An Open Letter To Obama (Not the usual Obama track)

If you really believe you can just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life and then just walk away w/o supporting them just I really don't know what to say to you. Why do you think Afghanistan became what it was?
We didn't do that. Sadly, we have destroyed their countries, crumbled their governments & told them what kind of government WE THINK is best for them, sucked the life and soul out of all of their citizens, left the bodies of children lying frozen and dead in the sand, while our brothers and sisters are dying for this so called "freedom." We are building a fucking empire over there! These wars should have never started in the first place. I think it's funny how you've been brainwashed to think that we were there to "just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life," when the primary reason we went into Iraq was for "Weapons of Mass destruction" (which of course, as we all know was a lie). The reason we're in Afghanistan was for Osama Bin Laden. We're spending Billions and Billions of dollars that we could be spending here at home, overseas trying to find a cave man!!!!!!!!! The smartest, most intelligent, well equipped country in the world!!!!! But you think we're there to promote peace, and to help them change their lifestyle, and rebuild their governments.

Fuck outta here.


Well-Known Member
We didn't do that. Sadly, we have destroyed their countries, crumbled their governments & told them what kind of government WE THINK is best for them, sucked the life and soul out of all of their citizens, left the bodies of children lying frozen and dead in the sand, while our brothers and sisters are dying for this so called "freedom." We are building a fucking empire over there! These wars should have never started in the first place. I think it's funny how you've been brainwashed to think that we were there to "just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life," when the primary reason we went into Iraq was for "Weapons of Mass destruction"(which of course, as we all know was a lie). The reason we're in Afghanistan was for Osama Bin Laden. We're spending Billions and Billions of dollars that we could be spending here at home, overseas trying to find a cave man!!!!!!!!! The smartest, most intelligent, well equipped country in the world!!!!! But you think we're there to promote peace, and to help them change their lifestyle, and rebuild their governments.

Fuck outta here.
Where did I say the reason for going into Iraq or Afghanistan was to remove their government, install a new one and change the way of life? That's not a reason the states went into Iraq, thats what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reasoning behind the two is irrelevent when considering Obama. He had nothing to do with the why, he just inherited it. If you think pulling out the troops is the answer to those problems all I can do is shake my head in disbelief at you.

I'd just like to add that if you truely believed or believe the bolded parts, you are a very naive person.

Basically, don't criticize obama for those situations and don't criticize him for not pulling the troops out right this second.


Well-Known Member
Funniest thing about this is that no one has said shit. Obama is the devil, Obama is great, Obama just speaks and does nothing. Say something that isn't the same rhetoric as before. How do we expect to change and move on forward if our conpiracy theorists cant even do the same, lmao
Funniest thing about this is that no one has said shit. Obama is the devil, Obama is great, Obama just speaks and does nothing. Say something that isn't the same rhetoric as before. How do we expect to change and move on forward if our conpiracy theorists cant even do the same, lmao
It's hard, when you got people that are so blinded by how "great" he is.

It's not a question of moving on, it's a question of us simply trying to get through to these media brainwashed zombies (in my opinion) :)

You may call them theories some of them being unproven, but what about the countless therories the media and government has put before us as the public, yet most of us still believe that BULLSHIT and still don't question they motives of this whole fake war ?

So what up ?
Who are the conspiracy theorists?


Where did I say the reason for going into Iraq or Afghanistan was to remove their government, install a new one and change the way of life? That's not a reason the states went into Iraq, thats what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reasoning behind the two is irrelevent when considering Obama. He had nothing to do with the why, he just inherited it. If you think pulling out the troops is the answer to those problems all I can do is shake my head in disbelief at you.

I'd just like to add that if you truely believed or believe the bolded parts, you are a very naive person.

Basically, don't criticize obama for those situations and don't criticize him for not pulling the troops out right this second.
Like i said before, i don't expect him to magically make everything better, i said he should stay true to his promises, and his words of peace and change he so desperately promoted during his campaign. Why isn't Obama at least cutting down on the troops, and letting the Iraqis and Afghanis run their own governments little by little? I have friends, personal HOMIES who are still getting deployed out to Iraq. In the words of Mike Gravel, "Why not get out? What harm is it going to do? We should just GET OUT! Just Get out! It's their country! They are telling us to leave! and we insist on staying there!"


