Hip Hop vs. Rap

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Am I the only one who thinks there's a difference between hip hop and rap? I know, or at least I think that most people just see the two as being synonyms of each other, but I don't see it that way. For example, from my perspective, here's the difference between rap and hip hop:

Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn

Rap music is songs such as:
Blasphemy, Soldier, Black Gloves, What's My Name?

To me hip hop is representative of songs that have more of a lighter attitude about them, or songs that have a pop-like sound. For example, Business is a hip hop song, but I don't see it being pop. However, Changes is also a hip hop song to me, but it is DEFINATELY pop.

And obviously by the things I typed above, a rapper can make both hip hop AND rap songs.

Am I the only one that views this from this perspective?


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Well if thats what you think, you have no idea what hip-hop is.

Hip-Hop is a culture, rap is part of that culture.

Case closed.
^ what Rukas said.

You did it again Jason, this topic proves yet again that you have no idea about the Hip-Hop culture and Rap music. The fact that you will go to endless means defending Eminen shows that you were schooled on Rap by the TRL crowd. Now one more time, this is how it goes.

Rap is the music, Hip-Hop is the culture. The Hip-Hop culture consists of breakdancing, graffiti, Rap music, and DJ'ing. Learn the basics before you start typing man.
Rukas said:
Well if thats what you think, you have no idea what hip-hop is.

Hip-Hop is a culture, rap is part of that culture.

Case closed.
Well, yeah, I understand that, I guess I just didn't correctly phrase my question, and I'm not sure how else to phrase it, so...

And quite frankly, I never said that they aren't part of the same thing. Not to mention, I've been hearing this music referred to as "rap music" since I was able to even know what rap music was around 1980 or so. I never started hearing the word hip hop used until somewhere around 93-95. From like '80 until NWA popped on the scene I heard people call it "rap music", NEVER ONCE did anyone call it "hip hop". Then, NWA came in and all of a sudden the media made up a new term, "gangsta rap". LOL, which to me is funny shit. I mean, rap music is rap music, it's just that people rap about different things. So if rapping about ho's, guns and drugs is called "gangsta rap", then are songs where people talk about having a good life, a loyal wife and kids called "family man rap?" lol.

So, either way, I guess I just didn't phrase my questions correctly but I'm not sure how to explain it over the computer. But, then again, I'm known for not knowing how to phrase stuff, lol, so...

But, I do know what hip hop is, I grew up with it and it has always been my favorite kind of music.

This proves you know nothing. Hip hop is pop music? What the fuck? If this is what you think then how the fuck do you expect people to come to YOU to have an INTELLIGENT hip hop discussion?
The Almighty Nasquad said:
^ what Rukas said.

You did it again Jason, this topic proves yet again that you have no idea about the Hip-Hop culture and Rap music. The fact that you will go to endless means defending Eminen shows that you were schooled on Rap by the TRL crowd. Now one more time, this is how it goes.

Rap is the music, Hip-Hop is the culture. The Hip-Hop culture consists of breakdancing, graffiti, Rap music, and DJ'ing. Learn the basics before you start typing man.
Dude, talking about an artist doesn't prove shit as far as to when I started listening to rap. As I told you before, I talk about Eminem right now because he's making music. If it bothers you so much, why don't you just not even reply? I mean, you say this bothers you, yet you keep reading and replying. Me personally, if I open a thread in which the content begins to annoy me or disinterest me, then I exit that thread. I don't sit there blasting the thread starter. Do you want me to like dig up newspapers and shit from the 80's and start talking about what Young MC did in 1989 and 1990? Should I start talking about the lyrics of the Fat Boys? Take a poll to see what was the best song from Fresh Prince's album "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper"?, should we start talking about how "deep" MC Hammer's lyrics were in 2 legit 2 Quit?

