Giz said:
What are you talking to me? Sorry to break it to you, but I have never been rich or worn baggy clothes, not that clothes means anything. How about you stop looking down on anybody with a different opinion, mr "knowitall"?
I wasn't talking to anyone, I was generalising. All I'm saying is surburban kids who think they know a shitload about drugs because they smoke weed need to take a step back. Crack isn't no joke, you can't hide an addiction. You look like shit. If you've been on it for 10-15 years you won't look like X. He's clean and he's pretty meaty. Personally I've never seen a crackhead who's been using for 15 years. But the one's I have seen who are long term abusers aren't pretty.
X still has his business together, well as together as he's ever had. He still manages to look after his kids, keep his marriage together and dress himself. He's not a long term crack abuser. He admits he has been an addict, and he probably slips from time to time.
But above all, X is an idiot. Which he freely admits and which is obvious from his behaviour. Everytime someone is wilding out you can't just shout Crack, even if they are ex-users. It doesn't make sense.
So Chill out little miss.