An Open Letter To Obama (Not the usual Obama track)

Delusion can sometimes be helpful, but not in this case I'm afraid.

Maybe you should read what I wrote again. An American President is elected for a four year term and you're honestly gonna start bitching about how he "hasnt fulfilled his promises" after EIGHT MONTHS. He's done less than a fifth of his term.

Are you deluded to expect that such a mammoth task ahead of him, and all the promises he made are going to be implemented successfully within 8 months?

Also don't forget that Congress purposely hinders MOST of the initiatives Obama is trying to implement. And not because these initiatives don't have merit, but it's because naive people like you will begin to form the opinion that Obama is doing fuck all. They do it to piss him off and to try shit on his popularity purely because he's a political opponent.

Fuck, get real with your expectations.
Maybe you should get real with what the FUCK has he done for us ? 8 months, what the fuck has he done for us ? Well ?

It's fucking long enough to show some true colours, how fucking long does he need "hes the most powerful man on earth" ?

You can stick to your delusions, and wants all you like you blind ass fool, I guarantee my life, this joker will not do SHIT for us. So just remember what you are saying now, and we'll see who ends up being right, agreed ?

so the president gets a free 8 month pass to come out with a bullshit healthcare plan
What a fuckin joke this whole government is, and in reality anyone that supports them is fucking delusional and that is as bad as being on acid. Fuckin trippers, I swear.

I agree with ill-matic.

Seriously, it takes more than 8 months to undo 8 years of Bush.

Fact is - you're only going to be able to accurately judge how good of a president Obama has been, twice. Once after 4 years when he wins the next election (and he will, cos he's awesome), and again, after 8 years when his time as president is up.

Don't bitch and complain just because isn't a fucking miracle worker. He made promises and I firmly believe that he meant them and is working to make them happen.
Fact is, you can see what he's done for us already. Casey, reading some of your other posts, quite frankly I would have thought you'd of known better, but if you want to live some fucked up fantasy life where you think Obama is going to make it all sweet again (was it ever?), well you will just continue to live that life for the rest of your days I expect. Man, I SOOOOOO want to be proven wrong, I am literally hoping, for the day.

Truly I feel it will never happen, mark our words, and we'll see what's what in a few months, a few years, a decade from now. Lets just see shall we ?

Peace out !
so the president gets a free 8 month pass to come out with a bullshit healthcare plan
I don't want to know what the next 3 years will be like with this pathetic start.

You'd think that a candidate with so much confidence, enthusiasm, promises, and momentum would have done a way better job than the one Obama has done in the last 8 months.

Tsk tsk tsk.
I don't want to know what the next 3 years will be like with this pathetic start.

You'd think that a candidate with so much confidence, enthusiasm, promises, and momentum would have done a way better job than the one Obama has done in the last 8 months.

Tsk tsk tsk.
Yups, anyone with half a brain would think that, but theres obviously delusional people on this forum that put what they want and hope for before the facts, the facts he aint done SHIT FOR US.

But hey, if certain people want to hold such high hope in obama, either they will get burned or be pushed more and more into their delusional state of mind. I am willing to take EVERYTHING back I have said thus far if obama, sticks to his word, so instead of the bickering, lets all have another thread on the subject in 3 months, see how far he has gotten us, or, won't that be long enough for any real action to be taken ? What he gonna need another 7 yrs like bush? WELL, lets just see, now ZIP IT.

What do we say people, who is up for a HUGE debate at the end of 09 or start of 2010 ?

*puts hand up*


Well-Known Member
... yet you expect this guy to change everything by the 8 month mark. Get the fuck out of here. Most of the critics are so ignorant and impatient about this shit. It's not an easy job, so shut the fuck up and give him a break.

Seriously, some of you guys need a reality check. I dont know how, but you really need it.
I'll agree with that one.....


Seriously, some of you guys need a reality check. I dont know how, but you really need it.
Define reality ? A reality like the world we live in now ? How governements across the globe are so great, fair and just with thier people and the taxes they RAPE from them ?

Can someone exaplin to me why these fucking asswipe politicians get enough money in one term to retire for the rest of their life, while the people in the ghetto, get a cold fucking trailer ?

Lets talk about equality, fairness and acceptance. Does our mainstream media promote those kind of humane traits that we all have deep down ? Or does it promote materialism, competitiveness and the latest new apple ipod phone ?

Yeah, for sure, some people need their head read.
How do you feel about him supporting the extension of the Patriot Act provisions?
He supports killing innocent people, he supports torture, it seems like he supports a poor healthcare system too.

I feel he's gonna be worse than both the Bushes put together.

Q: Two bushes and one obama, what do you get?

A: 3 puppets all being pulled by the same strings.

