HOLY SHIT! New Bizarre and Dre stuff

MC mufasa said:
^^ I don't mean to bring up the past but while you and I were engaging in a legitimate [well in my opinion anyway] discussion, yet you turned it into verbal insults.

BTW - Is Bizarre seriously going to be the first off D-12 [excluding Eminem] to drop a solo LP? That's interesting; i always thought it would be Swift or Proof. Though it's funny they get the shittiest member of the group, isn't it?
Well, his intial single is already up at rapbasement.com and if I recall correctly, the text next to his link said his album is dropping May 24th. I agree with you that I thought it woulda been Proof too. I don't know why Em is sleeping on Proof. Proof has a new single out too, "I Ain't Scared", but I don't know if it's just a single or going to be part of his new album

After that, Kon Artis and Kuniva are releasing a collaborative effort called Da Brigade.
MC mufasa said:
I haven't been reading much of this but is this the point you are making:

You predict Bizarre will sell 800 000 because of his affilitations with Eminem, though he shouldn't because he is very wack, to put it lightly.

If so, then I agree with you.
:thumb: Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying.

I'm also saying that Proof will do 2 million, he'll sell big off the bat because of his affiliation with Eminem, he'll continue to sell because people will realize after listening to Proof that Eminem isn't the only member of D12 who has skill.
D12 are fucking wack, proof has some wack flow, bizarre is shit but funny, kurniva and kon art have terrible voices, royce himself shits on d12, without eminem, d12 would be nothing, shit even with him they suck.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
Jason- all you do is flip that shit around in hopes of you coming out the winner in a discussion.

I entered the thread saying 800,000 for Bizzare is a good number and I dont even know where the dicussion is now.

800,000 is a good number for a talentles fat rapper PERIOD.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
MC mufasa said:
^^ How much have Lloyd Banks and Buck sold? Proof will not sell more than them - not combined...individually.
You really need to read the thread because the numbers are in there and you can see how Jason kills the threads in Street Hop.
MC mufasa said:
^^ How much have Lloyd Banks and Buck sold? Proof will not sell more than them - not combined...individually.
To be honest with you, I don't know. I'm not that big a fan of Lloyd Banks. I have nothing against him, I like a few of his verses, and he has potential, but I don't like him as an artist, I just like a few of his verses.

I'm a Young Buck fan, I have Straight Outta Cashville, lol, matter of fact I'm listenening to it right now. But I don't know how much he sold.

I expect Proof to do AS WELL AS Buck and Banks. The reason being, yes, it's true that Proof is not as well known as Bucks and Banks, but a bunch of people will buy it because he's Eminem's best buddy. Another reason he'll sell a lot is because Eminem will no doubt be the EP. HOWEVER, those people will play it for other rap fans, and I honestly believe they will realize that Proof is genuinely talented, MUCH MORE SO than the rest of D12, and they will buy his shit based on both the Eminem factor AND skill.

I have a lot of faith in Proof.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
I could use one of those smile faces taht is rolling and laughing.

:D YOu think 800,000 is good? Maybe for a rapper like me who has only sold about 3,000 copies, but to a rapper who is friends with the most popular rapper on the planet right now, he had alreday gone multi-platinum with the D12 CD's.

For Bizarre, 800,000 is not good.
jason_g_718 said:
Though, anyone without biased and a brain with realistic thoughts at Interscope know Bizzy will be lucky to break 500,000 and the 800,000 that I predicted is being generous.
wtf does that mean then?
Silleone said:
D12 are fucking wack, proof has some wack flow, bizarre is shit but funny, kurniva and kon art have terrible voices, royce himself shits on d12, without eminem, d12 would be nothing, shit even with him they suck.
You know what, dogg? I never see you say a good thing about anyone.

I like D12, but I listen to them when I'm just in the mood to like fuck around and have fun. I don't listen to them when I want to listen to serious music, or when I want to reflect on shit, or when I want to think about things. D12 has a purpose, they're "feel good" rap. Nothing serious is going to come out of them except for maybe Eminem and Proof. So if you know what D12 is going into it, they're pretty good.