Well-Known Member
I think part of the problem is that you (America) had such a fucked up situation with Bush that when Obama was campaigning people got swept up in relief they didn't really think rationally.

From what I remember Obama said clearly that the things he was talking about doing, if he was elected, would take time and to be patient. That there was/is no quick fix.

I'm all for if people feel he isn't making the right decisions then make it known, don't just talk about it on a hip hop forum but contact local members etc do something proactive. The same goes for if you see Obama trying to put something through that you agree with, but gets walls put up by the Senate then speak/act on it.

As for the wars, this is something I know nothing about in regards to fixing it. I can see how just pulling troops out and leaving the new governments to their own devices would be a disaster.

I don't think 8 months is long enough to measure what he has accomplished, look at what he's trying to do but expecting actual results this soon is a little silly.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
obama lied, thats a fact. he said hes gonna do things. he either did the opposite or nothing. people still blindly worship him. he same as any other president but he can potentionally do more harm since people follow him his every move. you guys are taking about hes only been there for 8 months, he hasnt done shit in 8 months. and he wont do positive shit for america


Well-Known Member
Are you guys politically active? Or rather, do you do anything other than talking? Not that trying to spread awareness isn't good but judging by how strong you guys' opinion is on this I'd expect you to actually be doing something.

Basically, when the shithouse falls down will you just be able to say "Well, I tried to warn people!" or will you be able to say "I actively set out to change things but it wasn't enough"?
Ok then....

I think part of the problem is that you (America) had such a fucked up situation with Bush that when Obama was campaigning people got swept up in relief they didn't really think rationally.

From what I remember Obama said clearly that the things he was talking about doing, if he was elected, would take time and to be patient. That there was/is no quick fix.

I'm all for if people feel he isn't making the right decisions then make it known, don't just talk about it on a hip hop forum but contact local members etc do something proactive. The same goes for if you see Obama trying to put something through that you agree with, but gets walls put up by the Senate then speak/act on it.

As for the wars, this is something I know nothing about in regards to fixing it. I can see how just pulling troops out and leaving the new governments to their own devices would be a disaster.

I don't think 8 months is long enough to measure what he has accomplished, look at what he's trying to do but expecting actual results this soon is a little silly.
I agree that now that have fully infiltrated thier government it would be left in shambles as there is probably next to none of thier own people in the hot seats, but the fact is, if you want to say to people what they want to hear to get elected, then do the opposite, people with just a little bit of intelligence, may start asking questions.

Fine, dont pull out ALL the troops, ok but why send in another 30,000 ?

And just how long do you want to give obama to achieve his promises or to at least START making good on them?

Should we ignore the fact he's lied to the world, just becuase we have hopes and dreams and maybe did really believe him at the start?

I think people are blinded by the fact that if they actually admit they voted in george bush the 3rd, they will have to face up to the fact that 1. They got sucked into his bullshit campaign promises, and 2. They are apart of the corrupt system that put him there.

Nobody likes to admit thier own faults, but it takes integrity to recognize when you are wrong and to take responsibility for that.

How many truly responsible people do you know ?
Are you guys politically active? Or rather, do you do anything other than talking? Not that trying to spread awareness isn't good but judging by how strong you guys' opinion is on this I'd expect you to actually be doing something.

Basically, when the shithouse falls down will you just be able to say "Well, I tried to warn people!" or will you be able to say "I actively set out to change things but it wasn't enough"?

Awareness is usually only good when it leads to something. And waiting for the entire world to become aware ... well good luck.
Hey Chronic, you have a point, but don't try and talk us down for being so "strong" when it comes to backing what we believe. The reason it is like that is becuase there are so many fucking blinded people (just in this forum alone) that try and dispute every fucking thing thats said, brought up or discussed about it.

I am going to make and distribute a 2hr DVD for free distribution for my fellow man, and as I get more and updated info I will continue with more.

Not a great deal, not as much as maybe what the media could put out there in just 2 min of hogwash propaganda, but all the same it's something and a start.

What are you doing ? Staying safe, saying to yourself, ohhh it's all too much, I might just wait for the world to become aware first ?

