ImmortalTech said:
Most of this hip hop is dead bs started when Nas announced his album anyways... if it were dead it died way before Nas realized it... infact it was being cremated when Nas was still singing Oochie Wally Wally.
jbrolax said:
Im not done with hip hop dont get me wrong, i still listen theres some people still doin it, but other then that its over.
Aristotle said:
It hasn't been bad cus Dilla and The Roots completely did the exact opposite.
Dude named Wordsworth got his album maybe 2 years back (I know) called Mirror Music.. Got some dope songs on there. Heres a bit from Right Now:
When we collaborate to my madness their's no method
I don't care if we in the same room or we wrote separate
If I'm first or third fourth or I go second
Unless I'm last the DJ won't play the whole record
And a song called Shoulder. Oh and Trust is real too.
His myspace