An Open Letter To Obama (Not the usual Obama track)

America is owned and operated by bankers.

Zbigniew is Rockefeller's servant. He is the co-founder of Rockefeller's Trilateral commission and in the CFR. He passes the orders and Obama does what he is told. This is the same guy that funded Islamic terrorists like the Taliban. Did you see that news article recently about Brzezinski urging Obama to shoot down Israeli jets?

I'm guessing you know what the Trilateral Commission is and what their goal is? World Government, global currency. Look at the shit that's been going on at the G20.

The cunts that own your federal reserve are the masters. Every President that's spoken out against it and the shadow government has been taken out.

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

Theodore Roosevelt


Well-Known Member
Please explain what is wrong with a global government and currency? If anything it'd make the globalized world we live in easier.
Please explain what is wrong with a global government and currency? If anything it'd make the globalized world we live in easier.
A serious question I take it ? You lack insight in my opinon Da Funk.

I think, in a perfect world, globalization and unity would be great, for everyone, but these days, with the amount of corruption, and the people that are trying to make it a one world government, are dodgy as fuck.

Basically, if they were able to corrupt that one world government, there would be no independents to be able stand up and say something like "the iraq war? That was BS, and it still is, I will have no part of it" for example.

It would be conformity to the max.

Simple answer, corruption.

Peace out.
So there isn't anything wrong with a world gov or currency, there is something wrong with people
Yups, just like the BS in the news right now.

The media fucks have people so twisted around thier finger, they mould people, so damn easily.

Everyone in the current government system is bought and paid for, even the ones that are supposedly not backing putting more troops in.

Biden, obamas supposed opposition just said he sees no way other than to send MORE troops into afghan.

The fucked up swine flu vaccine bullshit they are putting out there "oh there won't be enough for everyone" and everyone just takes a bite of the cake and wonders why THIER COUNTRY IS SO FUCKED UP.

WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU BLIND FUCKING "MEDIA ZOMBIES" lol, but at the same time, I'm as serious as the innocent people dying in these fake wars, all in the name of making money, it is downright inhumane and we have all these brainwashed soldiers going in there, killing people, thinking they are doing good for their country.

Fuck people, the US government and media has it over the people, SOOOOO bad.

When was the last time you were asked if your hard earned tax money could be used to fund this war, would you agree to it ? Then what if they said you'dbe paying off the debt over the next, fuck knows how many years ? Then ?

If you answer yes, get fucked, moron.

Peace out yo, lol :D


Well-Known Member
I must admit, you guys have skills. I dont think I've seen the same thing said in so many different ways, like an idea thesaurus or something.

I'm sot sure which part of the Constitution you are referring to Pauly but the elasticity of the Constitution is what makes it "work." I'm just saying what violates it today can be just as legal tomorrow.

You kind of do decide if we go to war...We vote for our congressman and whatnot. But ehh lets not even get into all that.

This new world order shit has been said millions of times, this rheotric of the super elite running the world and us being blind to it. There are a countless amount of books and documentaries that delve deep into the situation. This thread is lame. It's the same shit we've heard for years, decades even, it gets annoying. If you just started down this path of thought good for you, but please shut the fuck up already. Saying fuck the media it brainwashes people and the gov is a bunch of puppets is retarded, it being true or not. I feel like I'm with a bunch of thought smokers, the people who sit in a circle and talk about stupid shit when they get high. This thread is like that old joke, how many revolutionaries does it take to screw in a light bulb? It takes 1, the other million of em are just talking about it. Maybe I just made that lame shit up but whatever, this thread is deserving of more of the same.

That was all useless, I'm just gonna quit coming into this thread lol.

Carry on you revolutionaries.

I'd go the redneck route and tell you to leave the country if you dont like it, but like J-Live said "The grass aint greener on the other genocide"
I must admit, you guys have skills. I dont think I've seen the same thing said in so many different ways, like an idea thesaurus or something.

I'm sot sure which part of the Constitution you are referring to Pauly but the elasticity of the Constitution is what makes it "work." I'm just saying what violates it today can be just as legal tomorrow.

You kind of do decide if we go to war...We vote for our congressman and whatnot. But ehh lets not even get into all that.