Awareness is good for everybody my friend, and I have said before, even if this whole thread, or all the words I have written only help but one person to be a bit more aware, and to perhaps get them to start asking bigger questions about themselves and their society, well it would be worth it, for shizzle.



Well-Known Member
I agree that now that have fully infiltrated thier government it would be left in shambles as there is probably next to none of thier own people in the hot seats, but the fact is, if you want to say to people what they want to hear to get elected, then do the opposite, people with just a little bit of intelligence, may start asking questions.

Fine, dont pull out ALL the troops, ok but why send in another 30,000 ?

And just how long do you want to give obama to achieve his promises or to at least START making good on them?

Should we ignore the fact he's lied to the world, just becuase we have hopes and dreams and maybe did really believe him at the start?

I think people are blinded by the fact that if they actually admit they voted in george bush the 3rd, they will have to face up to the fact that 1. They got sucked into his bullshit campaign promises, and 2. They are apart of the corrupt system that put him there.

Nobody likes to admit thier own faults, but it takes integrity to recognize when you are wrong and to take responsibility for that.

How many truly responsible people do you know ?
I'm not nieve enough to think that the system works so quickly. I doubt Obama is sitting around twiddling his thumbs, getting things changed isn't like flicking a switch. Ever since the doomsday coverage of the financial crisis I backed away from the news, I chose the ignorant path for the time being. Also I'm Australian so immersing myself in American politics isn't my #1 priority. Ofcourse Obama is just like "every other President" he's surrounded by the same people who follow the same rules as other Presidents before him. This time however you have a leader who can string a couple of sentances together without fucking it up.. Do you understand how much that improves your Countries reputation abroad?

Question: Where did the 30,000 troops get deployed to? I am, and have been since the beginning, against the war in Iraq. Afghanistan however is a little different, and again I won't pretend to know all the politics and tactics behind staying there.
I'm not nieve enough to think that the system works so quickly. I doubt Obama is sitting around twiddling his thumbs, getting things changed isn't like flicking a switch. Ever since the doomsday coverage of the financial crisis I backed away from the news, I chose the ignorant path for the time being. Also I'm Australian so immersing myself in American politics isn't my #1 priority. Ofcourse Obama is just like "every other President" he's surrounded by the same people who follow the same rules as other Presidents before him. This time however you have a leader who can string a couple of sentances together without fucking it up.. Do you understand how much that improves your Countries reputation abroad?

Question: Where did the 30,000 troops get deployed to? I am, and have been since the beginning, against the war in Iraq. Afghanistan however is a little different, and again I won't pretend to know all the politics and tactics behind staying there.
Well thats a nice pointless statement to bring up, or are you implying that I am nieve to think that the whole system works that quickly ? Baby, if 8 months is not long enough for this joker to START making good on his promises, 10 years won't be long enough to pull out of other countries. Its a neverending war on terror, neverending until america gets as much control as they can in my opinion. Think about how much american taxpayers are paying for EACH and every troop that is over there per year.... what, total guess here, maybe 30 or 40k for his pay, then how much for the transport, food and infrastructure for each troop, what maybe another 20K per troop ?

Ok, now, how many do we have in there.....hmmm if I can rememebr correctly I believe there is about 65K to 70K troops in Afghanistan alone so work it out....... ITS BIG MONEY AND BIG BIG BUSINESS for defense contracts.

Did you know that when they went in to first set up for iraq, there were reports that something as small as a toilet seat was getting charged to the US government at a price of $600 ea, jeez, it's not hard to wonder who is getting the rest of the money..........war is about money and power, stick up for obama all you want, but you will be the one that is living in denial when you learn all the things we are saying have truth to them.

The extras may have gotten deployed to Afghan, but the methodolgy is STILL the SAME, MONEY.....POWER. DIVIDE......CONQUER. you REALLLLLLLY think that Obama is the top man ? Or in your case Kevin Rudd ? Or can you mayyyyybe see how they are just the front men ? Just curious... and thanks for your input :)


Well-Known Member
What are you doing ? Staying safe, saying to yourself, ohhh it's all too much, I might just wait for the world to become aware first ?
Nothing. Not the stuff you said in bold either. Simply nothing at all, it's not on my mind. I don't watch the news, don't read the papers, don't follow elections, nothing.
But it's not because of a lack of awareness. Specifically in Obama's case it's more about the belief that I would be better off focusing my efforts elsewhere, rather than trying to stop the president of a country I don't live in.

