Is there a double standard in hip hop?

CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Black people are allowed to make somewhat racist remarks because of what was did to them in the past......or that's how it appears to be from where I'm standing.
what exactly was done to them? slavery was a bad thing and all but at the time that slavery was in its prime in america only somthing like 10% of the slaves in the world were found in america, not to metion that blacks owned blacks. on top of that it was basicly the english that owned slaves as far as white people go, not italians or irish or anyone else. its not a double standard as far as hiphop, its a double standard with everything.
two187pac said:
what exactly was done to them? slavery was a bad thing and all but at the time that slavery was in its prime in america only somthing like 10% of the slaves in the world were found in america, not to metion that blacks owned blacks. on top of that it was basicly the english that owned slaves as far as white people go, not italians or irish or anyone else. its not a double standard as far as hiphop, its a double standard with everything.

arent u that guy that said "nigger, you should have thought about what u said befor u posted it"
^yea, but im guessing u didnt read everything leading up to that. i dont understand why white people have to walk around on egg shells but if a black person says cracker no1 thinks twice...


Well-Known Member
two187pac said:
what exactly was done to them? slavery was a bad thing and all but at the time that slavery was in its prime in america only somthing like 10% of the slaves in the world were found in america, not to metion that blacks owned blacks. on top of that it was basicly the english that owned slaves as far as white people go, not italians or irish or anyone else. its not a double standard as far as hiphop, its a double standard with everything.
Racism still exists today.
First off, I feel what all of you are saying, this issue is so fucking hard, its such a gray area.

I totally disagree with racism in general, but in ways I understand why blacks use racist terms like cracker and shit. Its not that I feel that insulting a white person because your black is justified, I can just show empathy with the fact that because of the intense amount of black inequality shown by white authority figures that blacks figure they have the right to react equally hostile to all whites.

Its hard because I sort of understand where the other side is coming from too, I'm white, and you think I dont hate not being able to associate myself as one of "the niggas" because im not black, so in a sense I can't really feel part of the community of rap/hip hop as much as a black person could simply because of my race. I am against racism, but I see where even though I embrace black culture and love rap/hip hop to death, I still would be treated less of a fan or feel less then a minority who listens because of my race.

It's true, thier is a double standard, blacks can be racist but whites cant, and although I can feel where blacks feel thier justified, it hurts the whites who truely love and embrace rap, while it also fuels racism.


Well-Known Member
^^ Your almost forced too when you get beat up by cops, get drug behind trucks, and still have prejudices against you daily. Be fucking serious now, when is the last time you heard of a black man commiting a race crime on a white man, not hardly as much as white men doing it. Goes back to that whole what do you do to a man who kicks you when your down.
^it happens, it might not get labeled as a race crime but it is, white guy in califnornia gets his head smashed in by a brick for being white and being in the middle of a race riot and nobody can tell us his name, but everyone knows who rodney king is.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Its not even rap, can you imagin if a white comedian came out and made jokes about black people like Chris Rock for example makes about whites?


Well-Known Member
two187pac said:
what exactly was done to them? slavery was a bad thing and all but at the time that slavery was in its prime in america only somthing like 10% of the slaves in the world were found in america, not to metion that blacks owned blacks. on top of that it was basicly the english that owned slaves as far as white people go, not italians or irish or anyone else. its not a double standard as far as hiphop, its a double standard with everything.
Consult a history book if you think slavery was all that happened.


Active Member
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Black people are allowed to make somewhat racist remarks because of what was did to them in the past......or that's how it appears to be from where I'm standing.

Where are you standing???


Well-Known Member
Yea I know.
Although... slavery wasn't that bad really, only 10% of the slaves in the world were black at that time. Statistics always seem to ease the pain of the people suffering. Hey two187pac, if you wanted to rent Amistad at the video store, woudld you head to the comedy section? You might want to change your name if you're going to make posts like that, Pac wouldn't appreciate them. :)

I love the white people that listen to rap and never mention the racist comments made by black rappers (and probably aren't offended by them either) until black people complain about racism by whites. Then it becomes a problem, then it becomes a double standard.
You can only speak of double standards when the parties involved are equal. Some people tend to think slavery is all that happened. 40 years ago there was still very active segregation. It's not just slavery, it's everything that happened after. History led to this "double standard" being 'allowed'. If you don't understand why Chris Rock can make jokes about white people and easily get away with it, you need to educate yourself a little more.
Besides, racism from a minority has far less effect than racism from a majority.
And honestly, do you give a fuck when Ice Cube calls you a cracker? Only when someone points out that Eminem made a racist comment?
Can't you just let black people express their anger after all the shit that happened to them when you're only getting offended for the sake of principal?

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