Hip-Hop heads opinion on ICP?

What do hip-hop fans think of ICP. I have never heard no one track off these guys, (nor can i find one..or evena sample, and i sure as hell ain't gonan pay for shit i haven't heard). LOL from reading stuff about them they seem liek the biggest fuckin crackheadz...six joker cards, some evil carnival that feeds them ideas n shit lolz. But what i wanna know is do they actually rap good?

Ahaha Dark Carnival...fuckin crackheadz

BTW could anyoen upload a track or two..it would be greatly appreciated
I personally like Icp songs but not all of them. To me i take them as kind of joke rap. But some songs are good. You just got to give them a chance, i used to hate them but my bf played a couple of songs and they are good. Just go to www.limewire.com and dl it. Its a music downloader. And then search for icp and it will give you a lot of songs. I like "juggalo homies". And "behind the paint". Behind the paint is the one that made me give them a try. But idk with them, you either love them or you hate them.
Im feelin like jay-z today i got a mouth neway...he man maybe i should use ohhla's rhymerator like magoo and write my own verse..but no....

Im arrogant but who gives a fuck...my posts are always the best so...

ICP= hiphop<<<best way to answer ...
AnarchistFunk said:
They have a couple of songs I bumb, especially their tracks with Bone and Esham

Esham best Detroit rapper ever :thumb:
Esham is the best Detroit rapper?

Dude, forget Eminem and Proof, KID ROCK was better rapper back in his rapping days than Esham has ever or will ever be.

As far as rapping, obviously Kid Rock got nothing on Eminem and Proof, so if he's better than Esham...

Also, ICP suck big cock and they are fucking jokes.

Big up Detroit: Eminem, Proof, Kuniva, Royce, Kid Rock
The best acts to come out of Detroit in the past decade.
jason_g_718 said:
Esham is the best Detroit rapper?

Dude, forget Eminem and Proof, KID ROCK was better rapper back in his rapping days than Esham has ever or will ever be.

As far as rapping, obviously Kid Rock got nothing on Eminem and Proof, so if he's better than Esham...

Also, ICP suck big cock and they are fucking jokes.

Big up Detroit: Eminem, Proof, Kuniva, Royce, Kid Rock
The best acts to come out of Detroit in the past decade.
lol @ kid rock, proof, kuniva better then esham

ill give you royce, but the others lol
AnarchistFunk said:
did you get raped while the rapist was bumping ICP??

You got some bottled up anger, go smoke something man, and comeback and we can talk
LOL, I've hated the fuck out of ICP since my brother started bumping "Chicken Huntin'" in like 94. He came to me "dude, look, I got this awesome tape by ICP.

I'm like "who?".


"Who the fuck are they?"

"A Detroit rap group, just listen?"

*listens to album"

"Yeah, they fuckin' suck, don't ever come to me with that bullshit again."

ICP is fucking terrible and they are a joke to fucking hip hop/rap music. Worse than fucking Puffy, and that's saying a lot.
jason_g_718 said:
LOL, I've hated the fuck out of ICP since my brother started bumping "Chicken Huntin'" in like 94. He came to me "dude, look, I got this awesome tape by ICP.

I'm like "who?".


"Who the fuck are they?"

"A Detroit rap group, just listen?"

*listens to album"

"Yeah, they fuckin' suck, don't ever come to me with that bullshit again."

ICP is fucking terrible and they are a joke to fucking hip hop/rap music. Worse than fucking Puffy, and that's saying a lot.
Yea that's ICP, and you're intitled to your opinion, most of their shit is goofy

But Esham is a rapper, and I'll agree with you with that Royce is better then him, but nobody else from the city is
AnarchistFunk said:
Yea that's ICP, and you're intitled to your opinion, most of their shit is goofy

But Esham is a rapper, and I'll agree with you with that Royce is better then him, but nobody else from the city is
How can you say that Eminem and Proof are not better than Esham?

And quite frankly as far as D12 goes, as Royce said in a rap, half the group is just "a bunch of niggaz that can be easily replaced".

I like Em, Proof and Kuniva.

Kon Artis needs to stick to producing, Bizarre needs to go back to working at Taco Bell, and Swifty..well...he's got potential.
As you can tell I cant stand Em , the same way you cant stand ICP

I find Proof to be just another generic rapper, like you said D12 sucks, talk about gimmicks...... D12 one of the biggest ones

edit : "No War" by Esham destroys anything that Em, Proof, D12 have put out all year
AnarchistFunk said:
As you can tell I cant stand Em , the same way you cant stand ICP

I find Proof to be just another generic rapper, like you said D12 sucks, talk about gimmicks...... D12 one of the biggest ones
Yeah, well, lots of people hate you when you're the top dog, and whether you hate it or not, right now, that's exactly what Eminem is.

People can laugh all they want, but it's really actually kind of eerie that Em has such a love for Pac, because 10 years ago, Pac was the top dogg in the rap game....now...Eminem is 10 years later.
jason_g_718 said:
Yeah, well, lots of people hate you when you're the top dog, and whether you hate it or not, right now, that's exactly what Eminem is.

People can laugh all they want, but it's really actually kind of eerie that Em has such a love for Pac, because 10 years ago, Pac was the top dogg in the rap game....now...Eminem is 10 years later.

not even close, please dont ever compare Em to Pac....

No War By Esham better then any track Em put out all year
AnarchistFunk said:
not even close, please dont ever compare Em to Pac....

No War By Esham better then any track Em put out all year
You know, I hear a lot of people saying "eminem is the white 2pac" yada, yada, yada. NO, I don't agree with that, because while Eminem is a MUCH MORE SUPERIOR LYRICIST than Pac, Pac had more passion in his vocals.

HOWEVER, Eminem and 2pac, if you honestly look at both of their lives, they have A LOT of shit in common.

2pac: Biological father abanonded him early in life
Eminem: Biological father abandoned him early in life.

2pac: Raised by a single mother addicted to crack
Eminem: Raised by a single mother addicted to pills.

2pac: moved around a lot as a kid.
Eminem: Moved around a lot as a kid.

2pac: Admitted that he was bullied a lot in his childhood years for being "light skinned" and a "pretty boy"
Eminem: Admitted that he was bullied a lot in his childhood years for being much smaller than the other kids.

2pac: Used his fame to put his "lil homies" up in the rap game (first Thug Life, then Outlawz)
Eminem: Used his fame to put D12 on.

2pac: Became the best selling rap artist of all time and was the top rapper in the country, probably the world from 94-96/97
Emime: Has become the THIRD best selling rap artist of all time and is at the top rapper in the country AND the world right now, and has been for the past 2 years.

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