Biggie's Son

Hankaveli said:
that is a interesting thought, he should stay on the east coast through his schooling so he can hang with Biggie dickriders and not be teased and taunted by 2pac dickriders.
Why do people have that mentality that the eastcoasts loves Biggie more than Pac. Pac's fanbase in the NY tri-state area is probably bigger than anywhere in the world. Everywhere you go around NY/NJ you will see at least up to 20-100 people a week wearing a T-Shirt with 2pac's face on it. I've only seen people wearing Biggie T-shirts like about 6 times since Big & Pac shirts have been created. And not to mention most people still are running around in their cars playing pac's music like Ambitions Az a Ridah or anything off the all eyez on me album or anything Pac period. Pac fans override Biggie fans in school all the time by huge numbers. In fact there is even a sort of anti-biggie fanbase in the tri-state area, so no1 should think that. I think Biggie's fanbase mostly resides in Brooklyn. Also it's the industry people that run and controll radio stations like Hot 97 and Funk Flex that continue to shove Biggie and plenty of Jay-Z down peoples throats. Other than that every one praises pac up here from schoolkids, gangbangers, you name it.

And why is it that I see people on this post sayin Pac is a piece of shit and whatnot over something he said at the end of hitemup almost 10 years ago. Although he did go a little too far, he already stated in an interview that it was out of emotion and didn't really mean what he said about Biggie's children not growing.


Well-Known Member
Hituup, the only reason you see more poeple wearin shirts with Pac' face on them is cus they be the new gen of pac fans, little kids and shit, who have to brag about pac and carry on a beef that should be squashed with death. You can argue for both so no one really cares, Big is Big and Pac is Pac, fuck all the bullshit and listen to the music.
Edit: i know mad fans be wearin shirts of either but the ones who sit there and brag and where a bandana with em, fuck em.
Aristotle said:
Hituup, the only reason you see more poeple wearin shirts with Pac' face on them is cus they be the new gen of pac fans, little kids and shit, who have to brag about pac and carry on a beef that should be squashed with death. You can argue for both so no one really cares, Big is Big and Pac is Pac, fuck all the bullshit and listen to the music.
Edit: i know mad fans be wearin shirts of either but the ones who sit there and brag and where a bandana with em, fuck em.
Who said anything about little kids only wearing Pac shirts. You are actually wrong. You see all types of people wearing Pac shirts. From adult women to some middle aged looking men up to guys and girls about 18 and up you see more people repping Pac. And why do you assume that anybody is carrying on a beef because they wear a Pac shirt or listen to his music. Incase you forgot he's a worldwide phenomenon. My point is that people think Pac is only loved in Cali, but I was just trying to say that he's loved in the NY area just as much if not more. All people in the U.S. and even some outside the U.S admire Pac until this day.
Hituup said:
Why do people have that mentality that the eastcoasts loves Biggie more than Pac. Pac's fanbase in the NY tri-state area is probably bigger than anywhere in the world. Everywhere you go around NY/NJ you will see at least up to 20-100 people a week wearing a T-Shirt with 2pac's face on it. I've only seen people wearing Biggie T-shirts like about 6 times since Big & Pac shirts have been created. And not to mention most people still are running around in their cars playing pac's music like Ambitions Az a Ridah or anything off the all eyez on me album or anything Pac period. Pac fans override Biggie fans in school all the time by huge numbers. In fact there is even a sort of anti-biggie fanbase in the tri-state area, so no1 should think that. I think Biggie's fanbase mostly resides in Brooklyn. Also it's the industry people that run and controll radio stations like Hot 97 and Funk Flex that continue to shove Biggie and plenty of Jay-Z down peoples throats. Other than that every one praises pac up here from schoolkids, gangbangers, you name it.

And why is it that I see people on this post sayin Pac is a piece of shit and whatnot over something he said at the end of hitemup almost 10 years ago. Although he did go a little too far, he already stated in an interview that it was out of emotion and didn't really mean what he said about Biggie's children not growing.

pac never said sorry. same interview pac goes "people say why u say that on the end off ur record 'they kids gonna grow up boom boom' and he goes i dident write none of that it just came out and thats what i said....but i aint got no mercy in war...they kids... they tried shoot my fucking balls off...what about my kids..."

and i dont think he ever said it *WAS* about biggies kids...i dont think anyone will know (correct me if im mistaken)
HOOOOLD, shit lemme get caught up...Biggie had a son?!?...shit, lol straight up eh, he is gon get into the game way too easy...biggie's son, lol who wouldn't sign him, but how do we even know he is interested in the game. Hopefully, if he does end up in the game, he dun go to bad boy.

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