Is there a double standard in hip hop?

Chronic said:
Yea I know.
Although... slavery wasn't that bad really, only 10% of the slaves in the world were black at that time. Statistics always seem to ease the pain of the people suffering. Hey two187pac, if you wanted to rent Amistad at the video store, woudld you head to the comedy section? You might want to change your name if you're going to make posts like that, Pac wouldn't appreciate them. :)

I love the white people that listen to rap and never mention the racist comments made by black rappers (and probably aren't offended by them either) until black people complain about racism by whites. Then it becomes a problem, then it becomes a double standard.
You can only speak of double standards when the parties involved are equal. Some people tend to think slavery is all that happened. 40 years ago there was still very active segregation. It's not just slavery, it's everything that happened after. History led to this "double standard" being 'allowed'. If you don't understand why Chris Rock can make jokes about white people and easily get away with it, you need to educate yourself a little more.
Besides, racism from a minority has far less effect than racism from a majority.
And honestly, do you give a fuck when Ice Cube calls you a cracker? Only when someone points out that Eminem made a racist comment?
Can't you just let black people express their anger after all the shit that happened to them when you're only getting offended for the sake of principal?

right.... because i haven't gotten into 20+ post arguements about how kanye west is a racist, without the brining up of the hole eminem situation. like rukas said before, imagine if we had dennis leary up on stage making all "nigger" jokes just like dave chappel and chris rock likes to get on "crackers." This is acceptable but the alternitive is unheard of. and heres a news flash, whites are soon not going to be the majority in america. you claim minirities don't have equal say in anything but out of all the states in the country the state of califonia has the most electoral votes, and has a majority of hispanic decent. as far as your amnistad reference what does that have to do with me? my great grandparents only came here about 70 years ago, and when they came here they faced just as much bullshit as blacks did in the 60's. imagine now a days, if there was ever a sign in a window for a job that said "blacks need not apply" these signs existed for a long time and were aimed toward the irish and italians but knowbody seems to remember them. my great grand parents came here not knowing any english and learned to get by, they didnt have everything with subtitles to make things convient for them. they learned to come together as a community with other italians and get past being discriminated against (they grew up in an all italian neighborhood that still exist today called federal hill, i dont know if your familiar with the area) anyway, my point is when my great grand parents were discriminated against it will never be stressed in a history book and they will never be given the credit they truely deserve. i in no way believe that slavery was not a bad thing, i admit it was a hobbible thing, but it was a horrible thing that didn't involve the majority of white people in america's ancestors. as far as letting you guys express your anger i don't see why you should be allowed to express it but if i ever said how my family was discriminated against when they came here i would get looks as if i were crazy.i am in no way a racist, my 2 best friends are black and pueto rican, i just don't think its fair to sterio type all whites as racist while if a black man makes a racial comment he is just "expressing his anger for all the shit that happened."


On Probation: Please report any break in the guide
two187pac said:
^it happens, it might not get labeled as a race crime but it is, white guy in califnornia gets his head smashed in by a brick for being white and being in the middle of a race riot and nobody can tell us his name, but everyone knows who rodney king is.
regenald danny:rolleyes::thumb:
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Silleone, don't bring Eminem back into this. Everyone knows he was a prick & was blatantly wrong.

The point isn't what particular people it is in question, or even the surrounding circumstances, it's jsut is there a double standard?

The fact that you are defending one but not the other (albeitwith genuine reasons) reinforces the fact that there is.

