An Open Letter To Obama (Not the usual Obama track)


Well-Known Member
Big fucken deal. Why doesn't he do something like, set an example for the rest of the world and start the disarmament of nuclear weapons as he said he would in his campaign when he said the world should be a nuke free world. Who is the greatest violator of the non proliferation treaty? The United States is!
So are you the person who gets to decide what is important and worthwhile doing? You are telling us he has done nothing and then when I mention 2 things I am aware of you say big fucken deal to one and ignore the other. You don't get to pick and choose whats important enough to recognise.

How about removing those 7 military bases he just approved in Colombia, right next door to Venezuela, which is sending the wrong message to Chavez. How is that the peace and change that he promoted during his campaign?
From what I've read they arnt US Military bases but that the US will have access to Colombian Military bases which is something Colombia is asking for. I don't like the idea that America is the Worlds Police but on the other hand if the situation between Venezuela and Colombia etc blows up and America does nothing the US will be criticised for it. Peace isn't just sitting ignoring everything going on around you and hoping it just goes away. This world will never know Peace, and to believe it could is just a dream.

I'll tell you who's pulling the strings. A old white Gepetto on wall street.
Lucky guy.

I'm Sorry. Our government didn't "take this on fully aware of its costs," because our government didn't declare war... the president did under preemptive war.

That's unconstitutional. Section Eight of the Constitution says "Congress shall have power to ... declare War;"
Sorry, the Bush admin just created a bunch of faulty intelligence and hoopla to make it seem Iraq was a risk. It was great timing though. My bad.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
i dont understand how people think obama is different. hes just another president. what seperates him from bush? his skin color? if a republican was in office doing the same shit as obama best believe he would get ethered.
So are you the person who gets to decide what is important and worthwhile doing? You are telling us he has done nothing and then when I mention 2 things I am aware of you say big fucken deal to one and ignore the other. You don't get to pick and choose whats important enough to recognise.
Of course not, i'm just pointing out what he said he WOULD do, that he either hasn't done, or probably will never do. Guantanamo bay was a good move, i'd give you that. Lets see how he tries to manifest the rest of his promises from now until 2012.

From what I've read they arnt US Military bases but that the US will have access to Colombian Military bases which is something Colombia is asking for. I don't like the idea that America is the Worlds Police but on the other hand if the situation between Venezuela and Colombia etc blows up and America does nothing the US will be criticised for it. Peace isn't just sitting ignoring everything going on around you and hoping it just goes away. This world will never know Peace, and to believe it could is just a dream.
Colombia is the US's bitch. Whatever the US says Colombia should do, Colombia does it. Oh, and i don't think Chavez would want a confrontation between Venezuela or Colombia, 'cause Colombia is supported by the US, and because Colombia's military is about 5 times bigger, stronger, and more well equipped than that of Venezuela's due to the support Colombia's government gets from the US. The US shouldn't be blamed for anything that happens with any sovereign country, that's why they are sovereign.

Sorry, the Bush admin just created a bunch of faulty intelligence and hoopla to make it seem Iraq was a risk. It was great timing though. My bad.
Thank you. Too many people forget we never officially declared war the correct way. To this day we are still fighting these wars that were never declared. lawl. Amazing.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
I try doin my part. I'm the Youth Advisory Board President of a county in south florida. I've had the opportunity to get affiliated with a bunch of "important" people in the senate and offices in DC. And let me tell ya, 80% were shady as hell. Its not like I tried to prove myself that they were evil, but by going thru business meetings in them, you can tell that they were fliping their tongues. And in the smoothest way. I wish that I could trust the gov't and obama, but after seeing what I've seen behind closed doors, there is no reason to wait 3 more years to see what else obama is gonna do. Whatever your beliefs are people, please do not take everything in the news for face value. Do your research. Stay humble. Stay aware. Because its too easy to get caught slippin' these dayz.


Well-Known Member
^hes doing nothing that helps the american people

dont counter attack with the healthcare plan because that plan is ass
if a republican was in office doing the same shit as obama best believe he would get ethered.
You imply that he is doing something, then say he's doing nothing. hmm

And yes I can see how you think the health care plan is ass, I mean when you have such a great system to begin with its hard to accept change isnt it?

I don't think Obama is a hero, I don't think just because he's the first Black President that is gonna make him any different. But I'm not going to say after 8 months that he's the Devil either.

