"Hip Hop is a black thing, we just let yall in"

This was posted on okayplayer quite a while ago but I still think the discussion created will interest us for a week or so. Do you remember this, roaches?

yeah, yeah, yeah, music is universal and all that and I can't deny other nationalities contributions, but when you start talkin' shit like it ain't a black thing no more...Hello, wake up call...WE innovated this shit and WE define what's hot and what not...you just take our word for it and run with it and jump on the bandwagon...No late passes will be given...This ain't no We are the World shit here...It still belongs to us!
How would you respond to the man that wrote this? What would you say?

American White Men: Does this annoy you or do you agree with the point?

American Black Men: Do you feel this way? If not, why?

Non-American Citizens: ???


New Member
im a white man and i agree that rap is a black thing, but i dont agree with him saying " we just let yall in". That doesnt make sense. So blacks "let" Eminem sell 100 billion records? If blacks have this authority, why did you let Eminem in?
Non-American Citizens:

think ppl should show respect and pay more homage to the creators/ppl who brought it to the forefront.
but i dont care who does it as long as its good like skillz said.


Well-Known Member
i agree that hiphop is a black thing and i agree that it's an american thing primarily.. but black people certainly don't define what's hot. first of all, 50% of every producer and probably 80% of every studio engineer is probably a white old dude with long gray hair. secondly, is 50 cent and all the black people who like him defining what's hot? that's hot, and i'm supposed to jump the bandwagon? i disagree.

xxx has a good point also.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Rap is a black thing. It was started by black people for black people.
However it is liked universally by young, old, white or black. There should be no restrictions to who can listen. However sometimes the message may be lost on certain people.
Would the artist prefer that the only people who listen to the music be black people who are living in the ghetto. The majority of these people aren't gonna have a lot of spare money for music. Or would they prefer to sell a shit load of records and make money.

Black people started hip-hop. White people kept it going with their spending. For the better or the worse.


Well-Known Member
i agree with you pitts on the message getting lost, but there are certain genres to hiphop like dozens and such that doesn't really rely on people getting the deep-down message. there is nothing i like as much as listening to a verbal rape. that doesnt require me to have lived through a struggle. anyway, people who don't live in the ghetto might relate anyway because there are more ways to hit the bottom than being black and poor.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Rizzle said:
i agree with you pitts on the message getting lost, but there are certain genres to hiphop like dozens and such that doesn't really rely on people getting the deep-down message. there is nothing i like as much as listening to a verbal rape. that doesnt require me to have lived through a struggle. anyway, people who don't live in the ghetto might relate anyway because there are more ways to hit the bottom than being black and poor.

That is true. And what aslso came to me after was that DJ'ing, Breaking and graffiti are parts of hip-hop. But surely these aren't restricted to a certain colour or belief.
Pittsey said:
Rap is a black thing. It was started by black people for black people.
However it is liked universally by young, old, white or black. There should be no restrictions to who can listen. However sometimes the message may be lost on certain people.
Would the artist prefer that the only people who listen to the music be black people who are living in the ghetto. The majority of these people aren't gonna have a lot of spare money for music. Or would they prefer to sell a shit load of records and make money.

Black people started hip-hop. White people kept it going with their spending. For the better or the worse.
Black people is to wide a term. It gives credit to way too many people.
Mad skillz said:
i dont care what people think if its black or whatever. i listen to what sounds good to me, not becuase who the ppl are who makes it
I agree.
Fuck all that other bullshit people are saying
Pittsey said:
Rap is a black thing. It was started by black people for black people.
However it is liked universally by young, old, white or black. There should be no restrictions to who can listen. However sometimes the message may be lost on certain people.
Would the artist prefer that the only people who listen to the music be black people who are living in the ghetto. The majority of these people aren't gonna have a lot of spare money for music. Or would they prefer to sell a shit load of records and make money.

Black people started hip-hop. White people kept it going with their spending. For the better or the worse.

that truth, just because someone says it is a black thing doesnt mean its racist, we letting people do it, I think that speaks volumes on society cuz lets face it, the nation doesnt get too riled up untill it happens to WHite Americana. Even with all the shit happen just 40-50 years ago Blacks and Whites usally have no problem with enjoying rap together, shows how forgivin' americans, espcially black amercians are. All the shit they segreated and kept my people from, we never once try to pass no ghetto law not allowing them to do it too. Even though music is an idea, it still can be used like propetry much like Freedom.
white man

no hip hop is no longer a black thing
i belive its more of a youth movment now... the younger kids a making no talet bums #1 on the charts thats why music is the way it is now, a 13 ,14 year old does not want to hear about poverty they want "the life" money cars and woman

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