G.litt How The Hell He Ever Became Mod?

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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Honestly what is the problem with who is a mod?

A mod isn't the greatest job in the world, you don't have huge power or a great status. Since I was a mod all I get is shit Pm's and threads started in LTTP. Not that I care. Westside01 had his chance, and he abused it, now he acts like a martyr.

You lot are against her already, she hasn't had a chance, let alone done anything wrong. Too many people voice their opinions on this board these days, it's not a democracy.
Amara said:
Mufasa's problem with me is I closed a thread of kadafifatal's that was unnecessarily judgmental in regards to the behaviour of christians. I PMed kadafifatal explaining why I had closed it. Then mufasa sends me a PM criticising my decision and authority to do so. I replied explaining why I had closed it. Then kadafifatal replied back acknowledging the reasons for closure and asking if I could re-open it for editing. Which I did. End of story.

If mufasa still has a problem, I do not see why, seeing as he neither replied to my PM nor did he even post in the thread after it was re-opened, so apparently he had no interest in the question, but rather sought to complain for the mere sake of being a pain in all our asses.

By your understanding, I have to have an avid interest in the subject matter of a newly created thread to share my criticism of your methods as a mod. I don't think so. If I feel a mod has abused their power, or has used them in a poor way (which isn't very often), then I will notify them - regardless of my interest in the thread in which they have interfered with, whether or not it is lacking.

This may come as a suprise to you, but there WILL be people that disagree with your methodologies and rationale. I feel insulted that you just shrug me off as a mere "pain in the ass" because I felt inclined to express my opinion which was completely warranted and justified. Just because you are a mod with powers does not mean it places you above me in terms of intelligence, because you - like all people - can and WILL do things wrong, and it is up to us normal board members to speak up, whether you like it or not (obviously you're extremely cut that I questioned your methods).

What pissed me off Amara, was the fact that you felt that the guys thread was disrespectful to an extent that it would cause tensions. Umm, it didn't seem that way to me at all. The guy simply asked Christians if they follow what the bible says and "turn their left cheek" (I would understand if the disrespect was more blatant, but from my own Christian perspective i found nothing disrespectful about his question.). Nevertheless you assumed that it would result in mass beef so you closed the thread when no one had even replied - you didn't even give him a chance to edit his words before closing it! A more appropriate approach would have been waiting to see if it DID create beef, and then close it.

And for that last comment you just made it only reaffirms my stance. You think you can insult me just because I criticised you a little? The arrogance that you have just conveyed seriously reverberates my words.
Pittsey said:
You lot are against her already, she hasn't had a chance, let alone done anything wrong. Too many people voice their opinions on this board these days, it's not a democracy.

Oh really, is that why we choose who our mods will be? :rolleyes:


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
MC mufasa said:
A more appropriate approach would have been waiting to see if it DID create beef, and then close it.
Do you have unprotected sex to see if you DO create a child? Do you play russian roulette to see if you DO shoot yourself in the head? No. Prevention is the best cure.

Amara did the right thing, she closed the thread and contacted the author, who then edited his thread when he saw his own mistake. She went above and beyond the call of duty.

I will however appologize, I shouldnt have given you guys a choice in your mods to begin with, I was at fault and for that I appologize. As Pittsey said, this is not a democracy. You do not have the right to choose mods, we tried that and it obviously doesnt work.

From now on we are going back to the old fashioned way of running this forum. This is now a dictatorship like it used to be. All choices will be made between the admins, Sicc and myself. Mods will be asked for their input, but all choices will be made by myself and Sicc.

From now on, members no longer have an input into mod selection, into who is banned and who isnt, into what forums are made or closed. We are going back to the old school. Enjoy.
Like Rukas said, prevention and foresight is better than waiting for the inevitable to occur. It's called inniative. Had I ignored the issue, or not offered an explanation, then perhaps you would have cause for complaint, but I sought to deal with it as best I could. I did not "shrug you off," the only shrugging off that has occurred was on your part in regards to the explanations and reasons I offered.

I do not see why you carried on the issue when it had been resolved between the thread starter and I. Why say I have no right to be a mod, when I made a judgment call, on the basis of minimising offence to others. If you had waited 5 mins before jumping the gun to criticise and unnecessarily call me into question, you would have seen the situation had been dealt with.

My comments have nothing to do with arrogance, but rather are a retaliation to the unnecessary treatment you have inflicted upon me.
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