Is there a double standard in hip hop?


Will suck off black men for a dime
two187pac said:
i wasn't saying that just cuz he gets paid by a white guy he shouldnt say it, im just saying hes quick to make a comment about a white guy who cant keep up with him when in reality his paycheck comes frm a white guy, hes basicly hating on the man whos paying hims race. as far as using little examples of people running teams who had money before i'd like to know a few team owners who didnt hae much money before buying a team, i had more then the examples i gave but didnt list them to keep it simple. as far as your comment about there being no black players without white owners i disagree, wheather or not you r getting paid doesnt take away how much talent or ability you have
fuck lol i typed up this reply and when i hit enter went to an error page
i'll run thru it with what my points were

you say "hes quick to make a comment about a white guy who cant keep up with him when in reality his paycheck comes frm a white guy, hes basicly hating on the man whos paying hims race" so now youre sayin that because he makes a comment that this white guy cant defend him, hes 'hating on the man whos payin him's race' how does that make sense or connect into all that?

my point with the teams shit was, without players there are no owners. what does them bein rich before..why would u go thru all that to prove that they dont need 'em? i couldnt care if mark cuban made a boomin dot com business or whatever. why would u go into all of that just from comment and comments stemmin from Sprewell sayin a white guy couldnt defend him. how fuckin picky is that?

2 clarify what i was sayin about 'white owners black players', i was goin off of how you said basically he couldnt (or Shouldnt ) have said about this one white guy, because..a white guy pays him. I doubt because sprewell said that at about the white dude, that he doesnt appreciate getin millions from 'this white man'. but talkin about that, did you even check to see if sprewell was gettin paid by a white guy? or did you just assume it?

i think thats basically what i said :thumb:
EDouble said:
fuck lol i typed up this reply and when i hit enter went to an error page
i'll run thru it with what my points were

you say "hes quick to make a comment about a white guy who cant keep up with him when in reality his paycheck comes frm a white guy, hes basicly hating on the man whos paying hims race" so now youre sayin that because he makes a comment that this white guy cant defend him, hes 'hating on the man whos payin him's race' how does that make sense or connect into all that?

my point with the teams shit was, without players there are no owners. what does them bein rich before..why would u go thru all that to prove that they dont need 'em? i couldnt care if mark cuban made a boomin dot com business or whatever. why would u go into all of that just from comment and comments stemmin from Sprewell sayin a white guy couldnt defend him. how fuckin picky is that?

2 clarify what i was sayin about 'white owners black players', i was goin off of how you said basically he couldnt (or Shouldnt ) have said about this one white guy, because..a white guy pays him. I doubt because sprewell said that at about the white dude, that he doesnt appreciate getin millions from 'this white man'. but talkin about that, did you even check to see if sprewell was gettin paid by a white guy? or did you just assume it?

i think thats basically what i said :thumb:
i didnt asume ..... and i never said he shouldnt be saying that because a white guy pays him, he shouldnt be saying it because its racist and wrong..... on top of the fact that theres a white guy paying him. i believe the original post says these white boys and not white boy, to lazy to check right now but either way whys there a need to bring up hes white? we dont have white kids in math club slamming there calculator saying "this niggers no comp for me."
as far as going into mark cuban and all that i did it to prove that as far as finachally goes these men don't need the sports as much as the players need it, end of story.
two187pac said:
what exactly was done to them? slavery was a bad thing and all but at the time that slavery was in its prime in america only somthing like 10% of the slaves in the world were found in america, not to metion that blacks owned blacks. on top of that it was basicly the english that owned slaves as far as white people go, not italians or irish or anyone else. its not a double standard as far as hiphop, its a double standard with everything.

Ummm, 30 million slaves were killed during the slave trade buddy. And don't forget that when the U.S. was asked why they had slaves, they responded with "Because they're black."

Hip Hop began as a voice for the minority youth and after it came on MTV, THEN white kids found out about it. Non-minorities owe minorities respect when they enter the culture (Hip Hop). No matter how many white rappers come out, it's ours before theirs. Ours is referring to minorities. Rock 'n Roll was taken along with several other music genres, Hip Hop needs to be left alone and minorities, mainly blacks, need to be compensated for the killing of 30 million black slaves and segregation, not to mention the draft during the Vietnam War. 65% of the U.S. army was made up of minorities.
MATW95 said:
Ummm, 30 million slaves were killed during the slave trade buddy. And don't forget that when the U.S. was asked why they had slaves, they responded with "Because they're black."