Bobby Sands

Well-Known Member
this is streethop section where matters relating to rap/hip hop matters are discussed. Stop spamming it with this conspiracy stuff. Keep it in Our Block.

yak pac fatal

Well-Known Member
The Associated Press: Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions

Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions
By DEVLIN BARRETT (AP) – Sep 15, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

The provision on business records was long criticized by rights groups as giving the government access to citizens' library records, and a coalition of liberal and conservative groups complained that the Patriot Act gives the government too much authority to snoop into Americans' private lives.

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama said he would take a close look at the law, based on his past expertise in constitutional law. Back in May, President Obama said legal institutions must be updated to deal with the threat of terrorism, but in a way that preserves the rule of law and accountability.

In a letter to lawmakers, Justice Department officials said the administration supports extending the three expiring provisions of the law, although they are willing to consider additional privacy protections as long as they don't weaken the effectiveness of the law.

Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the administration is willing to consider stronger civil rights protections in the new law "provided that they do not undermine the effectiveness of these important (provisions)."

Leahy responded with a statement saying it is important for the administration and Congress to "work together to ensure that we protect both our national security and our civil liberties."

The committee has scheduled a hearing next week on the Patriot Act.

From 2004 to 2007, the business records provision was used 220 times, officials said. Most often, the business records were requested in combination with requests for phone records.

The lone wolf provision was created to conduct surveillance on suspects with no known link to foreign governments or terrorist groups. It has never been used, but the administration says it should still be available for future investigations.

The roving wiretaps provision was designed to allow investigators to quickly monitor the communications of a suspects who change their cell phone or communication device, without investigators having to go back to court for a new court authorization. That provision has been used an average of 22 times a year, officials said.

Michelle Richardson of the American Civil Liberties Union called the administration's position "a mixed bag," and said that the group hopes the next version of the Patriot Act will have important safeguards on other issues, particularly the collecting of international communications, and a specific bar on surveillance of protected First Amendment activities like peaceful protests or religious assembly.

"We're heartened they're saying they're willing to work with Congress," Richardson said, adding that is "definitely a sea change from what we've seen in the past."

Kadafi Son

Well-Known Member
The reality these pro-Obama/pro-govornment people keep talkin about is confusing the f**k outta me. The reality is that the masses do not read up on things like Homeland security, the Patriot Act, Agenda 21 and Martial Law. Then these robots automatically revert back to calling these things "conspiracies" when history proves that the govornment is capable of these things. Hitler and Mussolini started off as charismatic and likeable guys. Hmmm, then what happen? So what the hell makes somebody think that evil intentions in the amerikkkan gov't are nonexistent? Prove it to me. Cuz the FACT that Obama has done absolutely nothing that productive and thee Obamanation is even dwindling in numbers should really let up some flags. So will some of you disney land guys please study more into your government and policies before you defend guy based on appearence and "swag"


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I agree with most of Obama's actions and policies as does any intelligent, liberal free-thinker right now.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to know what the next 3 years will be like with this pathetic start.

You'd think that a candidate with so much confidence, enthusiasm, promises, and momentum would have done a way better job than the one Obama has done in the last 8 months.

Tsk tsk tsk.
Some of you guys are just plain fucking idiots. Being upset with obama because he hasn't fixed the fuck ups of the last 8 years in 8 months. I mean 1 month to fix what happened each year sounds reasonable, right? And I mean its not like his ideas are getting cock blocked by the senate left and right or anything. What a fucking loser shitty president he is.

Learn a thing or two about politics before you start shit storms like this thread.
oh mannnnn

this is streethop section where matters relating to rap/hip hop matters are discussed. Stop spamming it with this conspiracy stuff. Keep it in Our Block.
Pffft, don't click the thread to read it then, you just keep coming back for more and more don't you. It's the attention you get, right :D

I agree with most of Obama's actions and policies as does any intelligent, liberal free-thinker right now.
Yeah, so would everyone else, if they were honest and true, fact is, he's full of shit. He has already proven that, so what you want another 3 years of that do you, before you can make sense of it ?

Some of you guys are just plain fucking idiots. Being upset with obama because he hasn't fixed the fuck ups of the last 8 years in 8 months. I mean 1 month to fix what happened each year sounds reasonable, right? And I mean its not like his ideas are getting cock blocked by the senate left and right or anything. What a fucking loser shitty president he is.

Learn a thing or two about politics before you start shit storms like this thread.
Learn a thing or two about politics, what and have the same perceptions of someone like yourself? No thanks. You think that "cock blocking" isn't for the already wonderful show his administration has put on, you should know you got front row tickets ? The masses will bite the bait and think "oh look at our beloved president, working so hard to do the right thing, and the senate just keeps fucking him up" pfffft, Nothing is what it seems with Obama, nothing.

