Biggie's Killer confesses!!


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Hituup said:
Don't discount Suge so quick because if you look back at what happened that night everything sounds like a setup. First of all one of Suge's blood associates saw Crip Orlando Anderson standing in the lobby, but instead of taking action he goes and call RAPPER, RAPPER, let me say it again RAPPER TUPAC SHAKUR to go handle a street gangmember.

How did Orlando get in that setting the first place? Why did they call on Pac to do the dirty work? Sounds like a setup to me.

It was a set up, but what the fuck does that have to do with Suge. Im sick of people only seeing black and white, suge or orlando.

You think Suge was the only one that could have set it up? Please.

No one is dumb enough to order a hit and then sit a foot away from the mark, while a street gangbanger from the rival gang opens fire from a moving vehicle.


Capo Dei Capi
Staff member
Hituup said:
Don't discount Suge so quick because if you look back at what happened that night everything sounds like a setup. First of all one of Suge's blood associates saw Crip Orlando Anderson standing in the lobby, but instead of taking action he goes and call RAPPER, RAPPER, let me say it again RAPPER TUPAC SHAKUR to go handle a street gangmember.

How did Orlando get in that setting the first place? Why did they call on Pac to do the dirty work? Sounds like a setup to me.

It was a set up, but what the fuck does that have to do with Suge. Im sick of people only seeing black and white, suge or orlando.

You think Suge was the only one that could have set it up? Please.

No one is dumb enough to order a hit and then sit a foot away from the mark, while a street gangbanger from the rival gang opens fire from a moving vehicle.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
Rukas said:
It was a set up, but what the fuck does that have to do with Suge. Im sick of people only seeing black and white, suge or orlando.

You think Suge was the only one that could have set it up? Please.

No one is dumb enough to order a hit and then sit a foot away from the mark, while a street gangbanger from the rival gang opens fire from a moving vehicle.

Butt Rubber

More arrogant than SicC
Rukas said:
It was a set up, but what the fuck does that have to do with Suge. Im sick of people only seeing black and white, suge or orlando.

You think Suge was the only one that could have set it up? Please.

No one is dumb enough to order a hit and then sit a foot away from the mark, while a street gangbanger from the rival gang opens fire from a moving vehicle.
Hituup said:
Don't discount Suge so quick because if you look back at what happened that night everything sounds like a setup. First of all one of Suge's blood associates saw Crip Orlando Anderson standing in the lobby, but instead of taking action he goes and call RAPPER, RAPPER, let me say it again RAPPER TUPAC SHAKUR to go handle a street gangmember.

How did Orlando get in that setting the first place? Why did they call on Pac to do the dirty work? Sounds like a setup to me.
lol......... maybe the same reason that 50 sent buck to stab up jimmy johnson ;) cos hes hotheaded and stupid.
Hituup said:
Don't discount Suge so quick because if you look back at what happened that night everything sounds like a setup. First of all one of Suge's blood associates saw Crip Orlando Anderson standing in the lobby, but instead of taking action he goes and call RAPPER, RAPPER, let me say it again RAPPER TUPAC SHAKUR to go handle a street gangmember.

How did Orlando get in that setting the first place? Why did they call on Pac to do the dirty work? Sounds like a setup to me.
lol......... maybe the same reason that 50 sent buck to stab up jimmy johnson ;) cos hes hotheaded and stupid.
They probably got 2pac 2 do the dirty work as a way of "jumpin him in" he just got the MOB tattoo so...and MOB figures in the past would have some1 shot in the car with them sitting right in the drivers seat
They probably got 2pac 2 do the dirty work as a way of "jumpin him in" he just got the MOB tattoo so...and MOB figures in the past would have some1 shot in the car with them sitting right in the drivers seat
It's now pretty clear suge had nothin to do with the shooting of pac. But what this does do is it leans more towards the theory that biggie was aligned with the southside crips and maybe had something to do with it? Then again, suge could of got biggie killed just to take the focus away from deathrow and make it look like an east-west thing, when really it was probably a crip-blood situation
It's now pretty clear suge had nothin to do with the shooting of pac. But what this does do is it leans more towards the theory that biggie was aligned with the southside crips and maybe had something to do with it? Then again, suge could of got biggie killed just to take the focus away from deathrow and make it look like an east-west thing, when really it was probably a crip-blood situation
I still belive that Suge was strongly involved with both murders, but yeah this is massive news and hopefully will bring a lot of new shit to the surface.
I still belive that Suge was strongly involved with both murders, but yeah this is massive news and hopefully will bring a lot of new shit to the surface.
From dr Mutulu Shakur site:

