Gatman and Robbin

_carmi said:
u dont have to answer EVERY posts that are opposite to ur opinions and make a debate after. i dont think im the only one annoyed by ur constant quoting and replying.
Read the following sentence over and over until you understand it:

"I will reply to the thing I have something to say to".
its funny 4 of the 5 idiots clown the fuck outa you everytime u respond to them, thats gotta be eating u
HAHAHAHA! :p That was a funny joke. are kidding, right? Yeah...I know you are. Cuz afterall, what idiot would really think that something you say to someone is going to "eat at them". Funny shit dude.

lol,man if u listen to his mixtapes his far above eminem these days in terms of skill. not that im a fan of either
Nonetheless, he's not consistent. And I'm a fan of both Em and Banks, just that Em is in my current top 3 and Banks isn't even in my top 5.

:rolleyes: , oh well done man.
ok just mark my word, monche is So far above eminem. im expectin u to jump on his dick when/ if he finaly releases an album on aftermath, damn your predictable jaso.
As are you. If anyone would like to up some Monch, I'd be more than happy to listen to it.

BTW, again, last time I checked not even half the rappers listed in my sig that I listen to are on your ONLY defense ever weakens by the post.

actualy yayo has realesed SOME fucking pretty dope shit, more than eminem has in the last year.
And the laughs just keep on comin' in. :p :thumb:

ok fool. once again, find where i said "rakim owns the rap game right now" fuckhead, no i did not post that, and why didnt i , BECAUSE I COULDNT GIVE A FUCK, unlike your premature 28 year old ass i judge music on , GUESS WHAT , MUSIC. not whos fucking selling records. if i actually cared about record sales my music collection would somewhat resemble yours. seriously music is above soundscan units. if you havnt realised that in your 28 years of existance then your a lost child
keep postin jason
its funny 4 of the 5 idiots clown the fuck outa you everytime u respond to them, thats gotta be eating u
HAHAHAHA! :p That was a funny joke. are kidding, right? Yeah...I know you are. Cuz afterall, what idiot would really think that something you say to someone is going to "eat at them". Funny shit dude.

lol,man if u listen to his mixtapes his far above eminem these days in terms of skill. not that im a fan of either
Nonetheless, he's not consistent. And I'm a fan of both Em and Banks, just that Em is in my current top 3 and Banks isn't even in my top 5.

:rolleyes: , oh well done man.
ok just mark my word, monche is So far above eminem. im expectin u to jump on his dick when/ if he finaly releases an album on aftermath, damn your predictable jaso.
As are you. If anyone would like to up some Monch, I'd be more than happy to listen to it.

BTW, again, last time I checked not even half the rappers listed in my sig that I listen to are on your ONLY defense ever weakens by the post.

actualy yayo has realesed SOME fucking pretty dope shit, more than eminem has in the last year.
And the laughs just keep on comin' in. :p :thumb:

ok fool. once again, find where i said "rakim owns the rap game right now" fuckhead, no i did not post that, and why didnt i , BECAUSE I COULDNT GIVE A FUCK, unlike your premature 28 year old ass i judge music on , GUESS WHAT , MUSIC. not whos fucking selling records. if i actually cared about record sales my music collection would somewhat resemble yours. seriously music is above soundscan units. if you havnt realised that in your 28 years of existance then your a lost child
keep postin jason
Hey...Mr. Grimes...excuse me...sir. Yes...I call you sir because I know the only reason you aren't reading correctly is because you must be in your 80's. Because last time I checked, people that I listen to including Royce, Proof, Kuniva, weren't up at the top of the soundscan lists.

Matter of fact...last I checked, Royce is still pretty much underground.

So...when you wanna stop making excuses, holla.

And also, you ask when you said Rakim owns the game now? Well, you didn't say it, you insinuated it.

I said Eminem owns the game. Judging by the grammer used in my sentence, you can correctly percieve that I'm referring to the CURRENT DAY GAME. You responded by saying "yes, he does, But also...." and went on to list like 4 other emcees.

So if you weren't arguing that those emcees you listed are "owning the game" right now, than what the fuck was your point of bringing them up?
Aristotle said:
I couldn't believe I just read that.
How is someone gonna say this guy is a legend or i have so much respect for the artist when you never even listened to him, think for yourself. Don't reply to this either no need.
Does a person have to listen to Dr. Dre to know that he's one of if not thee most legendary rap producer ever? I don't think so.

Does a person have to be familiar with Michael Jordan's work to know that he is considered probably the greatest professional basketball player to ever live? I don't think so.

Does a person have to be familiar with the mans work to know Michael Jackson is one of the best dancers and musicians to ever live? I don't think so.

Point proven. Just because I haven't had the fortunate occurence to listen to his music, I know what I grew up hearing about him and I know how hip hop heads talk about him in conversations to know that he is a legend.
Chronic said:
AMAZING song!!!
That beat is like whoa! It nearly topped his work on Loyal to the Game!!!!

Worst song I've heard this year.
Well, I'm not one of those people that think LTTG is the worst album ever made, so...

I take it and am glad Pac's overall message is still being shared. I know what Pac stood for and while I wasn't too happy at all with Em distorting Pac's words, I overlook it because A. Em didn't make 2pac say any stupid shit like "Em the best rapper ever y'all". All he did was made Pac shout some names. B. LTTG is NOT the first album where Pac's words have been edited to make him say stuff he didn't say or call out names he never called out.

While LTTG is not nearly what I was hoping for, I'm enjoying the fact that I even have more to listen to, because people who feel as passionately about Biggie as we do about Pac...don't have what we have. They probably look at us thinking "ungrateful fucks".
aban said:
Isnt it supposed to be Batman and Robin? Is 50cent trying to be creative by mislableing the song?
LMAO @ aban!! ur killin me maaaaaaan...

newayz if it is in fact Robin than why is there an extra b in Robin?

Am I the only one who thinks this is a set up by the US government?
aban said:
No Love For:
50 Cent, Biggie, Suge Knight, Bizarre, Ja Rule, Puffy, Mase, Snoop Dogg or any other rapper puttin' out bullshit records.

ITs funny jason, isnt "just losing it" a bullshit track? Oh wait it isnt cause you're a dickrider!
2PacThug4Life said:
so 50 is tryin to say that he is a gat robber
I hope your joking. Gatman, 50, carrys the gun while Eminem does the Robbin'. Stop reading so much into it it's just a fucking play on the Batman and Robin moniker :rolleyes:

tHuG $TyLe

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jason_g_718 said:
Fact is Encore, despite it's being a disappointment to many fans, has sold about 4.5 million records in 4 months. That's a little over a million records sold per month. How is that falling off? He for months has been working with some of the most popular and well respected rappers in the industry, including Jay is that falling off? He is currently making 50% on every album 50 Cent sells, and as of now, The Massacre, despite it's horrendous quality, is over a million sold already, how is that falling off?

fucks sake...Eminem could release an album with nothin on it but just him burping and it would sell.

He is falling off from a lyrical point of view, its not that hard to see that hes not as hungry as he once was and not lyrically sharp as he was.

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