Gatman and Robbin

God damn you are an idiot.
*Joyously takes in deeeeeep fresh breath of air...*

God it's good to feel the love. :D :thumb:

I never said that one song has made me change my views
You said "The days of Eminem having a great guest appearence, seem to be over", which to me means that you don't think he has any good guest appearances anymore.

I replied to that comment with: " song that you don't like his appearance on means his great guest appearances are 'over'?", meaning I was questioning if you are making this conclusion (that his good guest appearances no longer exist, which is what you said) based on one guest appearance in his verse on Gatman and Robbin.

fact is Eminem is falling off
Fact is Encore, despite it's being a disappointment to many fans, has sold about 4.5 million records in 4 months. That's a little over a million records sold per month. How is that falling off? He for months has been working with some of the most popular and well respected rappers in the industry, including Jay is that falling off? He is currently making 50% on every album 50 Cent sells, and as of now, The Massacre, despite it's horrendous quality, is over a million sold already, how is that falling off?

his recent guest appearences i.e Welcome to d-block, we aint, gatman and robin, not mentioning d12 world, has proven that he isnt the rapper that used to outshine the other artist.
Are you fucking kidding me? All of those appearances are fucking great. He kills the beat on Welcome 2 D-Block and tears Jada apart. You think his verse on We Aint is bad? Dude...ok...NM...I am not even finishing this conversation because it appears to me you have a major hearing deficiency. Eminem's verse on "We Ain't", excluding his verses on Renegade, is one of his best verses I've heard in a long fucking time, period. He completely killed it on We Aint, tore Game a new fucking asshole and had one of his best flows I've ever heard from him since his debut into mainstream.

You are a fucking joke.

Royce one said there is no-one that can outshine Eminem on a track, but lately the case has been different, he even gets outshined my d12 members.
My advice to you, stop taking whatever drugs you're on. :thumb:

Fuck, you make it seem that Eminem can't do anything wrong.
Not at all. There's a lot of things I have not liked from Eminem, it's just that those are few and far in between. Encore, while I do like the album and I'd give it (including the Bonus CD) 3.5 maybe a 3.75, I was also very disappointed in it. to me, tracks 1-8, 15, and 20 are golden. Love all those tracks. the ones I didn't mention I thought were horrible and while overall I'm accepting of Encore and I bump it regularly (well, the songs I like), I was/am very disappointed in it too.

I was very unhappy about what Eminem did with 2pac's Loyal To The Game. I don't agree at all with Eminem signing 50 Cent. Never have. Ever since I heard about it I've always wondered what the fuck Em sees in 50 Cent, because I think he's a talentless hack. I'm not happy with Em at all about the fact that D12 has been mainstream since 2001 and Proof has yet to put out a solo album. See, there's a lot of things I don't like about Eminem. I just focus on the positive.

Comments like these? What are you going on about?
WTF are you talking about?
shuba said:
song sucks a lot

eminem - production sucked, verse not up to par with we aint
50 cent - was that rapping? he was so slow, eminem should have used his production skills and speed 50 cent's vocals up to beat like he did with 2pac
LOL, well, if you check my sig, you know that I couldn't care less about 50 Cent. Dude is a talentless hack in my eyes and I rooted fort 50 in the whole beef with Ja, but now I just kinda wish that 50 would fall off as well. I can't stand neither of them (Ja or 50) anymore.