And I like Kuniva as well.
saltynuts said:
You really need to read the thread because the numbers are in there and you can see how Jason kills the threads in Street Hop.
You know, I see a lot of people bitching about how much I respond, but I thought that's what these forums are here for? WTF? You're criticizing me for doing what I'm here to do? What we're ALL here to do?

If you didn't join this forum to conversate with people and share opinions and learn shit from people, why did you join the board?
Jason- all you do is flip that shit around in hopes of you coming out the winner in a discussion.
:confused: Huh?

I entered the thread saying 800,000 for Bizzare is a good number and I dont even know where the dicussion is now.
I know you did. And I disagreed with you then like I disagree with you now. To us Bizarre is a fat talentless rapper. But...to Bizarre and D12 and all their homies and management and fuck, even Jimmy Iovine and Interscope, he's a platinum selling artist. That's all there is to it. I'm sure Interscope is going to expect Bizarre to do at least 1 mill, but he's not going to. If Bizzy breaks 1 million, there's not one reason in hell that I can't make it as a rapper.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
You basically kill a thread with stupid shit you say like:

"Hip Hop is songs like Changes and Rap music has more of a darker feel to it"

"800,000 for Bizzare is not good"

"I've been listening to hip hop all my life and I know a lot about it, I actually listened to Illmatic for the first time last week, did I mention that I've been listening to hip hop since the 80s?"

"95% of hip hop is wack but I only listen to 5 rappers, did I mention that I've been listening to hip hop all my life? yeas since the 80s"

"anyone with realistic thoughts at Interscope know Bizzy will be lucky to break 500,000 and the 800,000 that I predicted is being generous but 800,000 is not good"

ur a wack poster and I'm bitching about your wackness
saltynuts said:
wtf does that mean then?
What it meant was that Bizarre and D12 and the people around him believe that he is a talented platinum selling artist. But fans, or most of them, don't feel he is. Do you think that everyone at Interscope completely agrees on every artist they push? You know there are artists that the big wigs push who TRULY BELIEVE that they are talented or they can sell, and people with no power are sitting behind these big wigs thinking "there's no way they'll ever sell, these guys are idiots".

I guess another way you could put it is that D12, including Eminem, their personal friends and their business associates either really truly believe that Bizarre is good, or they've lied to themselves to much they're believing their lies.
saltynuts said:
You basically kill a thread with stupid shit you say like:

"Hip Hop is songs like Changes and Rap music has more of a darker feel to it"

"800,000 for Bizzare is not good"

"I've been listening to hip hop all my life and I know a lot about it, I actually listened to Illmatic for the first time last week, did I mention that I've been listening to hip hop since the 80s?"

"95% of hip hop is wack but I only listen to 5 rappers, did I mention that I've been listening to hip hop all my life? yeas since the 80s"

"anyone with realistic thoughts at Interscope know Bizzy will be lucky to break 500,000 and the 800,000 that I predicted is being generous but 800,000 is not good"

ur a wack poster and I'm bitching about your wackness
In other words I should just ignore you because you don't like what I post.

Too bad. I do believe the internet has freedom of speech.
Mainstream sales depend on Hit single's and/or Fanbase, Bizzare and Proof have little fanbase besides the d12 fans who are mostly there due to Eminem. They will get some sales because of the Eminem affilation but Niether of the members will be able to pull of singles even like My Band and I can't Imagine a Club Song, and niether of them can expect even 5% of Em's fan base to support them. Neither of them will break a Mil Unless they release a Big Single. Some artist shouldn't go Solo and these are examples, they should be happy with the blessing they've recieved rather than get greedy with solo projects.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
In other words I should just ignore you because you don't like what I post.

Too bad. I do believe the internet has freedom of speech.
NO, in other words some of the shit you say is stupid and stupid people needs to be tought.

Yes there is freedom of speech on the internet and that freedom allows me to say that ur wack.
NO, in other words some of the shit you say is stupid and stupid people needs to be tought.
:D I hope the noticeable errors in your spelling were done on purpose, otherwise you look like a jackass.