But again, you're projecting stuff on people that's not necessarily there. The people you should be calling blind and fools are the type of people that say things like "the government is looking out for me", "we should just do what the government says" or "we should just trust the president". I think it's more than fair to say that people should give Obama his full-term before drawing conclusions... unless you can find a way to stop him from doing things you disagree with.

I'm not talking down to you for having strong opinions, if this is what you're passionate about then that's perfectly fine. But I am talking down to you for your strong opinion on others for holding a different point of view.

My advice: change your approach and you'll find people to be less defensive.

Also as a way to gain a larger frame of reference you might want to consider doing some research outside of the present. People don't change and some of the same shit that's going on today has been going on for centuries. There is so much documentation that can help your understanding. Overpopulation of cities I think would be an interesting addition. Governmental system throughout the ages. The important question to ask is, why do people allow these things to happen? That's where the solution lies. Otherwise it's just hoping you get a decent president next time.


Well-Known Member
Well thats a nice pointless statement to bring up, or are you implying that I am nieve to think that the whole system works that quickly ? Baby, if 8 months is not long enough for this joker to START making good on his promises, 10 years won't be long enough to pull out of other countries. Its a neverending war on terror, neverending until america gets as much control as they can in my opinion. Think about how much american taxpayers are paying for EACH and every troop that is over there per year.... what, total guess here, maybe 30 or 40k for his pay, then how much for the transport, food and infrastructure for each troop, what maybe another 20K per troop ?

Ok, now, how many do we have in there.....hmmm if I can rememebr correctly I believe there is about 65K to 70K troops in Afghanistan alone so work it out....... ITS BIG MONEY AND BIG BIG BUSINESS for defense contracts.

Did you know that when they went in to first set up for iraq, there were reports that something as small as a toilet seat was getting charged to the US government at a price of $600 ea, jeez, it's not hard to wonder who is getting the rest of the money..........war is about money and power, stick up for obama all you want, but you will be the one that is living in denial when you learn all the things we are saying have truth to them.

The extras may have gotten deployed to Afghan, but the methodolgy is STILL the SAME, MONEY.....POWER. DIVIDE......CONQUER. you REALLLLLLLY think that Obama is the top man ? Or in your case Kevin Rudd ? Or can you mayyyyybe see how they are just the front men ? Just curious... and thanks for your input :)
It's not pointless, I don't know if you are nieve, thats for you to decide. From the little amount I've heard, Obama got the ball moving on shutting down Guantanamo Bay which I assume is still running for the time being - Again not an easy thing to do.

His Health Care Plan if granted the ability will be a huge improvement. Health care - or lack of it - affects every part of society. The current system America has is SHIT and even if what Obama is trying to do is not going to create the perfect system it will still be better than what you have right now.

I like the fact Obama isn't afraid to acknowledge help/suggestions from Republicans, this is something I havent heard in Politics. As far as who has the real "power" I am certain that Obama/Rudd isn't the only people working in Government, there are reasons why they have colleagues and I'm sure during the election process they got help etc. But in Obama's case I am not confident that he is just a Bush-like puppet.

As far as the war, yes it cost's money, on its own the Government of your country decided to take this on fully aware of the costs. The fact you now have a new Government who has to deal with the withdrawal means you need to be patient and understand leaving is going to be alot harder than how you arrived in those countries. You as a Nation owe it to Iraq/Afghanistan to be careful with how you exit, otherwise you are responsible for every death caused as a result.

Long ass post and its 1.30 in the morning. Fuck.
Nothing. Not the stuff you said in bold either. Simply nothing at all, it's not on my mind. I don't watch the news, don't read the papers, don't follow elections, nothing.
But it's not because of a lack of awareness. Specifically in Obama's case it's more about the belief that I would be better off focusing my efforts elsewhere, rather than trying to stop the president of a country I don't live in.

But again, you're projecting stuff on people that's not necessarily there. The people you should be calling blind and fools are the type of people that say things like "the government is looking out for me", "we should just do what the government says" or "we should just trust the president". I think it's more than fair to say that people should give Obama his full-term before drawing conclusions... unless you can find a way to stop him from doing things you disagree with.