‘’The ‘’cointelrpo program’’ was a program initiated by the F.B.I. to neutralize leaders of the Black movement’’. The FBi denied it for a long time, but they said it too. Dr mutulu Shakur: “cointelrpo killed 2pac, big and kadafi’’

They shut down Mutulu Shakur for life. THINK. The government tried desperately to get hard evidence of Dr. Shakur committing a crime (even if there was none, only lies)
They are after Assata Shakur. For a fucking million dollars and she didn not even shot that police man (self defence). THINK
The FBI killed half of the Black Panters. Thug Life code was set up by Mutulu Shakur. Its was a program to go against the system. 2pac had always contact with Mutulu while mutulu was in prison in 96. THINK

2pac had always contact with his Black Panther family. The FBI tapped his phone. THINK
In 2pac last interview he had visions about leaving the rap game and go in politics. He was educated by the Black Panthers and Mutulu Shakur was his adviser. Mutulu ideas were meant to attack the evil system in America. So the system had to go in self defence. THINK

And even if they solve both cases. The going to blame it on some dumb fuck. Even if Orlando pulled the trigger on 2pac. Do you really think the man who makes the call going to murder his enemy by himself. Of course not. He is going to make it look like it was another form of black on black crime. The blood and crips have ties to the police/FBI. They gave the gangs guns in the 80’s/90’s etc. To kill each other. Deathrow are tied to them too. Most of the crimes of the blood and crips are set up by the system. Based on facts. You can search it on the internet.

The man who made the call on 2pac and big. Has to be part on a BIG BIG BIG organization. Otherwise you can’t keep the truth behind closed doors for 9 years. And if u think I say shit. Go ahead, then the system did his job good. To hide the truth and brainwash you. Hole fucking America is based on that same system: trapping Africans by slaving them, murdering native people. They have been doing it for a long time and they will continue to rise their system for more MONEY and more POWER.
Don’t say get over it. Its history. History wont die unless we get recognized for it. Unless the oppressors deal with it. U cant start a future until the system apologize for its mistakes
And anyone who go against them will get murdered. Not that 2pac had the power to against the system by himself, of course not. He had a hole team behind him who were against the system BEFORE he was borne. This is not even about 2pac and Big anymore. It way bigger than that. The only thing that makes the difference is that that 2pac had the opportunity to fund their own team with money in the future.). And they where caught up in that beef shit. Now its was a good opportunity for the system to make us blacks look bad.
Study the beginning of 2pac and you will know the end of 2pac.
THINK, about how they are trying to shut down ASSATA SHAKUR. How they killed most of the Black Panthers. How they put most Black Panthers in jail for LIFE PLUS. And don’t let the system/media trick u with another stupid solution of the death of big and 2pac.
Besides that. mankind ALREADY FLIED to the fucking MOON IN THE 60’S, but can’t solve a SIMPLE case of 2 black man 30 years later in THE 90’S. In vegas and la where they have CAMERAS HANGING ALL OVER THE PLACE. They could have tracked down those cars easily. Las Vegas is full of cameras. So there has to be more to it. We will never know the names of the real killers.

