We Made You Single -Eminem (link/music video)


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It was on Eminem's twitter. I just went there, cause Shadow said he saw something there. That was the most recent Eminem's twitting.

So, it's probably real and the reference to 3am on the cover, prob has to do with Shadow's past about the next single being called 3am or something.


Well-Known Member
album cover is swish.

for those still hating on this track.. listeing to it again i believe that this is the old eminem everyones wanted. seriously, the rhyming is off the hook, even though it's silly as fuck.. the rhyming structure is awesome. and how it all comes together so smoothly.. listen to it properly


Staff member
^...the fuck what? Did you recently suffer a loss of mental functioning?

Your post would apply to YOU because you're the one saying it won't be catchy in 2 months. I don't care about a catchy Eminem single and I don't care if he doesn't sell a lot of records due to it (as selfish as that sounds). I'm hoping that the other tracks on the album are tight and by tight, I mean Eminem tight. Eminem has never been "ringtone rap" tight.

I remember you being a smart Eminem fan a while back, or at least knowledgeable on his body of work, but recently you've been surprising me. Are you too cool for Eminem since you discovered El-P?


S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
I'm too cool for his shit songs (I'm the coolest). This guy can sell records with just a song like Sing For The Moment. He doesn't need silly tracks that waste time and air space. And you do not need to justify yourself by saying how witty this song is (aim higher). If you seriously search through your iTunes so you can listen to Without Me - then I feel sorry for you (aim higher). Hip Hop fans these days are given compilation of shitty singles as albums, and if a rapper gets 3 crap singles on the radio, he goes platinum and wins grammys.

lol at ringtone rap tight. go listen to lollipop kid.


Staff member
This guy can sell records with just a song like Sing For The Moment.

He doesn't need silly tracks that waste time and air space.
The formula has worked for him. He doesn't want to gamble by abolishing it.

. If you seriously search through your iTunes so you can listen to Without Me - then I feel sorry for you (aim higher).
what are you on about? which posts are you replying to? I said Without Me was still catchy, not that I look to listen to it. I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago and they played it at a club, and I was tipsy, and I felt good hearing it and still remembered the lyrics. That's my justification for why I think it's still catchy even though it might not be a good one. By no means am I saying that I blast it on my computer still.

Hip Hop fans these days are given compilation of shitty singles as albums, and if a rapper gets 3 crap singles on the radio, he goes platinum and wins grammys.
OK. Tissue?

lol at ringtone rap tight. go listen to lollipop kid.
lol come on, what is this, 2003? Rap fans get made fun of because they listen to mainstream rap still? lol

I made a point by saying what I did, I don't know why you opted the immature route.

Murs' favorite rapper is Lil Wayne.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
The formula has worked for him. He doesn't want to gamble by abolishing it.
That ain't art, man. That's being a whore.

I was tipsy, and I felt good hearing it and still remembered the lyrics.
That's a prime example - they play a song that you would never choose to play and you somehow like it. Did yo know that alcohol alters your judgement?

Do you ever stop and think "Holy shit, they are dumbing us down with this shit" - Of course you don't - you just say it's entertainment.

Lollipop is wack.


Staff member
That's a prime example - they play a song that you would never choose to play and you somehow like it. Did yo know that alcohol alters your judgement?
lol. Prime example of what?

Do you ever stop and think "Holy shit, they are dumbing us down with this shit" - Of course you don't - you just say it's entertainment.

Lollipop is wack.
I think if people take rap music with the belief that it should educate and edify them, then those people need help in various forms.

Music is entertainment for me, an escapism. I don't need it to preach to me. Is music being dumbed down? Yes, but, the thing is, artists are having a hard time making good music that's replay-worthy. Lupe and Nas are prime examples. The shit they say is good to hear, but damn, they have a hard time making a GOOD track - a concoction of a good beat, hook and vocals, etc that will make the listener want to listen time and time again.