I'm not talking down to you for having strong opinions, if this is what you're passionate about then that's perfectly fine. But I am talking down to you for your strong opinion on others for holding a different point of view.

My advice: change your approach and you'll find people to be less defensive.

Also as a way to gain a larger frame of reference you might want to consider doing some research outside of the present. People don't change and some of the same shit that's going on today has been going on for centuries. There is so much documentation that can help your understanding. Overpopulation of cities I think would be an interesting addition. Governmental system throughout the ages. The important question to ask is, why do people allow these things to happen? That's where the solution lies. Otherwise it's just hoping you get a decent president next time.
I suppose that's where we differ the Chronic, if I know something is not right, I don't like to keep my mouth shut about it and just ignore it.

It's not as if by me posting any any this it's my intention to stop obama as a president, I think that would be next to impossible for someone like yourself or I to do, my aim is to get through to people, wake em up a bit, SHOUT IN THEIR FACE if I have to, but just something, anything to try to get them actually thinking for themselves.......

I have always had compassion for other people and even animals my whole life, so when I find out that so many people are being led blindly by their government and media, and they have no idea, I can't help but say something.

Of course people arnt always going to agree and it seems a lot of people actually make the decision to turn a blind eye so their current lifestyle does not get affected or changed from what they are used to, which is gutless in my opinion and yes you are right in saying that I should be less defensive in my approach, but as I said it's really hard to control restraint when you deal with some of the arrogance I have dealt with lately.

All we can do is try, and have positive intentions as best we can for the people around us. If staying out of it, is doing your best, thats cool, I suppose that's the beauty of individuality.


Well-Known Member
I suppose that's where we differ the Chronic, if I know something is not right, I don't like to keep my mouth shut about it and just ignore it.
tupac4li4e said:
If staying out of it, is doing your best, thats cool
Again you're reading stuff that isn't there.

What I said:

1) I try not to roar out opinions when I know I don't have the knowledge to back it up
2) I'm ignoring politics because I think I, not anything else, just me, wouldn't be able to accomplish much and there are fields out there where I think I could accomplish a lot so I'd much rather put my efforts into those.

What you seem to have read:

"There's nothing I can do about anything in the entire world and I'm going to ignore it all so I can continue to live in my safe, protective bubble where nothing ever goes wrong"

I'm not there yet at all but I plan to actually get off my ass and try to help animals. Started some volunteer work today but I mean to make a profession out of it. I try to improve myself so I'm nicer, more understanding etc. to the people around me and any person I meet (even on the internet... the biggest challenge of all frustrating people you'd like to strangle). Like I said I'm not there yet but I think in a couple of years I'll be able to say that I'm a good person and helping the "world". Right now I'm pretty decent. I'm basically doing what you said you'd like people to do. So for you to say I'd rather "keep my mouth shut about it and just ignore" things, even though I never said anything in that vein, is insulting.

some of the arrogance I have dealt with lately.
The thing is you're being arrogant. You've confirmed it before, the evidence you have is very compelling but it's not conclusive. Yet, time and time again, you call people blind when they present you with some constructive criticism.
Now I'm not really insulted by anything you said and I don't really think you're arrogant but you should read over these threads and I think you'll see that this entire discussion is not about Obama, it's not about Iraq, the other threads weren't about secret societies, 9/11, it's all about you presenting a fairly "provocative" outlook and people challenging your arguments, not your opinions. And any time we challenge your argument, you assume our opinions are the polar-opposite of yours.

