If You Had The Power To Silence One Rapper/Group


Well-Known Member
Ghetto_Ghost said:
i been wanting them to be silent for awhile
they always sucked
the one thing that pisses me off about pac's music is that on most of the songs he's on for like 30-40 seconds then the next 4 minutes is outlaws. then another 2 minutes of pac talkin shit at the end
i thru all my pac CDs out the window after awhile

LMFAO!!! :p

not that i agree with it, but i can understand your opinion..
sniper said:
u dusted ? lol.

i would silence...........actually i wouldnt silence anyone, cos if i dont like anyone i just dont listen to em. :thumb:
Thats why I picked Lil Jon, I cant ignore him, he's everywhere, he's having a negative impact on rap.
sniper said:
u dusted ? lol.

i would silence...........actually i wouldnt silence anyone, cos if i dont like anyone i just dont listen to em. :thumb:

i agree :thumb: , so far ive seen nothing but tolerable rappers on everyones list...i cant actually believe people think 50 and g-unit are that bad. mike jones isnt the greatest rapper alive, but hes got a hell of a flow and his beats are banging like none other....then someone else sed jay-z and kanye west! are u kidding me? kanye has 1 classic under his belt, and a possible nother, while jay-z has like 3 easy classics and several good albums. wut are some of u people on
Little Skittle said:
i agree :thumb: , so far ive seen nothing but tolerable rappers on everyones list...i cant actually believe people think 50 and g-unit are that bad. mike jones isnt the greatest rapper alive, but hes got a hell of a flow and his beats are banging like none other....then someone else sed jay-z and kanye west! are u kidding me? kanye has 1 classic under his belt, and a possible nother, while jay-z has like 3 easy classics and several good albums. wut are some of u people on

It's all about YOUR taste, and YOUR opinion. I can't tolerate Jay-Z's music, while you probably like him. It would be sh1t if everyone picked the same, man.

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