If the media broadcasts tomorrow and says Iran is about to launch a nuke strike on the US and that WE HAVE to attack before it's too late.... How many people you think would COMPLETELY believe that ? I would say MOST, yep even if it was a lie, just to finish off Iran as is the plan after Iraq and Afghanistan. Do you see what I'm saying, cos I can't be any clearer? Don't buy into thier lies just becuase you have hopes and dreams, cos we all do. You are only doing yourself injustice.

Just about every damn politician would be bought and paid for, In my opinon Ron Paul is the main man, HE SHOULD BE PRESIDENT !!!

Hey Punk, when did anyone say we are upset because he hasn't "fixed the fuckups of the last 8 years" ? Yep, get back to me on that one cos you may need a while.

What I am personally shitty about is what he preaches, and then what he does with actions. You think we expect it all to be fixed in 8 months ? Cmon punk we arn't as retarded as you buddy :nuts:

I think maybe you and bobby sands need to open a thread together, and just amuse each other in there, then everyones happy, right ?

Feel free to join in if you have some truth an insight to share with us.................... otherwise we should agree to disagree????
Some of you guys are just plain fucking idiots. Being upset with obama because he hasn't fixed the fuck ups of the last 8 years in 8 months. I mean 1 month to fix what happened each year sounds reasonable, right? And I mean its not like his ideas are getting cock blocked by the senate left and right or anything. What a fucking loser shitty president he is.

Learn a thing or two about politics before you start shit storms like this thread.
I'm not expecting him to fix shit up, i'm expecting him to stand true to hhis promises and claims during his campaign. He campaigned for change and peace, and he's still in two wars (a third one on the way), the troops are still in pointless wars (and will stay there for a loooooooooooong time), he's not promoting peace by installing 7 military bases in colombia. He's for extending the patriot act. What the fuck are we supposed to think?

I dont expect him to make magic, but fuck... take some steps in the right direction Mister President. Stop being a bitch to the faggots on Wall Street. How much do they pay you to say what you say on the mic? Who the FUCK is pulling your strings? (That's what i would say to him.)

I'm not expecting him to fix shit up, i'm expecting him to stand true to hhis promises and claims during his campaign. He campaigned for change and peace, and he's still in two wars (a third one on the way), the troops are still in pointless wars (and will stay there for a loooooooooooong time), he's not promoting peace by installing 7 military bases in colombia. He's for extending the patriot act. What the fuck are we supposed to think?

I dont expect him to make magic, but fuck... take some steps in the right direction Mister President. Stop being a bitch to the faggots on Wall Street. How much do they pay you to say what you say on the mic? Who the FUCK is pulling your strings? (That's what i would say to him.)
Well Da Punk, what are we supposed to think, hmm ? I wish I could live in a fairyland like you, but that just aint bein real now is it.

Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.



Well-Known Member
I'm not expecting him to fix shit up, i'm expecting him to stand true to hhis promises and claims during his campaign. He campaigned for change and peace, and he's still in two wars (a third one on the way), the troops are still in pointless wars (and will stay there for a loooooooooooong time), he's not promoting peace by installing 7 military bases in colombia. He's for extending the patriot act. What the fuck are we supposed to think?

I dont expect him to make magic, but fuck... take some steps in the right direction Mister President. Stop being a bitch to the faggots on Wall Street. How much do they pay you to say what you say on the mic? Who the FUCK is pulling your strings? (That's what i would say to him.)
Oh yeah, I totally forgot. If the US and and others just walked out of Afghanistan and Iraq both those countries would return to peace and tranquility. Stupid me here was thinking they would both dissolve into some of the bloodiest civil wars we've seen in a while.

If you really believe you can just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life and then just walk away w/o supporting them just I really don't know what to say to you. Why do you think Afghanistan became what it was?
What an ass.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot. If the US and and others just walked out of Afghanistan and Iraq both those countries would return to peace and tranquility. Stupid me here was thinking they would both dissolve into some of the bloodiest civil wars we've seen in a while.

If you really believe you can just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life and then just walk away w/o supporting them just I really don't know what to say to you. Why do you think Afghanistan became what it was?
Listen to what you just said you fucking ignorant FOOL. Actually it's good because the more you talk, the more you make yourself look like a complete and utter dumbass, so keep it up, lol

"If you really believe you can just go into a country, remove its government, and then change the entire countries way of life and then just walk away w/o supporting them just I really don't know what to say to you."

AHHAAHAHA, OMFG, go be a complete arrogant, ignorant, self righteous poof, somewhere else.

Pretty please with Obama on top.....of you. :idea:

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