Hip Hop began as a voice for the minority youth and after it came on MTV, THEN white kids found out about it. Non-minorities owe minorities respect when they enter the culture (Hip Hop). No matter how many white rappers come out, it's ours before theirs. Ours is referring to minorities. Rock 'n Roll was taken along with several other music genres, Hip Hop needs to be left alone and minorities, mainly blacks, need to be compensated for the killing of 30 million black slaves and segregation, not to mention the draft during the Vietnam War. 65% of the U.S. army was made up of minorities.
you have to be fucking kidding me, so the fact that the majority of slaves were not owned in america means nothing, only america should be focused on. the fact that the waythe majority of the slaves were taken was they were sold by other blacks means nothing to you. the fact that blacks owned blacks means nothing to you. i could say up untill a few years ago golf was predominetly a white man sport as far as those who were best at it, that be like saying everything s tarted by the white man should not be available for the black man to enjoy and take part in. as far as the vietnam comment how can u fix a draft? maby there birthdays didnt fall on the right day or somthing but hows it the white mans fault?
two187pac said:
you have to be fucking kidding me, so the fact that the majority of slaves were not owned in america means nothing, only america should be focused on. the fact that the waythe majority of the slaves were taken was they were sold by other blacks means nothing to you. the fact that blacks owned blacks means nothing to you. i could say up untill a few years ago golf was predominetly a white man sport as far as those who were best at it, that be like saying everything s tarted by the white man should not be available for the black man to enjoy and take part in. as far as the vietnam comment how can u fix a draft? maby there birthdays didnt fall on the right day or somthing but hows it the white mans fault?

In 1965, minorities were minorities. There were less of them than whites. Now, it may be a stretch, but I hardly believe that there was an uneven ratio (leaning heavier toward the minority side) between minorities and whites being over 18.

As for the blacks owning blacks? It happened because there were blacks that fought in the Revolutionary War on Great Britains side. When the war was over, they were all set as "freed men." When they moved their families to America, they couldn't be taken as slaves because they were still citizens of Great Britain and needed to be given a sort of "permission" statement saying they were able to be slaves. When they got all that shit settled, they began buying slaves with the money they had because of the status symbol that it was.

O yeah, forgot to put this in there: Hip Hop was invented in America, therefore whites in America should respect the "founding fathers" of the culture (pssst...buncha black people).
^ ur right i doubt there was that big of an uneven ratio, but maby, just maby, less whites qualified for the draft (ie: f4, in college, club feet,homosexual, whatever the case may be)

as far as your blacks owning blacks thats true, in some cases, in other cases they just had money and didnt wanna do shit on there own. in one book i read a woman owned her hustband, caught him fucking her sister and sold him to their neighbor...
two187pac said:
^ ur right i doubt there was that big of an uneven ratio, but maby, just maby, less whites qualified for the draft (ie: f4, in college, club feet,homosexual, whatever the case may be)

as far as your blacks owning blacks thats true, in some cases, in other cases they just had money and didnt wanna do shit on there own. in one book i read a woman owned her hustband, caught him fucking her sister and sold him to their neighbor...

Lol at this guy tryig to pass all the blame on black people, HAHAHAHAHAH, but then again i would expect that from a guy that said "nigger, you should have thought about that befor u said that" me thinks we got a closet racist from missisippi here.
roaches said:
I dunno. But no one likes to hear white people complaining about superficial supposed discrimination.>
It's sad people only consider the context of Americans when speaking about race issues raised in hip hop. Discrimination of ALL races takes place across the world. For every insult Eminem gave Black women on that unexcusable track, another hundred African American emcees have given white people but that's acceptable because hip hop is an African American platform to express candid views on almost any subject matter.

I wonder if the Chili Peppers started writing lyrics like "I'll never marry a nigga" they would recieve the same treatment as 50 Cent even though the foundations of the particular music genre they belong to is of ethical question.

The point is; black or white. Racial hate is not acceptable and I don't like hearing such blatent generalisations made of white people when an entire opinion has been based on the sole (and in actual fact marginal: "The Indians should be more upset syndrome") history of ONE nation.

Eminem's lyrics are still however absolutely more aphorrent than 50's but I could find you a hundred better examples from black rappers that are equally disgusting when addressing whites.
Silleone said:
Lol at this guy tryig to pass all the blame on black people, HAHAHAHAHAH, but then again i would expect that from a guy that said "nigger, you should have thought about that befor u said that" me thinks we got a closet racist from missisippi here.
for future reference quotations are used when u are putting exactly what someone said, word for word. i like how you leave the context out of it to , and who ever said i was blaming only blacks? definitly not a racist either, my 2 best friends are both minority. ive never said 1 thing on this board that was remotly racist that wasnt provoked or in defense of my own race, everything ive ever said is basiclly the same that was directed toward me except more clearly spelled out, to show others how they sound when they talk.
two187pac said:
for future reference quotations are used when u are putting exactly what someone said, word for word. i like how you leave the context out of it to , and who ever said i was blaming only blacks? definitly not a racist either, my 2 best friends are both minority. ive never said 1 thing on this board that was remotly racist that wasnt provoked or in defense of my own race, everything ive ever said is basiclly the same that was directed toward me except more clearly spelled out, to show others how they sound when they talk.
sure man................ :rolleyes: :thumb:
pretty stupid question..see the way I look at it..its an american situation..typical american sorry man..but america is known for that type of bullshit...its always the same bullshit about what race pplz is..sum dumb shit...

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