If You Had The Power To Silence One Rapper/Group

If you had the power to silence one rapper or group, who would it be, and by silence i mean cease all of their recordings, prevent them from releasing anything new.

have to kick of the g-unit hating and say G-G-G-UNIT

It would have to be G-unit for me too. Although i'd get Buck outa there and start a supergroup with Buck, Fatal & Shyne called "the truths wit tha Ox".

You know it makes sense lol.
killahill187um said:
i would silence outlawz
i been wanting them to be silent for awhile
they always sucked
the one thing that pisses me off about pac's music is that on most of the songs he's on for like 30-40 seconds then the next 4 minutes is outlaws. then another 2 minutes of pac talkin shit at the end
i thru all my pac CDs out the window after awhile
i remember whe daz had beef with them, sayin they suck n the best part of their songs was when pac came on or something like that, i miss his interviews :D

i like some of their stuff tho
ItsmeyaC said:
i remember whe daz had beef with them, sayin they suck n the best part of their songs was when pac came on or something like that, i miss his interviews :D

i like some of their stuff tho
Young Noble : "First off I want to address the Daz situation and let the fans know the real business...."

...."I tried to reach out to Daz about 2 months ago, when he was talkin shit about chopping off the Outlawz head and all that bullshit.

Daz has already been on some bullshit by releasing "Makaveli & Dillinger". He THOUGHT he was disrespecting SUGE KNIGHT, but he was really disrespecting TUPAC!

I called Daz's main man, and told the guy that I wanted to holla at Daz because he was talking shit and told the nigga to have Daz meet me somewhere so we can fight one on one. But that niggaz Daz never hollered back.

I KNOW he got the message cause a white guy called me back the next day and said Daz ain't trippin' and he is cool.

Daz talks all that gangsta shit, but when we tried to reach out to the nigga, he didn't holla back. We gonna holla at Daz when we see him.

The Outlawz be letting a lot of shit slide sometimes, but we about to STOP DOING THAT! We about to let niggaz know the deal.

This nigga DAZ acting like '007'! Tell Daz to STOP acting like 007 and call a nigga back! I hollered at Daz on some personal shit... fuck all that rap beef shit.

This aint no stranger we talkin about... we KNOW Daz.... we had love for Daz.. and it aint like he didn't get the message cause the white guy called back the next day!

Basicly I wanted to let the fanz know, niggaz be talkin' all that Gangsta shit, but don't really wanna do nothing! Fuck all that rap-war-beef... that shit is corny as fuck. If we gotta diss niggaz, then we gon' do it!

Just let Daz know we ain't fuckin SLEEP! We reppin' Pac to the fullest... Daz been gettin' out of line.

Niggaz ain't as gangsta as they claim to be. Anybody can talk shit in a interview, but if you a real man, then let's fight. If you get yo ass whooped.. then you get yo ass whooped!"

and i say G-UNIT
baby & mannie fresh
and how the fuck is this cocksuckers name baby? he's the opposite of that. the guys and old man. he had wrinkles since he was 20. and he keeps touching his nose. and he talks in a way that makes me want to take a crowbar and just beat him in the face with it and make him put his mouth to the curb and do him AmericanHistoryX style


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Are you guys serious? I didn't think there were that many people on the G-Unit hating bandwagon. I'm not the biggest G-Unit fan and I don't listen to them very often, but atleast I can realize they have the talent to make good music that will sell. I vote for Mike Jones. The dude spits lyrical garbage, has an annoying voice and makes garbage music, period.

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