I mean Jesus Christ, there isn't anything INTERESTING to talk about in rap today, and it's been like that for a while. I don't give two shits about what the lastest shot is that 50 Cent took at Jadakiss and Fat Joe. Who fucking cares about whatever the fuck Ja Rule is doing? Not me. Nas married Kelis...oohhh...big fucking deal. Jay Z is now a head honcho at Def Jam....whooptie fuckin doo. I don't listen to any Def Jam artists anymore, haven't in years. Young Buck may be going to jail, but I doubt it. The only thing to have happened lately that interests me is the whole Dr. Dre/Suge/Jimmy Johnson/Young Buck incident.

So what the fuck do YOU want to talk about? If you're so unsatisfied with what I talk about, what do YOU want to talk about?

And I'm not defending anyone on here. A person only does what they intend to do. My intentions when posting is NEVER to defend someone because the people we talk about don't need defending, their actions, sales and otherwise will speak for them. Any post you see me ever make will just simly be me stating my opinion with no other intention.

And I understand what the culture is, HOWEVER, I have ALWAYS heard the culture referred to as "urban culture". And please, to be fair here (not that you deserve fairness) I understand you get certain impressions of what a person knows or where they're coming from when youread a typed message from them, but if you get an impression of me, don't TELL ME that that is what or who I am, or what I do or like or prefer...ASK ME. You may get an impression of me, but that doesn't mean the impression you get is accurate. As I said previously, I don't always know the right words to say something or explain something.
jason you are a fucking joke. proceed to eat glass bitch. COUNTRY GRAMMAR IS NOT HIP HOP.
If Country Grammar isn't rap music, then what is it? Rap music is a part of Hip Hop, yes? Then how is Country Grammare not hip hop?

And y'all need to understand something, the definitions of things that I have I have learned from my SURROUNDING ATMOSPHERE and what I see and hear on TV, radio, rap magazines, and sites on the internet. And for the past 2 years, 85% of my news and stuff about rap music come from this board, STreethop.com, rapbasement.com, The Source, Vibe, XXL, MTV.
jason_g_718 said:
Dude, talking about an artist doesn't prove shit as far as to when I started listening to rap. As I told you before, I talk about Eminem right now because he's making music. If it bothers you so much, why don't you just not even reply? I mean, you say this bothers you, yet you keep reading and replying. Me personally, if I open a thread in which the content begins to annoy me or disinterest me, then I exit that thread. I don't sit there blasting the thread starter. Do you want me to like dig up newspapers and shit from the 80's and start talking about what Young MC did in 1989 and 1990? Should I start talking about the lyrics of the Fat Boys? Take a poll to see what was the best song from Fresh Prince's album "He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper"?, should we start talking about how "deep" MC Hammer's lyrics were in 2 legit 2 Quit?

I mean Jesus Christ, there isn't anything INTERESTING to talk about in rap today, and it's been like that for a while. I don't give two shits about what the lastest shot is that 50 Cent took at Jadakiss and Fat Joe. Who fucking cares about whatever the fuck Ja Rule is doing? Not me. Nas married Kelis...oohhh...big fucking deal. Jay Z is now a head honcho at Def Jam....whooptie fuckin doo. I don't listen to any Def Jam artists anymore, haven't in years. Young Buck may be going to jail, but I doubt it. The only thing to have happened lately that interests me is the whole Dr. Dre/Suge/Jimmy Johnson/Young Buck incident.

So what the fuck do YOU want to talk about? If you're so unsatisfied with what I talk about, what do YOU want to talk about?

And I'm not defending anyone on here. A person only does what they intend to do. My intentions when posting is NEVER to defend someone because the people we talk about don't need defending, their actions, sales and otherwise will speak for them. Any post you see me ever make will just simly be me stating my opinion with no other intention.

And I understand what the culture is, HOWEVER, I have ALWAYS heard the culture referred to as "urban culture". And please, to be fair here (not that you deserve fairness) I understand you get certain impressions of what a person knows or where they're coming from when youread a typed message from them, but if you get an impression of me, don't TELL ME that that is what or who I am, or what I do or like or prefer...ASK ME. You may get an impression of me, but that doesn't mean the impression you get is accurate. As I said previously, I don't always know the right words to say something or explain something.
I'll reply with this.

jason_g_718 said:
This is seriously the funniest fucking shit I've ever heard.