Yes there is freedom of speech on the internet and that freedom allows me to say that ur wack.
It also allows me to respond to you with...

hahahahahahahahahaha!!! :D :p :D
RapAlot89 said:
Mainstream sales depend on Hit single's and/or Fanbase, Bizzare and Proof have little fanbase besides the d12 fans who are mostly there due to Eminem. They will get some sales because of the Eminem affilation but Niether of the members will be able to pull of singles even like My Band and I can't Imagine a Club Song, and niether of them can expect even 5% of Em's fan base to support them. Neither of them will break a Mil Unless they release a Big Single. Some artist shouldn't go Solo and these are examples, they should be happy with the blessing they've recieved rather than get greedy with solo projects.
I think people underestimate Proof, but we shall see.

Bottom line, my initial predictions remain

Bizarre to do 800,000 OVERALL (which I don't consider good)

Proof to do 2 mill OVERALL (within a year, year and a half)


On Probation: Please report any break in the guide
1st u talk about how good this sopng is
jason_g_718 said:
I don't know how to post the links directly to the music, so I'll just give you the website.

I just listened to Bizarre's debut single "Holla Atcha" from his May solo debut album "Hanni Cap Planet".

I GUARANTEE YOU that this is a Bizarre like you've NEVER heard. Dude actually flows on the mic. I don't mean that talkin' shit he does on D12 albums, dude ACTUALLY FLOWS. He's not bad either. Also, Bizarre unleashes a new talent on this song, he shows he can also sing...Yep...fat boy actually carry's a tune on the song and agian, he's actually a good singer.

Also, on the same page is a link to a "Dr. Dre Detox Teaser" that is 19 seconds long. If the 19 second snippet posted is representative of the album, it's gonna be hot as fuck as usual.

Here's the link:
then people start calling the shit whack then u say.
jason_g_718 said:
Oh..compared to everything else, yeah, you're right. But notice the comparing I've done is to the efforts we've see from Bizarre in the past.

There's now way he is even going to go 800,000. I don't see how. Not even the Eminem support is going to help him break a million.

I predict bizarre to do 800,000 TOTAL. I'll be nice and give him 120,000 on his first week.

I predict Proof will do 250,000 on his first week and whenever he drops in the time of a year he will go double platinum.
Then hurts says
Hurts said:
Lol...guys I Think We Should All Come Together...and Realise Bizarre Is Not As Wack As We Thought...he Is Worse..he Got Fans..how Are We Goin To Stop This..? Ne Suggestions?..diet Yes...less Ghostwriters Yes..ok...i Think This Should Be Enough To Take Bizarre Out Of The Spotlight For A While...aight People Do Ur Thing...im Off To La For A Meeting With One Of My Real Artists
jason_g_718 said:
LOL, for once Hurts, I kinda agree with you.

But the only way this guy is going to lose fans is if people forget he's one of Em's boys.

See, the thing is, Bizarre WAS one of the best battlers in Detroit in the 90's. That's how he and Eminem met. Some female who was working for a media outlet in Detroit was looking for three guys to assemble a three person team of battlers to compete in a contest. In order to find those battlers, she put some fliers up around Detroit and held a battle as well. Eminem wasn't in the battle because she already knew of him and asked him to be on it. But the winner of the battle she hosted was Bizarre.

So Bizarre has legitimate battling skills and he can rap...why he chooses to go with the bullshit is beyond me. What a waste of talent.
then u said
jason_g_718 said:
Me personally, I watch comedies when I want to laugh.

I didn't think rap music was made to make you laugh.
then u say
jason_g_718 said:
Rap music is about expressing yourself and the life you know, correct?

Uh...also, didn't Tupac mention his 'creadhead mom" in several songs as well? Straight up made her a deadbeat in some of his songs, but that doesn't matter now, does it? Cuz it's Pac. So, for him it's ok.

Wow, Eminem made a song for his daughter, so that makes him "not rap music"? pfff.... :rolleyes:
and i can go on and and on. u keep flipping shit up thats why i cant take shit u say serious.plus u be acting whaack as fuck on top of the fact you keep saying stupid shit.

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