Don’t let the system school you. Oepsss I meant FOOL you. The system is here to start CONFUSION.
From dr Mutulu Shakur site:

‘’The ‘’cointelrpo program’’ was a program initiated by the F.B.I. to neutralize leaders of the Black movement’’. The FBi denied it for a long time, but they said it too. Dr mutulu Shakur: “cointelrpo killed 2pac, big and kadafi’’

They shut down Mutulu Shakur for life. THINK. The government tried desperately to get hard evidence of Dr. Shakur committing a crime (even if there was none, only lies)
They are after Assata Shakur. For a fucking million dollars and she didn not even shot that police man (self defence). THINK
The FBI killed half of the Black Panters. Thug Life code was set up by Mutulu Shakur. Its was a program to go against the system. 2pac had always contact with Mutulu while mutulu was in prison in 96. THINK

2pac had always contact with his Black Panther family. The FBI tapped his phone. THINK
In 2pac last interview he had visions about leaving the rap game and go in politics. He was educated by the Black Panthers and Mutulu Shakur was his adviser. Mutulu ideas were meant to attack the evil system in America. So the system had to go in self defence. THINK

And even if they solve both cases. The going to blame it on some dumb fuck. Even if Orlando pulled the trigger on 2pac. Do you really think the man who makes the call going to murder his enemy by himself. Of course not. He is going to make it look like it was another form of black on black crime. The blood and crips have ties to the police/FBI. They gave the gangs guns in the 80’s/90’s etc. To kill each other. Deathrow are tied to them too. Most of the crimes of the blood and crips are set up by the system. Based on facts. You can search it on the internet.

The man who made the call on 2pac and big. Has to be part on a BIG BIG BIG organization. Otherwise you can’t keep the truth behind closed doors for 9 years. And if u think I say shit. Go ahead, then the system did his job good. To hide the truth and brainwash you. Hole fucking America is based on that same system: trapping Africans by slaving them, murdering native people. They have been doing it for a long time and they will continue to rise their system for more MONEY and more POWER.
Don’t say get over it. Its history. History wont die unless we get recognized for it. Unless the oppressors deal with it. U cant start a future until the system apologize for its mistakes
And anyone who go against them will get murdered. Not that 2pac had the power to against the system by himself, of course not. He had a hole team behind him who were against the system BEFORE he was borne. This is not even about 2pac and Big anymore. It way bigger than that. The only thing that makes the difference is that that 2pac had the opportunity to fund their own team with money in the future.). And they where caught up in that beef shit. Now its was a good opportunity for the system to make us blacks look bad.
Study the beginning of 2pac and you will know the end of 2pac.
THINK, about how they are trying to shut down ASSATA SHAKUR. How they killed most of the Black Panthers. How they put most Black Panthers in jail for LIFE PLUS. And don’t let the system/media trick u with another stupid solution of the death of big and 2pac.
Besides that. mankind ALREADY FLIED to the fucking MOON IN THE 60’S, but can’t solve a SIMPLE case of 2 black man 30 years later in THE 90’S. In vegas and la where they have CAMERAS HANGING ALL OVER THE PLACE. They could have tracked down those cars easily. Las Vegas is full of cameras. So there has to be more to it. We will never know the names of the real killers.

Don’t let the system school you. Oepsss I meant FOOL you. The system is here to start CONFUSION.
Its your first post. Thats the best first post ive seen.

Yeah it has some logic, that would be also the reason why suge didnt open his mouth. It`s just difficult, there are many theories with good points. What speaks for the gang backround and not the government thing is the 94 shooting. I read what pac described in an interview and it seems that it was a clear set up by bad boy. By the way, wasn´t pac able to say a name or write a name down in his last days?

I believe that just one persons knows who killed pac, Suge knight, maybe he will tell us in his last days or he will tak it to the grave!
2pac sais himself. Those bad boys fuckz were not after him to kill. But to rob him from his gold and everything. They pulled the trigger, as soon as 2pac tried to grap his gun for self-defence. And then the others got scared and shot 2pac. 2pac said himself, in the first place they were not after me to shoot/kill me, only to rob me.
2pac sais himself. Those bad boys fuckz were not after him to kill. But to rob him from his gold and everything. They pulled the trigger, as soon as 2pac tried to grap his gun for self-defence. And then the others got scared and shot 2pac. 2pac said himself, in the first place they were not after me to shoot/kill me, only to rob me.

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