Now, go on and keep making long posts and wasting your life by making judgements about people you don't know.
The Almighty Nasquad said:
I'll reply with this.
So, when challenged to pick a subject to talk about yourself, you come back with that.

Like I said, you're on probation, in a month I won't have to deal with you because I'm sure that will give you enough time to piss off the mods and get banned.
jason_g_718 said:
So, when challenged to pick a subject to talk about yourself, you come back with that.

Like I said, you're on probation, in a month I won't have to deal with you because I'm sure that will give you enough time to piss off the mods and get banned.
Nah man, I ain't getting banned. I like this board.

I don't get your response...

Anyways, I thought it was ironically funny how you always bash us hardcore hitemuppers for spending our whole lives online and wasting our time on these boards by writing long posts and things of that nature, and yet you do the same exact thing.

But anyways Jason, I'm done man. I'm not gonna fuck with you, or atleast I'll try not too. Take it easy boss. I'm out to watch "I love the 90's Part Deux"!
The Almighty Nasquad said:
Nah man, I ain't getting banned. I like this board.

I don't get your response...

Anyways, I thought it was ironically funny how you always bash us hardcore hitemuppers for spending our whole lives online and wasting our time on these boards by writing long posts and things of that nature, and yet you do the same exact thing.

But anyways Jason, I'm done man. I'm not gonna fuck with you, or atleast I'll try not too. Take it easy boss. I'm out to watch "I love the 90's Part Deux"!
First of all, I think that was like the first time I've ever written that long of a post. Usually I don't ever type nearly that much.

I actually have been on this forum a lot today but that's because for the first time in month's I had an open day. I'm usually on here about 2 times a day for 20 minutes a sitting. It just frustrates me that people like yourself, Hurts and a couple others come on here, to a rap forum discussion board, and instead of talking about what we're here to talk about, you waste post space by dissing me or whatever. Talk about what we're here to talk about. And if you don't like what I'm typing or the things I say, then why is it so important for you to spend post after post after post to tell me so?
Firstly you speak of mentioning Eminem all the time because, right now, "he is making music". Wow. So everyone isnt making music except for Eminem ,right? I hjavent seen a threead from you discussing ANYTHING 2 do at all with hip hop news - so why do you say you dont care about what's happening in hip hop? There is no "news" surrounding eminem yet you keep mentioning him.
man you dont know what you are talking about half the time. dont think that everyone is dissing you for no reason. look at the stupiditiy of this thread man. look at what you're saying; "hip hop is pop music but rap is the deep shit".. what the fuck? you claim to be a hip hop head, listening to hip hop sine the 80s yet ALL YOU EVER TALK ABOUT IS EMINEM. Even in this thread when speaking about rap and hip hop you bring up songs made in this decade, none whatsoever from the 80s and the roots of hip hop. you know nothing, so quit pretending with your fake bullshit.
exactly man, you can't be a fan from the 80s and think NELLY is hip hop. HIP HOP is Grandmaster Flash. HIP HOP is Wu-Tang. HIP HOP is not POP. Get your shit str8 before you make another thread like this.
jason_g_718 said:
Am I the only one who thinks there's a difference between hip hop and rap? I know, or at least I think that most people just see the two as being synonyms of each other, but I don't see it that way. For example, from my perspective, here's the difference between rap and hip hop:

Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn8

Rap music is songs such as:
Blasphemy, Soldier, Black Gloves, What's My Name?

To me hip hop is representative of songs that have more of a lighter attitude about them, or songs that have a pop-like sound. For example, Business is a hip hop song, but I don't see it being pop. However, Changes is also a hip hop song to me, but it is DEFINATELY pop.

And obviously by the things I typed above, a rapper can make both hip hop AND rap songs.

Am I the only one that views this from this perspective?
Hip Hop music is songs such as:
Changes, Country Grammar, In Da Club, Business, Holidae Inn8
LOOOOOOOOOOOOL what a fucking joke :D :D :D

man get ur shit right ...
yo mufasa the kid obviously doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. any info that's spoon fed to him by carson daily or whoever the fuck runs that TRL shit on MTV he will believe.
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