Is there a double standard in hip hop?

Last year there was a great deal of talk about the racist Eminem tracks:

"All the girls I like to bone have big butts/ No they don't, 'cause I don't like that n----- sh--/ I'm just here to make a bigger hit." - Eminem

"Blacks and whites, they sometimes mix/ But black girls only want your money, 'cause they're dumb chicks," - Eminem

"Never date a black girl, because blacks only want your money/ And that sh-- ain't funny." - Eminem
But this year, I have not heard any mention of:

"My Mama'll turn in her grave if I married a white chick" - 50 Cent, Position of Power
Obviously what Eminem said is more direct and he elaborated much more then 50 Cent, but in essence they are both talking down a whole race of women.

I don't want to to stir up 'beef' or upset anyone, I am just interested to hear what other people have to say about this...
Black people are allowed to make somewhat racist remarks because of what was did to them in the past......or that's how it appears to be from where I'm standing.


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i think cuz rap is in more majority of black artists it will stand out more for what eminem said. and when 50 says something like that its not a noticable thing really. Some people will interpretate it as racist some wont.
The media etc. are afraid of african-americans. Or, to elaborate a bit more, they're afraid that if they point out something like you just pointed out, african-americans will utilize the famed racist card and start calling the media racists.

At least, that's how I understand it.
how exactly is that racist what 50 cent said. He stated his mothers opinion on where she stood with her son marrying out of his race. Last time I checked it was perfectly o.k to hold the view that you don't want to get married out of your race. It is called 'a decision'
no, not really, alot of parents from the old school feel that way, for example, my friend loves black girls to death but he would never marry one.

what benzino said could be seen as racist, he said something like "kill that cracker" when he was talking bout the racist tapes, but then again benzino looks white as hell so i dont know whether hes racist or not.


Well-Known Member
Bad choice of examples but nontheless there is one. And their pretty much is a double standard with everything, there is gonna be a double standard depending on what side your on.
It all comes down to what society accepts, until white people start voicing their opinion about issues like this then we can say something, but until then what can you do.


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what 50 said isnt racist. it's a fact.

eminem's words were racist because they were his opinion.


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The Eminem line is blatant venom towards females of a group that has been historically oppressed, marginalized, and taken advantage of by a group that Eminem belongs to.

50 Cent's line is a reflection on the wariness that the generations before him had towards their historical oppressors and their desire to preserve their culture, values and community.

</bs? I dunno. But no one likes to hear white people complaining about superficial supposed discrimination.>
ken said:
how exactly is that racist what 50 cent said. He stated his mothers opinion on where she stood with her son marrying out of his race. Last time I checked it was perfectly o.k to hold the view that you don't want to get married out of your race. It is called 'a decision'
I don't think 50's comment is really of importance here. It wasn't the best example - in fact, it was piss poor - but everyone knows what the dude is trying to inquire about.
roaches said:
The Eminem line is blatant venom towards females of a group that has been historically oppressed, marginalized, and taken advantage of by a group that Eminem belongs to.

50 Cent's line is a reflection on the wariness that the generations before him had towards their historical oppressors and their desire to preserve their culture, values and community.

</bs? I dunno. But no one likes to hear white people complaining about superficial supposed discrimination.>
nice way of puttin it.
Forget the fact that Eminem was blatantly racist & 50 wasn't, is there a double standard?

In my eyes, there is.

Cube can talk about killing 'crackers' & nobody inside the Hip Hop community is outraged, but if Bubba Sparxxx was to even say that he was going out to kill some 'black folks' there would be some outcry.

There are no words that have strong enough connotations to severely harm me at the present time, so don't think that I'm just being sensitive.
Yes, there is a double standard. And it's not just in music.

For example, John Chaney sends out a player in a basketball game to rough up the other team. His actions lead to a player breaking his arm and ending his college career. But no one calls for his head, why? Because if any white sports writer says he should be fired, he will be called a racist. However, if Bobby Knight did the same thing, he would never coach again.

At the factory that I work at, a white janitor was caught having sex with a black janitor. The white janitor was fired, nothing happened to the black janitor. My boss was told that it was because of race.

I'm so sick and tired of the race issue. I am white, and I don't give 2 shits what race you are. Eminem did say the "n" word. And it was a horrible horrible thing, but why wasn't it a big deal when Shaq said in his book that he hopes that every player in the league would consider quitting if they got dunked on by a black guy. Or when Spreewell yelled out "someone put a N---- on me, these white boys can't guard me".

The only people allowed to make racist statements are black people and we can't say anything back. I don't think it should be like that. I think the only people that should be able to make a racist comment are Charles Barkley and Chris Rock because it's to damn funny when they do.
That's not a very good point my man.

I can't really comment on basketball references or things that happen in your life for I know not of them but that last point - after pissing & moaning about double standards - just embraced one.


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Hostile Apostle said:
I'm so sick and tired of the race issue. I am white, and I don't give 2 shits what race you are. Eminem did say the "n" word. And it was a horrible horrible thing, but why wasn't it a big deal when Shaq said in his book that he hopes that every player in the league would consider quitting if they got dunked on by a black guy. Or when Spreewell yelled out "someone put a N---- on me, these white boys can't guard me".

I heard about the Shaq one, but not the Spreewell one though. Doesn't stun me Spreewell said that. The dude is a punk with his cock eyes and shit.
CalcuoCuchicheo said:
Cube can talk about killing 'crackers' & nobody inside the Hip Hop community is outraged
dont forget the cubes "kill a cracker days" was round the time police brutality, rodney king, oj, etc was going on,it might seem racist rbut there was justification in what he was saying, eminem got dumped by a girl.
Silleone, don't bring Eminem back into this. Everyone knows he was a prick & was blatantly wrong.

The point isn't what particular people it is in question, or even the surrounding circumstances, it's jsut is there a double standard?

The fact that you are defending one but not the other (albeitwith genuine reasons) reinforces the fact that there is.

Btw, delete some Pms.
There obviously is a double standard, but that is just the way it is. If white people were allowed to be racist back, there would be an all out fucking race war..
People think white supremisists are the scum of the Earth but let black powers go about there business.
Personally, racism dosn't phase me, but there is still no reason that allows minorities to be racist to the majority race.

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