Tupac was a master at perfecting that concoction. It's not just what he said, but how he said it, when he said it, on what beat he said it, in what tone he said it, etc.

S. Fourteen

Well-Known Member
You are an audience of art, not a consumer of goods.

I think if people take rap music with the belief that it should educate and edify them, then those people need help in various forms.

Music is entertainment for me, an escapism. I don't need it to preach to me.
And that's the load of crap right there. Some people read books to escape - and you're reading magazines with lots of photoshopped pictures, So Fi.

I don't need it to tell me how bad the war in Iraq is - I would turn that shit off. But I do need it to be educating - and I don't mean the theory of relativity. I do need it to preach to me. It's a beautiful form of activism.

Is music being dumbed down? Yes, but, the thing is, artists are having a hard time making good music that's replay-worthy.
Okay, so try harder and stop giving us cookie cutter shit? If you have too much cutter cookies, you'll start wanting the cookies in the same size and shape again and again and again.

Don't you know? Lo Fi music is a beautiful thing.


me, myself & us
S14, everybody has different views on music. Some listen to it for entertainment, some listen to it hoping for some moral or education or messaage behind it, some listen to it hoping for originality.

It's not because you require a message in a song to appreciate it that others do. I don't need a message, I need a well-structured song who is entertaining and has replay value.

How old are you S14? 30? You speak like an old guy who needs a purpose for everything. No a song doesn't need a purpose to be listened to and enjoyed. At least by my definition it doesn't. Maybe for you it is, fine.

I think Eminem exploits all facets of music. He makes some tracks for entertainment but he also makes meaningful songs. He makes his 1st single an entertaining dumbed down song for the general public and then targets more specific hip hop fans like you with more meaningful songs.


Well-Known Member
The songs crap. Im sure the under sixteens will like it though. Dunno why he aims for the kids though, i mean the dudes 37 this year.

Funny thing is, im sure even em knows his last album was garbage, so what does he do? He takes a few years off and comes back with an even worse one!lol, ok i know i aint herd the album yet so thats obviously premature, but what i have herd, well it sounds like complete tripe.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure, the actual content is a load of nonsense. But the way he flows and structures the rhyming is what I find impressive.


Staff member

I bet Eminem doesn't even know how to register for a twitter account.


labels gotta keep up with the times.
SO, they're leaking 3AM, the rumored song, tomorrow! That's the news. I'm excited as fuck.

You are an audience of art, not a consumer of goods.
EL-P's label sees you as a consumer of his goods. Welcome to life. You can give yourself a better title if you want.

Also, yes, I'm an audience of art. Why do I like art? Because art entertains me, provokes thought and emotion. Rap does that for me and it doesn't have to be on some preaching tip.

And that's the load of crap right there. Some people read books to escape - and you're reading magazines with lots of photoshopped pictures, So Fi.
Just drop the metaphors and your little figurative language, it's beyond corny and borderline pseudo-intellectual.

The music you prefer does nothing for me. I can't escape into an EL-P song because it's a black hole. Black holes aren't fun; they evoke no emotion but that of boredom.

I don't need it to tell me how bad the war in Iraq is - I would turn that shit off. But I do need it to be educating - and I don't mean the theory of relativity. I do need it to preach to me. It's a beautiful form of activism.

What do you need rap to preach to you? Give me examples.

I agree that it's a beautiful form of activism. But I'm not going to put the song on repeat if it's not nice to listen to, regardless of the message. I'm not bowing down to thought-provoking lyrics in a time where a guy like Rahim can make a tight beat and an amateur rapper can write a tight hook. I'm not cutting rappers slack for not making good songs.

And I don't want to come of as rap not having substance or that no rapper says something worth hearing. I hear worth-while lines/verses quite a bit but it's rarely anything mind-blowing or that I haven't witnessed or thought of. It's usually like "Oh yeah, word up man, that's how life is."

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