I'd listen to the whole song, but Em's verse is the only part I reall care about. And when I hear it (I can only listen at the library, so I gotta wait till tomorrow), if Em ain't all that great, then I'll say so.
slang said:
on "we ain´t" eminem murdered Game on vocals, well, on everything, but on "gatman and robbin´" he didn´t achieve the same, everybody criticised Game for sounding like eminem on that track and shit, because Game is average and he knew he couldn´t be any different in that track so he imitated eminem, he knew he couldn´t top Em . On "Gatman..." 50 pushed eminem away with his vocals and hability, the first part he did his eminem version on the vocals but on the second he put his 50 persona into the vocals and he accomplished everything on that track, he smashed eminem, and that´s one of the reason ppl say 50 is bigger than eminem, i don´t think he is, but he´s not far away, but if eminem keeps sleeping on the couch like he did with Encore (Album) he´s gonna be nº 3 on the Label ...
Yeah, regarding "We Ain't", Pittsey described Em best on that song. Eminem didn't even ride the beat on "We Ain't", he kinda like became the beat himself. Rather than being on top of it and riding it, he got inside of it. Eminem fucking SMASHED that song to pieces. I'd say one of his top 3 flows I've ever heard from him. Lyrically, this is weird, because he used lyrics that were a decent amount over average for Em, and some how he took decent lyrics and used his bad ass flow to make the lyrics seem exceptional...I don't know if you understand what I'm saying.

In regards to Eminem and his position in the rap game, I disagree. Eminem is at the top of the game, he's number one, and that's not changing anytime soon. At least I don't see it happening. Especially come end of 2005 and The Funeral actually does come out and if it's what people expect...he ain't losing his spot anytime soon. 50 Cent is a horrible rapper with horrible records. Sales may say that he's one of the top in the game too right now, but quality says he is not even fucking with Obie Trice, so there's no way he's fucking with Em.
stillkilluminati said:
better than average? what, do you buy half the rap albums that come out or something?
Hey...we all have our opinions, right? You can disagree with me, just do it respectfully, I'll respect your opinion.

And if you're going to tell me I'm wrong, you need to at least support yourself dude, otherwise your statements means nothing.
_carmi said:
^^encore and d12 world arent even average.

I think the reason people are saying Encore and D12 World aren't even average is becase it's an Eminem product and because Eminem has gotten to the level Pac was/is at, in which you expect and want nothing less than the best, those two albums are judged much more harshly than they should be.

For the standards we hold any normal mainstream rapper to, Encore and D12 World were both average to a little over average. However, in Eminem standards, both are less than average.

People know what D12 is about. I don't know why y'all act as if you're expecting to get some kinda 2pac or Talib Kweli messages from D12.
EDouble said:
back on topic did u download the gatman and robbin i upped
I can't yet. I have to do it at the library because we don't have speakers on the home PC.

I wont get to it until after work tomorrow...4pm is the earliest.

You might want to email me a You Send It link. If you do here:

Again though, thanks.

Soon as I hear it, I'll let you know what I think.
_carmi said:
jsaon why do u need to answer each and every reply against u... its annoying..
To annoy you.

What do you mean "against me"? What? ARe we playing pick up basketball or something?

In case you haven't noticed, this is a message forum. One person makes a post, someone else might respond to that post with a statement of their own. They go back and fourth, it's called a discussion.

I reply to whatever I have something to say to.

If it's annoying, why are you on a message forum?


me, myself & us
jason_g_718 said:
To annoy you.

What do you mean "against me"? What? ARe we playing pick up basketball or something?

In case you haven't noticed, this is a message forum. One person makes a post, someone else might respond to that post with a statement of their own. They go back and fourth, it's called a discussion.

I reply to whatever I have something to say to.

If it's annoying, why are you on a message forum?
u dont have to answer EVERY posts that are opposite to ur opinions and make a debate after. i dont think im the only one annoyed by ur constant quoting and replying.
Frank Grimes said:
^LMAO, dude, he aint even top 3 on aftermath, and thats not sayin much for him. believe it or not hip hop does exist beyond interscope. a few people have yet to realise that.

jason why not buy the massacre, i thought you like buyin wack albums, d12world, encore, etc etc. hell, whats 1 more

LOL hahahahaha i got nothin against jason but damn that shit was funny as fuck
jason_g_718 said:
Frank Grimes hey jason,

your right he does.

