50 Cent Feels Burned By Game - Says He Doesn't Want Beef


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Pacaveli-T said:
The last statement proves he aint much of a songwriter if he comes home to em and see what he made FOR him.
I think he meant beatwise, what did Eminem produce for him.

Eminem did give 50 pointers about flowing though and how to write more mainstream tracks, if I recall.
how do you make a video for every song? not all of the video clips will be 3/4 mins, and im sure a bunch will have the same sets, but still, videos are like $300,000, imagine how nice it would be to do 21 videos and piss away like 6,300,000 buddy thats six mill..... and he doesnt even need too, he could re-release massacre with a different cover and put some remixes on it and it would go double plat at least

Advocate said:
how do you make a video for every song? not all of the video clips will be 3/4 mins, and im sure a bunch will have the same sets, but still, videos are like $300,000, imagine how nice it would be to do 21 videos and piss away like 6,300,000 buddy thats six mill..... and he doesnt even need too, he could re-release massacre with a different cover and put some remixes on it and it would go double plat at least

it could be homemade shit like the video for 'heat'
Ghetto_Ghost said:
Game in no aspect of music is better than 50. the highest point is game's career is equivalent to the lowest point in 50's career
evertime he's rappin he always has someone dick in his mouth like i said before, this guy only has a career because these guys are dead
wtf?! do u think 50 would have a career if these guys were alive?do u think 50 got skills? u gotta be kiddin me...sucess dont mean nothin when it comes down to quality 50 is a lil made bitch and fuck him dick ridaz
coyote-tf said:
wtf?! do u think 50 would have a career if these guys were alive?do u think 50 got skills? u gotta be kiddin me...sucess dont mean nothin when it comes down to quality 50 is a lil made bitch and fuck him dick ridaz
FlipMo said:
Eminem did give 50 pointers about flowing though and how to write more mainstream tracks, if I recall.

I thought JMJ taught 50 how to construct songs & Dre helped him improve on this a little bit but I'd be very surprised if Eminem gave 50 any pointers on writing mainstream tracks. Flows, maybe but Eminem can't write club tracks & those are the type of mainstream tracks 50 makes. That said, pointers may have been given, my astonishment would only really be valid if 50 had actually used these pointers.
^ Very true. I think that 50 made a bad move by going on tour (for the purpose of the beef, not the cash because that's all he's really lookin for and it is also what his beef is based on). The whole anticipation thing was also what blew up the track because I remember hearing it and being like "What the fuck? Is this seriously what he's throwing?" Whatever though, I'd rather have somebody back off and avoid anything stupid. I still think 50's a little punk though ;)
^ ye 50 fucked up by goin on tour and the beef is slow to the point that people are going to start losing interest.
50's disses have been starting to weaken. i think he should just stop beef and switch to chicken :p
We are going to have to rely on Nas to destroy 50, especially if 50 isn't responding. Once people hear a serious Nas joint, they'll be like okay, let's get rid of 50. I hope thats what happens anwyays.


New Member
i dunno y all the hate on 50...massacre wuz better than documentary an game'z gettin borin..sometimes his shit is hot but i'm sick of him quotin sports number gold dayton wire spinnin eazy e dre pac biggie jigga u take out 60 percent of his arsenal.. yea i admit 50's shit is overwhelming since he'z huge now but i wanted him to blow when i heard power of the dollar back in the day an he did so i can't hate on him for it...an he still makes hits which can't be denied...i ain't a fifty dickrider either juss in case that played out shit gets spit...personally i think nas fell off..i'm a big fan too but he'z more reclusive than 50 is now an always has been..fat joe is wack he'z livin off big pun fame ashanti an lean back...be real how many times u bump a fat joe cd...jada'z all good but quit kakawing in every song...50 as far as mass appeal is dominatin y give shine to these 2 who u dun like..jigga got the fuck out before 50 took him out next as the king cuz he is rite now...i hope nas an jada would step it up but for every dis they put out 50'z been puttin out a hit...which yes gets overplayed to the point of nausea but at one point is hype...i juss wonder y all the hate
Sounds like 50 is more butt hurt than a lot of fools on this board!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
They'll both fall off sooner than later but Game is gonna be in the "game" just a little longer ~unless~ another pic of him losing his pride in another dating show comes out!
Game is dope, he just needs to find what he's best at.

I think Saigon put it really well when he described him as a brainy dude who just hasn't found himself really.

I think that when he does though, his shit will be really dope because it's not like he doesn't have good writing ability ya'll.

I don't think he'll kill 50 the way he says he will though. 50 is a brainy dude too, because now he's looking like the victim in all this instead of the attacker (which may be true in the technical sense becuase Game took the first shots on wax).

This shit has been interesting and should become more interesting as it progresses. Let's just hope nobody dies over this shit man :thumb:
MATW95 said:
Game is dope, he just needs to find what he's best at.

I think Saigon put it really well when he described him as a brainy dude who just hasn't found himself really.

I think that when he does though, his shit will be really dope because it's not like he doesn't have good writing ability ya'll.

I don't think he'll kill 50 the way he says he will though. 50 is a brainy dude too, because now he's looking like the victim in all this instead of the attacker (which may be true in the technical sense becuase Game took the first shots on wax).

This shit has been interesting and should become more interesting as it progresses. Let's just hope nobody dies over this shit man :thumb:
I agree with what you said. I doubt 50 will be doing any dying, how is anyone going to get past his police friends? :)


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gggunot said:
your gay... they both have plenty of talented just games better thats all......
It's "you're" not "your", idiot. And what does "they both have plenty of talented" mean? Go back to school.

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