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
^hes doing nothing that helps the american people

dont counter attack with the healthcare plan because that plan is ass
He's also still got Bush's people on the payroll. With the change he was talking about, I thought he was gonna bring in a whole new regime. The only thing he's gonna bring in is martial law and the nwo

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
I don't think Obama is a hero, I don't think just because he's the first Black President that is gonna make him any different. But I'm not going to say after 8 months that he's the Devil either.
But you gotta understand, only the devil himself can decieve somebody and be believed by the masses. We all knew Bush was an idiot so we never took him seriously. But Obama is so charismatic that he can tell you that he's gonna pay for your wedding, then at the last minute say nevermind, and all the attendants won't even mind. Thats what Obama has been doing in the offices. No more talking, do some walking. Oh...he's walkin' us straight to a nuclear war and civil unrest soon. He's just tightening up his shoelaces now


Well-Known Member
See you can say that and I wont take you seriously, attach some kind of evidence to support your opinion and then I may.

And during the election I remember him saying he would use anybody on either side of politics, Democrat or Republican.


Active Member
Again you're reading stuff that isn't there.

What I said:

1) I try not to roar out opinions when I know I don't have the knowledge to back it up
2) I'm ignoring politics because I think I, not anything else, just me, wouldn't be able to accomplish much and there are fields out there where I think I could accomplish a lot so I'd much rather put my efforts into those.

What you seem to have read:

"There's nothing I can do about anything in the entire world and I'm going to ignore it all so I can continue to live in my safe, protective bubble where nothing ever goes wrong"

I'm not there yet at all but I plan to actually get off my ass and try to help animals. Started some volunteer work today but I mean to make a profession out of it. I try to improve myself so I'm nicer, more understanding etc. to the people around me and any person I meet (even on the internet... the biggest challenge of all frustrating people you'd like to strangle). Like I said I'm not there yet but I think in a couple of years I'll be able to say that I'm a good person and helping the "world". Right now I'm pretty decent. I'm basically doing what you said you'd like people to do. So for you to say I'd rather "keep my mouth shut about it and just ignore" things, even though I never said anything in that vein, is insulting.

I never actually said that about you Chronic, perhaps your reading something that wasnt there ? If I did, it was not my intention to insult you......

When you said... "Like I said I'm not there yet but I think in a couple of years I'll be able to say that I'm a good person and helping the "world". Right now I'm pretty decent. I'm basically doing what you said you'd like people to do"..... I think that's a bit of a shame you think like that, because I think the only thing stopping you from saying you are a good person or actually believing you are a good person is yourself. Don't think you have to change the world to be a good person, most of us are deep down inside, and it just takes a bit of recognition to build it up and let it bloom into the outside part of your life

The thing is you're being arrogant. You've confirmed it before, the evidence you have is very compelling but it's not conclusive. Yet, time and time again, you call people blind when they present you with some constructive criticism.
Now I'm not really insulted by anything you said and I don't really think you're arrogant but you should read over these threads and I think you'll see that this entire discussion is not about Obama, it's not about Iraq, the other threads weren't about secret societies, 9/11, it's all about you presenting a fairly "provocative" outlook and people challenging your arguments, not your opinions. And any time we challenge your argument, you assume our opinions are the polar-opposite of yours.

Thats a fair enough call, but it's was never my intention to make it about me buddy, it never has been. It seems that way becuase I I passionate like you say, and do take it seriously, so when people attack me for having these views I'm not just going to sit back and go, oh well, thankyou come again.

This is genuine advice, not some backhanded bullshit. I don't know you, I don't know what you know but judging by your posts I made some assumptions...
You became aware of certain things and it was a profound revelation. Then you realized pretty much everyone is either contributing to the issues or caught up in them. It seemed like almost everyone's crazy, except for you. You gained a strong desire to change things and inform people.
Whether it's politics, animal rights, human rights, female rights, gay rights, world hunger, pollution, abortion, lack of religious faith among 21st century people, the worldwide genocide of grass, any person who is made aware of these things in a profound way has a similar reaction. And one of those things is that you start to see "the enemy". And any person who disagrees with anything you say becomes that enemy. I'm not saying you're a conspiracy nut. But within your area of interest, people who do not control themselves, automatically become conspiracy nuts. Every person who makes such a realization is in danger of becoming radical, because of the significance those thoughts have to you. That's just human nature. It's not about what you believe, it's how you believe it. If it has a profound importance to you you're willing to go very far.
To use an analogy: Before you were on one side of the fence and didn't realize there was another side. Someone pushed you over the fence and you realized how great the other side was and never wanted to go back. The problem a lot of people have is they stay on the new side of the fence and never look back. There's insight to be gained from having been on both sides of the fence. And you need to be able to jump back and forth between them when necessary because staying on either side of the fence for too long is bad. You need a view of both sides.