Holy shit...never would I expect one of what I consider the Fabulous 5 Idiots (Hurts, Grimes, venomous, aban & actually come to their senses so quickly in a thread.

its funny 4 of the 5 idiots clown the fuck outa you everytime u respond to them, thats gotta be eating u

jason_g_718 said:
has some good punchlines and plays on words but doesn't have a quarter of the heart or intensity, doesn't have Em's USUAL consistency regarding lyrics and his flow is not as good as Em's. Judging on a scale of 1-10, 10 obviously being a perfect emcee, the whole package, Eminem ranges between 8.5 and 9.75. Banks ranges from 5-8.
lol,man if u listen to his mixtapes his far above eminem these days in terms of skill. not that im a fan of either

jason_g_718 said:
is one of the few guys that I've actually never heard. I have hella respect for the guy, have tried to buy his music before, but everytime I go to the record store they either say they don't know who he is or they don't have any of his stuff. There's certain rappers around my neck of Michigan that for whatever reasons, they're a legend to me and rap fans, but the people at the record store either never heard of him or don't have any of their shit.

I went to literally four record stores when I was looking for Big L before I finally found a copy of Lifestylez... Two of the four places didn't even know who he was. Besides L and Monch, some other rappers this is the case with are Biz Markie (fucking stunningly amazing), Talib Kweli, Common, D.O.C. Those are just a few. So when I finally get to listen to Pharoah, if I ever do, I'll let you know.
:rolleyes: , oh well done man.
ok just mark my word, monche is So far above eminem. im expectin u to jump on his dick when/ if he finaly releases an album on aftermath, damn your predictable jaso.

jason_g_718 said:
LMAO! You mean possibly THEE WORST RAPPER TO EVER TOUCH A MIC. I'll listen to 50's two mainstream albums everyday for the rest of my life and nobody else before I listen to yayo. I heard a radio station freestyle lately with Mr. Yayo that someone posted here and that was some hot shit. HOWEVER, that was the ONLY verse I've ever heard from him in which I didn't almost cry because he was so terrible.

Thanks for the laugh though. :thumb:
actualy yayo has realesed SOME fucking pretty dope shit, more than eminem has in the last year.

jason_g_718 said:

Explain to me how Rakim owns the rap game RIGHT NOW.

Rakim is several things including a legend, one of the greatest rappers to ever grace a mic, an influence on probably damn near every artist that grew up listening to him. But the controller of the rap game at this current moment in time? No. Right now, 50 Cent has more control than Rakim.
ok fool. once again, find where i said "rakim owns the rap game right now" fuckhead, no i did not post that, and why didnt i , BECAUSE I COULDNT GIVE A FUCK, unlike your premature 28 year old ass i judge music on , GUESS WHAT , MUSIC. not whos fucking selling records. if i actually cared about record sales my music collection would somewhat resemble yours. seriously music is above soundscan units. if you havnt realised that in your 28 years of existance then your a lost child
keep postin jason


Well-Known Member
jason_g_718 said:
"Pharoe Monch"
is one of the few guys that I've actually never heard. I have hella respect for the guy, have tried to buy his music before, but everytime I go to the record store they either say they don't know who he is or they don't have any of his stuff. There's certain rappers around my neck of Michigan that for whatever reasons, they're a legend to me and rap fans, but the people at the record store either never heard of him or don't have any of their shit.
I couldn't believe I just read that.
How is someone gonna say this guy is a legend or i have so much respect for the artist when you never even listened to him, think for yourself. Don't reply to this either no need.
Aristotle said:
I couldn't believe I just read that.
How is someone gonna say this guy is a legend or i have so much respect for the artist when you never even listened to him, think for yourself. Don't reply to this either no need.
possibly because he signed to dre.possibly cause another aftermath cheerleader on this board said he was dope. possibly because eminem said he liked him (hey it happened with big L)


Well-Known Member
Eminem is the best artist on Aftermath, I don't know whats the big deal about Banks he's just a punchline rapper his lyrics may be above average some of the time but then again so are 50's, Games and Buck's.

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