Btw, delete some Pms.
lol em was 16. Cube was a grown friekin man puttin shit out for years. He's the biggest racist in hiphop history and now hes at award shows and talk shows shaking hands and hugging whitey. Just goes to show everyone, the only color that matters is green and everyones does what they gotta do so who really cares whose racist and who isnt.
Rukas said:
Its not even rap, can you imagin if a white comedian came out and made jokes about black people like Chris Rock for example makes about whites?
Rock is far from racist. He criticizes all races equally. (ie: i love black people, but i hate hate hate niggers). Furthermore, he's also a very smart guy and through his comedy makes social commentaries.
CoolWaterz said:
lol em was 16. Cube was a grown friekin man puttin shit out for years. He's the biggest racist in hiphop history and now hes at award shows and talk shows shaking hands and hugging whitey. Just goes to show everyone, the only color that matters is green and everyones does what they gotta do so who really cares whose racist and who isnt.

i like cubes racism becuz most of it is
b.said for a reason
c.alot of the racist shit he was saying made sense

lol, it seems like some of u want to forget the past and "move on" and act like nothing happend, it was only like 50 years ago your grandads were riding around on there horses with the klan hats killing of more people, now its happening to the people in the middle east, first u hate them and in a couple of years you will look back at your ignorant selves and feel stupid.

one more thing cube didnt sell out,i bet he still holds racist views, hes one of them dudes that doesnt "forget" the past so easily, he made his own fucking company and is runnin it, he aint no ones bitch, also what do u expect him to do, spit on every white person he comes accross, if u want to talk about a real so called "sellout", see dre, snoop, p.diddy/
Silleone said:
i like cubes racism becuz most of it is
b.said for a reason
c.alot of the racist shit he was saying made sense

lol, it seems like some of u want to forget the past and "move on" and act like nothing happend, it was only like 50 years ago your grandads were riding around on there horses with the klan hats killing of more people, now its happening to the people in the middle east, first u hate them and in a couple of years you will look back at your ignorant selves and feel stupid.

one more thing cube didnt sell out,i bet he still holds racist views, hes one of them dudes that doesnt "forget" the past so easily, he made his own fucking company and is runnin it, he aint no ones bitch, also what do u expect him to do, spit on every white person he comes accross, if u want to talk about a real so called "sellout", see dre, snoop, p.diddy/

youve personally met his grandad to say this? its racist for you to assume he has older relatives in the clan. that would be like me saying that your grand dads grand dad went around raping white woman and was one of the reasons the clan was formed, i cant say that because i don't know you and would be steriotyping. how can you generalize all white people as racist it just doesnt make sense.

as far as chris rock as a comedian i agree, he does go at black people probably just as much as white people. but what about dave chapell, he goes on comedy central and bashes white people on national television to no end. it personally doesnt bother me because im a fan of stand up comedy and i believe you should be able to say whatever you want to get a laugh, ill even admit some of its funny. i just wouldnt want there to be crys of racism if a white comdian ever did the same thing.
Silleone said:
i like cubes racism becuz most of it is
b.said for a reason
c.alot of the racist shit he was saying made sense

lol, it seems like some of u want to forget the past and "move on" and act like nothing happend, it was only like 50 years ago your grandads were riding around on there horses with the klan hats killing of more people, now its happening to the people in the middle east, first u hate them and in a couple of years you will look back at your ignorant selves and feel stupid.