I see what your saying, I do not think everyone is crazy just becuase they have not learnt or seen what I have, that, would be crazy. I mean half my family members don't want to hear much about it, but hey I still love them for who they are, its just frustrating, but we all have our own way to live and thoughts to give.

I understand your defensive reaction but given the importance of the matter I think you'll appreciate it when I say you need to remember the goal at hand. It's not about you, it's about the message. Within these threads you made it about you. These discussions will keep happening and you'll continue to get pissed off. So it's important to be able to pull yourself away from it. Hold off posting until you've calmed down etc.
You shouldn't just learn from the mistakes of people who aren't aware, you should learn from the mistakes of people who are aware. Ask yourself why people don't take people who spread these type of messages seriously. I think you've answered part of one side of the coin with things like "it seems a lot of people actually make the decision to turn a blind eye so their current lifestyle does not get affected or changed from what they are used to" (if you haven't already you should draw this further to the core of our nature, it affects just about every moment of our lives) but what about the other? People often only offer bits and pieces of information (usually because that's all they have), taken from suspicious sites/videos/testimonies, lack the insight to form credible opinions and have an incredibly condescending attitude. Make sure you don't present yourself as or even become one of those people. It's the natural progression for stuff like this if you don't be careful. If you don't scrutinize the "new" sources of information as much as you do the "old" ones.
And remember that although you may be aware of certain things others aren't you're not aware of much more. You can accuse me of being a zombie of society. I can accuse you of being a meat-eater (assuming you eat meat). We can both be accused of polluting, consumerism, materialism (lets be honest :)) and the list goes on and on. For every person you can accuse there's someone to accuse you. I actually haven't experienced it yet but if I find myself being pissed off at an individual for eating meat I'll know I'm not really pissed off at that person, I'm just projecting my anger. And the feeling I'd get of them being blind would be misplaced.
So I think you don't really have the right to tell anyone they're foolish and an understanding approach always helps with relaying the message.

When people talk to me the way they do, I will call them what I want Chronic, and yes it is my right to do so, sorry but we'll have to agree to disagree.

No I am not a meat eater, If you listened to what I said, I told you I have compassion for animals, ever since I was very young. How can I have compassion for animals and still pay for them to be slaughtered ?

The reason I post the way I do, with little bits of info here and there is purposeful, and to get people doing the research themselves. I'm sure you know how much MORE valuable that is to someone, than just handing them all the answers.

I wanted to write something better but I'm tired and hope you get the gist. I don't like your approach at all but I respect what you're trying to do. Just make sure direct these feelings towards all the positive goals and make sure it never becomes about trying to satisfy your anger, rather than trying to do good.
You wrote something great, thanks for the time you took out to do that, I appreciate it :)

See you can say that and I wont take you seriously, attach some kind of evidence to support your opinion and then I may.

And during the election I remember him saying he would use anybody on either side of politics, Democrat or Republican.
hehehe, and you believe/d him ? :worried:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well, it's still a valid question :)2

Peace out.
During the Health Care speech he named quite a few Republicans that had incorporated their ideas into the plan. Also naming McCain for an idea he had introduced during the Presidential Campaign. So yeah obviously he is.


Active Member

During the Health Care speech he named quite a few Republicans that had incorporated their ideas into the plan. Also naming McCain for an idea he had introduced during the Presidential Campaign. So yeah obviously he is.
Yeah ! For sure ay, obviously he is ! What an awesome guy ! Man my opinion has competely changed now, thankyou for that wonderful insight artisticgurl.

He can incorporate what he wants, when they are all in bed together, what does it matter ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ! For sure ay, obviously he is ! What an awesome guy ! Man my opinion has competely changed now, thankyou for that wonderful insight artisticgurl.

He can incorporate what he wants, when they are all in bed together, what does it matter ?
You have the impression that I'm trying to convince you that Obama is a great guy.. I'm not, I really couldn't care how you feel about him I don't even know if he is. All I'm doing is putting the other side out there, from what I know/heard/see. Kadafi Son said "With the change he was talking about, I thought he was gonna bring in a whole new regime." So I just pointed out that there was always the plan to include both sides.
The positive you can draw from using both Democrat and Republican opinions/ideas is that if everyone is involved it can make it easier to pass some of these plans. It can improve them. Heard of the expression two heads are better than one?

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