This is genuine advice, not some backhanded bullshit. I don't know you, I don't know what you know but judging by your posts I made some assumptions...
You became aware of certain things and it was a profound revelation. Then you realized pretty much everyone is either contributing to the issues or caught up in them. It seemed like almost everyone's crazy, except for you. You gained a strong desire to change things and inform people.
Whether it's politics, animal rights, human rights, female rights, gay rights, world hunger, pollution, abortion, lack of religious faith among 21st century people, the worldwide genocide of grass, any person who is made aware of these things in a profound way has a similar reaction. And one of those things is that you start to see "the enemy". And any person who disagrees with anything you say becomes that enemy. I'm not saying you're a conspiracy nut. But within your area of interest, people who do not control themselves, automatically become conspiracy nuts. Every person who makes such a realization is in danger of becoming radical, because of the significance those thoughts have to you. That's just human nature. It's not about what you believe, it's how you believe it. If it has a profound importance to you you're willing to go very far.
To use an analogy: Before you were on one side of the fence and didn't realize there was another side. Someone pushed you over the fence and you realized how great the other side was and never wanted to go back. The problem a lot of people have is they stay on the new side of the fence and never look back. There's insight to be gained from having been on both sides of the fence. And you need to be able to jump back and forth between them when necessary because staying on either side of the fence for too long is bad. You need a view of both sides.

I understand your defensive reaction but given the importance of the matter I think you'll appreciate it when I say you need to remember the goal at hand. It's not about you, it's about the message. Within these threads you made it about you. These discussions will keep happening and you'll continue to get pissed off. So it's important to be able to pull yourself away from it. Hold off posting until you've calmed down etc.
You shouldn't just learn from the mistakes of people who aren't aware, you should learn from the mistakes of people who are aware. Ask yourself why people don't take people who spread these type of messages seriously. I think you've answered part of one side of the coin with things like "it seems a lot of people actually make the decision to turn a blind eye so their current lifestyle does not get affected or changed from what they are used to" (if you haven't already you should draw this further to the core of our nature, it affects just about every moment of our lives) but what about the other? People often only offer bits and pieces of information (usually because that's all they have), taken from suspicious sites/videos/testimonies, lack the insight to form credible opinions and have an incredibly condescending attitude. Make sure you don't present yourself as or even become one of those people. It's the natural progression for stuff like this if you don't be careful. If you don't scrutinize the "new" sources of information as much as you do the "old" ones.
And remember that although you may be aware of certain things others aren't you're not aware of much more. You can accuse me of being a zombie of society. I can accuse you of being a meat-eater (assuming you eat meat). We can both be accused of polluting, consumerism, materialism (lets be honest :)) and the list goes on and on. For every person you can accuse there's someone to accuse you. I actually haven't experienced it yet but if I find myself being pissed off at an individual for eating meat I'll know I'm not really pissed off at that person, I'm just projecting my anger. And the feeling I'd get of them being blind would be misplaced.
So I think you don't really have the right to tell anyone they're foolish and an understanding approach always helps with relaying the message.

I wanted to write something better but I'm tired and hope you get the gist. I don't like your approach at all but I respect what you're trying to do. Just make sure direct these feelings towards all the positive goals and make sure it never becomes about trying to satisfy your anger, rather than trying to do good.


Well-Known Member
Its so frustrating when you talk about a certain topic with people and they cant focus on what youve actually said, instead of giving you an answer as if you have just said something totally different.

So thumbs up for Chronic for being so patient.
It's not pointless, I don't know if you are nieve, thats for you to decide. From the little amount I've heard, Obama got the ball moving on shutting down Guantanamo Bay which I assume is still running for the time being - Again not an easy thing to do.
Big fucken deal. Why doesn't he do something like, set an example for the rest of the world and start the disarmament of nuclear weapons as he said he would in his campaign when he said the world should be a nuke free world. Who is the greatest violator of the non proliferation treaty? The United States is!

How about removing those 7 military bases he just approved in Colombia, right next door to Venezuela, which is sending the wrong message to Chavez. How is that the peace and change that he promoted during his campaign?

But in Obama's case I am not confident that he is just a Bush-like puppet.
I'll tell you who's pulling the strings. A old white Gepetto on wall street.

As far as the war, yes it cost's money, on its own the Government of your country decided to take this on fully aware of the costs. The fact you now have a new Government who has to deal with the withdrawal means you need to be patient and understand leaving is going to be alot harder than how you arrived in those countries. You as a Nation owe it to Iraq/Afghanistan to be careful with how you exit, otherwise you are responsible for every death caused as a result.

I'm Sorry. Our government didn't "take this on fully aware of its costs," because our government didn't declare war... the president did under preemptive war.

That's unconstitutional. Section Eight of the Constitution says "Congress shall have power to ... declare War;"

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