An Open Letter To Obama (Not the usual Obama track)


Well-Known Member
change for the better or worse? change has become the most overrated word lol
I didn't mean it in the cliche Obama catch phrase. Remember that word has been around for a long time.
It seems that America is and has been for a LOOONG time afraid of changing the health care system. I don't understand why, its shit and everybody knows it. My cousin got diagnosed with Leukemia this year, she's got about 3 years of chemo and if all goes well she will be in remission. But the reason I bring this up, she and her boyfriend recently bought a house. If she was an American citizen she would more than likely be losing one.


Active Member
I didn't mean it in the cliche Obama catch phrase. Remember that word has been around for a long time.
It seems that America is and has been for a LOOONG time afraid of changing the health care system. I don't understand why, its shit and everybody knows it. My cousin got diagnosed with Leukemia this year, she's got about 3 years of chemo and if all goes well she will be in remission. But the reason I bring this up, she and her boyfriend recently bought a house. If she was an American citizen she would more than likely be losing one.
Thats a very true observation, The Australian government has done a lot to keep it's country and people out of recession and there is even talk of new growth starting to come about. So Rudd has done something right there, I never would have thought those stimulus packages would of done shit, except prolong the enevitable, but it looks as thought I may be wrong about that, gladly.

I know you were asking a serious question, and I will reply seriously. The reason america has not changed the healthcare system (better put my disclaimer in before i get my head bitten off...IMO) is because of the pharmaceutical compaines have there hands in the politicians pockets, or is it the other way around, anyway, just like war, healthcare is BIG BIG money, although I don't agree with everything michael moore has done and said, but I feel he's docos do have some truth to them.

When I guy walks into a hospital with a cut off finger, has it there with him to be re-attached, do you think it's right for the ER staff to ask who his insurance company is, the if he says no he doesnt have one, they say well its gonna be $15K for us to sow it back on, and if he says, but I don't have the money, they turn around and say, sorry, try another hospital, its against our policy.

I mean come on ! Arnt hospitals for emergencies and for helping people that need medical attention, COME ON ! It's disgusting, I bet they wouldn't do that in Australia, but in the US, it happens every minute of the day.


Well-Known Member
I know you were asking a serious question, and I will reply seriously. The reason america has not changed the healthcare system (better put my disclaimer in before i get my head bitten off...IMO) is because of the pharmaceutical compaines have there hands in the politicians pockets, or is it the other way around, anyway, just like war, healthcare is BIG BIG money, although I don't agree with everything michael moore has done and said, but I feel he's docos do have some truth to them.

When I guy walks into a hospital with a cut off finger, has it there with him to be re-attached, do you think it's right for the ER staff to ask who his insurance company is, the if he says no he doesnt have one, they say well its gonna be $15K for us to sow it back on, and if he says, but I don't have the money, they turn around and say, sorry, try another hospital, its against our policy.

I mean come on ! Arnt hospitals for emergencies and for helping people that need medical attention, COME ON ! It's disgusting, I bet they wouldn't do that in Australia, but in the US, it happens every minute of the day.
I didn't ask a question, but it seems we are in agreement.
If I got sick right now and needed to go to the hospital, I know a few things for sure. I will get seen and I will not have to pay. I'm so glad I'm Australian.


Active Member
True, but you did say you couldn't understand why so I thought I'd shed some light on it for you :)

Simply put, when you look atthe healthcare and wlefare systems of a country you can see what value the governments put on it's people.

Look at france, then Australia then take a good look at the US systems, they are are so below par that there is JUST NO EXCUSE. None whatsoever, and you don't need to be a political or history expert to connect those dots.

Just like that song goes.....MONEY MONEY MONEY...MO...NEY, MONEY !


Well-Known Member
I guess what I really don't understand is how the people (not so much the government) don't get behind improving it. I know alot of propaganda gets put out there to deter them, but how they don't see through it is a little crazy.