We "vote" for our congressman do we ? LOL

This new world order shit has been said millions of times, this rheotric of the super elite running the world and us being blind to it. There are a countless amount of books and documentaries that delve deep into the situation. This thread is lame. It's the same shit we've heard for years, decades even, it gets annoying. If you just started down this path of thought good for you, but please shut the fuck up already. Saying fuck the media it brainwashes people and the gov is a bunch of puppets is retarded, it being true or not. I feel like I'm with a bunch of thought smokers, the people who sit in a circle and talk about stupid shit when they get high. This thread is like that old joke, how many revolutionaries does it take to screw in a light bulb? It takes 1, the other million of em are just talking about it. Maybe I just made that lame shit up but whatever, this thread is deserving of more of the same.

Bro, if you want to turn your head and look the other way, thats fine, how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP ?

That was all useless, I'm just gonna quit coming into this thread lol.

Good, cos you are an ignorant idiot....IMO :D

Carry on you revolutionaries.

Carry on, media zombie, go get your swine flu vaccine becuase "there is not enough to go around" even though they been stockpiling since 06.

I'd go the redneck route and tell you to leave the country if you dont like it, but like J-Live said "The grass aint greener on the other genocide"
Whatever.....Mr "American Idiot"... like Barney Stinson says....... What up !?


Well-Known Member
We "vote" for our congressman do we ? LOL
Like I said, let's not even get into all of that. Surprised you didn't say anything about us not even declaring war or congress not declaring it. The pres took advantage of a power he had, but whatever. But Oh shit, Good point man, we dont vote for shit youre right shit is decide for us fuck the sytem rahhhh

Bro, if you want to turn your head and look the other way, thats fine, how about you SHUT THE FUCK UP ?
I didn't decide to look the other way I just decided to stop with the bullshit.

Good, cos you are an ignorant idiot....IMO
Why would you think I am ignorant or stupid? Just cus?

Carry on, media zombie, go get your swine flu vaccine becuase "there is not enough to go around" even though they been stockpiling since 06.
Where did you get the idea that I am a "media zombie." Better yet, why do you assume I'm going to get a shot? Actually the real question I want to know is why you're talking about vaccine shortages, especially, especially when the same thing has been happening for years with the regular flu vaccine we get every year. You shoulda been seen that shit coming, nub. lol had to throw that in.

Whatever.....Mr "American Idiot"... like Barney Stinson says....... What up !?
Really? like for reals?

and learn how to quote properly


Well-Known Member
A serious question I take it ? You lack insight in my opinon Da Funk.

I think, in a perfect world, globalization and unity would be great, for everyone, but these days, with the amount of corruption, and the people that are trying to make it a one world government, are dodgy as fuck.

Basically, if they were able to corrupt that one world government, there would be no independents to be able stand up and say something like "the iraq war? That was BS, and it still is, I will have no part of it" for example.

It would be conformity to the max.

Simple answer, corruption.

Peace out.
lol @ this.
Like I said, let's not even get into all of that. Surprised you didn't say anything about us not even declaring war or congress not declaring it. The pres took advantage of a power he had, but whatever. But Oh shit, Good point man, we dont vote for shit youre right shit is decide for us fuck the sytem rahhhh

Ok, so you agree or don't agree? Why bring up points to half back what I'm saying then try and shut me down ? Rahhh indeed.

I didn't decide to look the other way I just decided to stop with the bullshit.

What bullshit, actually acting on it? At least speaking up about it? Yeah, stoppin with the bullshit, all the way playa.

Why would you think I am ignorant or stupid? Just cus?

Read you post, then read my reply, shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

Where did you get the idea that I am a "media zombie." Better yet, why do you assume I'm going to get a shot? Actually the real question I want to know is why you're talking about vaccine shortages, especially, especially when the same thing has been happening for years with the regular flu vaccine we get every year. You shoulda been seen that shit coming, nub. lol had to throw that in.

Because it's media propaganda, to make everyone fall for their BS. If people think there is not enough, they will be lining up for it voluntarily. If you think I'm simply talking about actual vaccines here, go do some homework you fucking media zombie :)

Really? like for reals?

For Shizz ma Nizz.

and learn how to quote properly
Pffft, learn how make a decent comeback.

You like dat Punky ? Thought you would :D


Well-Known Member
Ok, this makes sense now. You assume that I'm calling you lame and shit that I disagree with what you're saying, evident in the fact you said what I said about congress half backs what you're saying, implying that I'm tryin to say something else(weird sentence). I'm not against what you're saying or on the other side, just know that.
Ok, this makes sense now. You assume that I'm calling you lame and shit that I disagree with what you're saying, evident in the fact you said what I said about congress half backs what you're saying, implying that I'm tryin to say something else(weird sentence). I'm not against what you're saying or on the other side, just know that.
No probs, Sorry for being a bit harsh.

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