one more thing cube didnt sell out,i bet he still holds racist views, hes one of them dudes that doesnt "forget" the past so easily, he made his own fucking company and is runnin it, he aint no ones bitch, also what do u expect him to do, spit on every white person he comes accross, if u want to talk about a real so called "sellout", see dre, snoop, p.diddy/
lol im sorry i couldnt see past the ignorance..was there a point you were trying to make?
^right... hilirious...... but not to the point of being racist right? maby he doesnt realize that a "white boy" is the guy whos been writing him his checks his entire life. like chris rock said, "shaqs rich, the guy writing him his checks is wealthy."
two187pac said:
^right... hilirious...... but not to the point of being racist right? maby he doesnt realize that a "white boy" is the guy whos been writing him his checks his entire life. like chris rock said, "shaqs rich, the guy writing him his checks is wealthy."
dont forget that the whiteboy writing shaqs checks needs him,without shaq and the rest of the people hes writing checks for help him get his wealth, similar to how jimmy iovine needs 50cent, yeah jimmys rich, but without all the black artists under him, he wouldnt have all that "wealth",also what does the guy writing his checks have to do anything. :confused:
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Black people are allowed to make somewhat racist remarks because of what was did to them in the past......or that's how it appears to be from where I'm standing.
exactly mate,, thats what the world has come too,, quite sad really.
Silleone said:
dont forget that the whiteboy writing shaqs checks needs him,without shaq and the rest of the people hes writing checks for help him get his wealth, similar to how jimmy iovine needs 50cent, yeah jimmys rich, but without all the black artists under him, he wouldnt have all that "wealth",also what does the guy writing his checks have to do anything. :confused:
in order to own any sports team it requires a hole shitload of money upfront, guy who bought the washington redskins dropped 500million to buy the team and 500million on the new stadium, so he apparently had an extra billion dollars lying around so im guessing he doesnt need the athletes. owner of the dallas maverics made billions off of the .com bubble before it burst , all owners basicly have money and dont make ridicoulous ammounts of money off of the teams, so its fair to say they dont "need" the players as much as the players need them. for the most part many athletes (both white and black) don't bring much to the table in other catagories although like with everything there are exceptions. the reason that the guy writing his checks has to do with anything is because he makes a negative comment about "white boys" yet he isnt giving the white boy writing his checks any credit.

and edouble, was that sarcasm or were u being serious, not to great at picking up on that stuff.


Will suck off black men for a dime
two187pac-It was sacrasm homie- but with what you just said, u sayin it's supposed to be like "Damn this white boy can't guard me. :eek: *covers mouth* White boy gives me money to be alive"? its not like..if a black dude says somethin about this white boy, he doesnt have place because thats where his checks come from - think about a white boy playing in the NBA, and he says somethin about 'this nigger' then ":eek: *covers mouth* But i wouldn't be playing on this level, and wouldnt be getin Paid on this level if it wasnt for how niggers evolved this sport"

and i remember you talkin about 'how can you assume all of this', and 'and see what gives you the right to...' about whatever shit i think Silleone said, yet here you are talkin about the white man keeping 'Sprewell' paid all of his life and then listing little Examples of people runnin teams who just had money before so they dont need the players. for that shit anyway, what point are you making?..."look at these white owners, who were rich before owning these teams, who without them you wouldnt even have these black players" or am i generalizin your statement with that?

get back at me
EDouble said:
two187pac-It was sacrasm homie- but with what you just said, u sayin it's supposed to be like "Damn this white boy can't guard me. :eek: *covers mouth* White boy gives me money to be alive"? its not like..if a black dude says somethin about this white boy, he doesnt have place because thats where his checks come from - think about a white boy playing in the NBA, and he says somethin about 'this nigger' then ":eek: *covers mouth* But i wouldn't be playing on this level, and wouldnt be getin Paid on this level if it wasnt for how niggers evolved this sport"

and i remember you talkin about 'how can you assume all of this', and 'and see what gives you the right to...' about whatever shit i think Silleone said, yet here you are talkin about the white man keeping 'Sprewell' paid all of his life and then listing little Examples of people runnin teams who just had money before so they dont need the players. for that shit anyway, what point are you making?..."look at these white owners, who were rich before owning these teams, who without them you wouldnt even have these black players" or am i generalizin your statement with that?

get back at me

i wasn't saying that just cuz he gets paid by a white guy he shouldnt say it, im just saying hes quick to make a comment about a white guy who cant keep up with him when in reality his paycheck comes frm a white guy, hes basicly hating on the man whos paying hims race. as far as using little examples of people running teams who had money before i'd like to know a few team owners who didnt hae much money before buying a team, i had more then the examples i gave but didnt list them to keep it simple. as far as your comment about there being no black players without white owners i disagree, wheather or not you r getting paid doesnt take away how much talent or ability you have

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