Morris said:
Israel has been constantly bombarding Hezbollah's infrastructure, from military offices to Nasrallah's house. Much of the civilian casualties were a result of strikes on Hezbollah buildings. On one day alone last week Israel targeted 50 Hezbollah related targets.
lol, you really believed that don't you?
are the christian targets also Hezbollah related?
are the military Hezbollah related
are all the bridges Hezbollah related?
when you kill 1 Hezbollah fighter and 200+ civillians, then Hezbollah are the collateral damage, not the civillians.
how can someone realy believe that these civillians aren't actually targeted.
it's amazing how powerful Israel is i manipulating public opinions. Or is it that the jews are so gullible...
Since an airport would have been the quickest way to get the soldiers out, it made perfect sense to hit the runways. Thus they kept hitting runways instead of the actual buildings of the airport.
in this case, why hitting the oil depot and the terminal???
What exactly is the motive? Why would Israel care whether or not the UN took in civilian refugees?
??? the same motives in Quana i guess...
Lebanon was ordered by UNSC 1559 to assert its sovereignty. It hasn't attempted it. If this past week's actions prove anything, it's that Israel is going to be more than willing to help Lebanon do this if it will so much as attempt to deploy its army along the border. The Israelis have explicitly said this.
the UN also calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan Hights.
last time i checked, 242<1559
the day israel officially recognize their own boundary, then you can talk about this again.
hehe, i bet you next elections, Hezbollah will have 40 MPs instead of 15. How is Israel Helping Lebanon exactly??
Israel is loosing all their Friends inLebanon. Even the most extremist christians are now begging Iran and Hezbollah for help. If you think that Hezbollah have been touched, you're really fooling yourselves. Israel destroyed the whole Shiite Bloc, killing hundreds of civillians, and without hitting any Hezbollah target.
Theoretically Hezbollah's attacks should have nothing to do with the Palestinians. Since Israel fully withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, as certified by the United Nations, there is no reason they should be getting attacked from the Lebanese border.
Chebaa farms are lebanese. And Hezbollah will not loose support as long as israel is occupying this area.
Hezbollah has been randomly firing rockets at civilians for years. Hezbollah kidnapped soldiers who were on the Israeli side of the border unprovoked. Hezbollah has fired 400 rockets at Israeli citizens in the past week. There's a reason Hezbollah is branded a terrorist group. Israel's self defense actions do not intentionally target civilians, thus it is not terrorism. This isn't rocket science, no pun intended.
no they haven't been "firing rockets for years"
besides, the attack came after Hexzbollah captured 2 army officers. It was Israel who replied by killing 100+ civillians.
besides, if you wanna compare body counts, please go ahead.
Al Manar is run by Hezbollah. The New York Times, or Haaretz, run themselves. I don't really know how much clearer I can make this before you stop making straw man arguments. If the American government ran the New York Times, then it would be as trustworthy for news as Al Manar. But that's not the case. Get it yet?
well, according to most arabs, all the western stations, from Haaretz to CNN and BBC, are run by wester people. not sure what you're trying to say. should i not believe anything i see on cnn because it's an american TV station??
and you still didn't answer me about LBC
Bombing transportation routes to make sure Hezbollah and Syria can't use them have obvious military significance. Bombing Hezbollah's buildings have obvious military significance. Unfortunately civilian casualties are caused by those bombings, but that's because terrorist groups have rooted themselves in densely populated places, knowing full well that people will then blame Israel for civilian casualties caused by its self defense.
hehe, if Hezbollah says they were targeting a mossad agent in Haifa, would you accept this excuse for bombing half the city?
by the way, a quick piece of info:
Bin Laden first got inspired to fight America when he watched the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
imagine how many ben Ladens are in the mainking right now.
you guys are fooling yourselves if you think the Lebanese believe that you are here to help them. just remember, if you take out Hezbollah (which you will be unable to do so, since Israel and the west never won against any guerilla in history), there are hundreds of people that are willing to continue to fight Israel till death.
Out of All the people in the world, the jews still expect others to give up their land that easilly. you of all people should know how much land is worth, and how long people are willing to struggle to get their land back. If you can't learn from others, try to learn from your history at least.