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Staff member
People criticize the American healthcare system, but here in the UK we have "free healthcare", and I'll tell you something - It's a fucking shit system and it doesn't work.

The statistics speak for themselves - the amount of negligence, misdiagnosis, and people with terminal illnesses being put on waiting lists so long that they die before anybody even helps them, is insane.

Personally, I would rather pay and know that I'm getting quality healthcare, than abuse a free, overburdened system and risk incompetence.

The NHS in the UK is abused to the point where they almost literally have no money to provide a good level of care. Hospitals are overcrowded. They're under so much pressure that speed becomes the key factor rather than being able to give every patient the individual focus that they require.


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Staff member
Even worse here but I don't even want to go into detail. Sometimes doctors will quite literally tell you that you'll die because there's a queue you can't overcome and they'll start checking your case in 15 months as that's when there is the first free spot. Public health care is one of the worst things I can imagine and they literally steal over 20% of you salary every month for it.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would rather pay and know that I'm getting quality healthcare, than abuse a free, overburdened system and risk incompetence.
Paying for it doesnt mean its better. In the US you could pay for it your whole life and when you need it you get refused cover because of some irrelevent previous condition. No system is perfect, I like the idea of both options, Public for those who can't afford it and Private for those who can but don't want to be on waiting lists.
^That's true. A free healthcare system with excellent doctors is what the US needs, and the world too of course. I wouldn't want to pay 70grand to get my fractured fibula taken care of. Free, excellent service is a better option.


Active Member
People criticize the American healthcare system, but here in the UK we have "free healthcare", and I'll tell you something - It's a fucking shit system and it doesn't work.

The statistics speak for themselves - the amount of negligence, misdiagnosis, and people with terminal illnesses being put on waiting lists so long that they die before anybody even helps them, is insane.

Personally, I would rather pay and know that I'm getting quality healthcare, than abuse a free, overburdened system and risk incompetence.

The NHS in the UK is abused to the point where they almost literally have no money to provide a good level of care. Hospitals are overcrowded. They're under so much pressure that speed becomes the key factor rather than being able to give every patient the individual focus that they require.
Two wrongs, never make a right bro.

Fact is, governments have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to give us all fucking solid gold syringes for the propaganda flu shots and what not that they fucking create, sadly, we aint even worth a dirty syringe to them, lol, its truly sick.


Well-Known Member
^That's true. A free healthcare system with excellent doctors is what the US needs, and the world too of course. I wouldn't want to pay 70grand to get my fractured fibula taken care of. Free, excellent service is a better option.
What do you guys mean by "free healthcare system"? How does it exactly work?


Active Member
What do you guys mean by "free healthcare system"? How does it exactly work?
Well, if you could consider this, its way out there I know..... but, if our government actually used our tax money to fund the medical system ? Instead of FUCKING BULLSHIT WARS, I dunno, it is hard to get your head around I know.



Well-Known Member
Pretty sure thats how our system works, taxes go into Medicare which every Australian citizen gets. You pay approx $20 gap to see a GP unless its a Bulk Billing practice or your on a low income card you don't pay at all. Emergency room costs nothing. Another beautiful thing about the low income card is it drastically reduces the cost of medicines, so something that would usually cost $25 becomes $5.


Active Member
Pretty sure thats how our system works, taxes go into Medicare which every Australian citizen gets. You pay approx $20 gap to see a GP unless its a Bulk Billing practice or your on a low income card you don't pay at all. Emergency room costs nothing. Another beautiful thing about the low income card is it drastically reduces the cost of medicines, so something that would usually cost $25 becomes $5.
It is way better than the US system.

But SHHHH, dont say that too loudly, first it was Asians, then New Zealanders and Indians, next there will be an influx of yanks going to OZ.


Well-Known Member
We have a Trade Agreement with New Zealanders, they get to come over and use our Welfare system and we get to take ownership of any Talent that comes from NZ.

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