Yeh I just checked back and saw the shit you said earlier. Same kind of shit, but werent copying the shit you said. The stuff we both said is obvious anyway. It's a shame others can't see it.
Dubs said:
The shit that Robbo said is the EXACT same thing that I said man. So for some reason you agree with him. Alright bra, haha.

And theres no use arguing with you because you believe your right and that obviously what Im saying and what other people are saying is fucking wrong. You just keep responding back with new shit, so fuck it man. Im gonna keep my opinion on who won the beef, and u keep supporting your shady/aftermath crew.
WTF shit are you on about now?

I swear these little fucking 16 and 18 year olds just come in here to start beef.
And man what does this mean? Your judging people by how many post they have. Thats fuckin' dumb buddy.
Uh...first of all, I don't judge people by the amount of posts they have. HOwever, HALF the people here do...so...take from that what you will.

The only thing I said about you being a noobie was that it wasn't an excuse for you being illiterate.

You think your some hero cause you have over 1, 000 posts?
LOL, where do you come up with this shit?

Everyone under you has obviously less knowledge about rap right? Fuckin' ridiculous buddy ... Ive been around here alot longer then you man so don't think that you know more shit because thats what you seem to think just cause you got some special love for Em and Shady/Aftermath. And your the person that brought the subject about being a noobie up man, so don't ask why you should care
Looks like someone else is doing roids with 50, cuz you look like you got some roid rage here.

Also, LMAO @ "special love for Em"...what the fuck?

Don't post high dogg.


Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
In other words, what he REALLY said was, "man, me and my niggaz waited 14 years to put out our first album as a group and I'm real disappointed that I've fallen off so bad that nobody gives a shit about me anymore, so rather than cop to being a has been and admitting it, I'm just going to say I made myself happy".
LMFAO at you using the word 'niggaz' to imitate how a black person talks. I know Ja Rule uses the word but did you actually have to use it in your little imaginative text? Funny stuff.


Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
LMA0 @ you acting like 500,000 is a lot compared to what Ja is used to pushing.
Was he? No. He said Ja Rule's career wasn't over considering he sold 500,000 copies and is starring in a bunch of movies. And he's right.
does this ring a bell. ja murdered em for sure with this one

"em ur mothers a crackhead and kim is a known slut so whats haily gonna be when she grows up"

no one can say this didnt murder em. maybe not em's career cuz em got so many dickryders and 12 year old groupies,but in reality that shit was powerful. fucc a em/50 dickryder. umm....jason *cough* *cough*

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