The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

final was like 30% of a final grade........
its hard to add i know
be brave young warrior be brave...
but dont worry
walmart and krogers r always Hiring
u can be working with ur mom and dad
America always has options
even for people like u
who spend hours on the internet dissing people who dont give a fuc about speeling, Sofi u be hating on speeling and yet u probably have a crappy job( where did speeling got u) and ur parents probably been living their entire lifes in the USA and still dont speak any english.
is that u sofi ?

lol i still remeber when this nigga nominated me for the worst poster
ahahaha this puss thinks about me
when he goes to sleep i bet he be thinking hmmm what is arthur doing right now
classic puss
run forrest run

^ hahahahahahahahaha.


Kobe Bryant has been charged with yet another Rape accusation. The victim(s): Denver Nuggets.

ahahahaha. :)



Well-Known Member
Carmelo didnt get his birthday wish tonight, to send it to a game 7. oh well

bring on the Magic. come on Superman use your Kryptonite and destroy the evil Lex Luthor..aka King James.


Well-Known Member
Lakers played a good game, now just to wait to find out whether its Cavs or Magic.

I actually found the Kobe doc interesting, a bit drawn out but still.

puss classes like ART r over
i remeber when i was taking history of ART for my basics
early class like at 7 am n shit
teacher kept on saying that ART is everything
showing us picture of circles, squares etc.. and when teacher pulled out a painting that was done by a motherfucking dolphin a MOTHERRFUCKIN DOLPHIN and said THIS IS ART I WAS LIKE HELL NAAAA I COULDNT BELIVE THIS SHIT
i had to say something I couldnt let my boi leonardo be compare to a fagget ass dolphin
I Got up and drew a big ass circle and spirals on the chalk board and said How can u call this ART
and then i left
niggas in my class started claping n shit
i still made a A in that class
that dolphin painting sold for 1k
people call that ART and think it is VALUABLE
but if i was a robber and broked into the house and sayed GIVE ME UR MOST VALUABLE POSSESION and if owner brought me MOTHERfucking dolphin painting i would of shot him right there
Dolphin shit cant save ur life
It's fine you don't enjoy learning about Art History, but it doesn't make it irrelevent. Art has been the constant outlet for humans from day one. I'm not a massive fan of contemporary stuff (circles, squares) but I can appreciate the technique some of them use because I have tried it. Your little scribble on the black board could be considered Art, if you do then it is, thats the great thing about it is everyone can decide for themselves and nobody is wrong.
if magic make it to the finals there will be so many mismatches.

dwight howard>
who will ariza d up? rashard? hedo?
is gasol quik enough to d up either?
fisher is passed his prime, if rafer plays smart he can take advantage him
magic have the better bench

lakers got kobe lol that may be enough


Staff member
Your little scribble on the black board could be considered Art, if you do then it is, thats the great thing about it is everyone can decide for themselves and nobody is wrong.
depends how you look at it.

from a social/psychological perspective, it's only art if the "art world", the so-called art connoisseurs, agree it is.

same with how some paintings are worth millions and some aren't worth shit.
if magic make it to the finals there will be so many mismatches.

dwight howard>
who will ariza d up? rashard? hedo?
is gasol quik enough to d up either?
fisher is passed his prime, if rafer plays smart he can take advantage him
magic have the better bench

lakers got kobe lol that may be enough
That's true, that's why i think the Magic are scary. Their 3 point shooting is scary too. But, yea, who stops Kobe? & If Lamar Odom is playing the way he is now, can they stop a Gasol/Kobe/Odom trio?

I'm pretty confident the Lakers are going to be good against whoever they play.


Well-Known Member
How has Magic played against LA before?

depends how you look at it.

from a social/psychological perspective, it's only art if the "art world", the so-called art connoisseurs, agree it is.

same with how some paintings are worth millions and some aren't worth shit.
If your wanting to make millions it matters, but to me just looking at Art its an individual thing.
to me

Art is something beautiful
like paintings that has been done by leonard, michelangelo, raphael and many more (all of them ninja turtles ahahah lol)
but Art such as picasso's works is just bla to me
because i was making that type of art when i was 12 years old
and circles and squares mannn i just cant understand it
leonardo was doing something special
michenlangelo was doing something special
but artist like picaso..... u cant put them in the same category as leonardo
(its like puting kid on the same level as lebron james or kobe)
many of modern artist r ending up being drug addicts and alcoholics
I went to Art museum and many people were looking at a huge painting - which was a basic straight line
I mean WTF
and then there was a square painting which sold for 3 mill.
this days Art is the only type of job where u dont really have to be good at it
I mean, to be a scientist u need to know a LOT
to be a basketball player u need to be the best ( to be in the nba-and get pay)
to be a computer programmer u need to know a lot about computers
To be a mathematician u need to know a lot about math
but to be an artist u dont realy have to do anything ( no, im not trying to offend u artisticgirl)
people be drawing circles and squares and get millions ...

(some images might be inappropriate for children, so sofi skip this )


and leonardo used flowers to make paint
CHICAGO - Here in Chicago waiting for the next wave of potential first-rounders to fill into The Westin for the final media availability..

Back in New York, ESPN Radio's Brandon Tierney had Amare Stoudemire on this morning and reiterated remarks about his desire to play for Mike D'Antoni in 2010 while boasting about being better than Chris Bosh. Stoudemire told The Post similar stuff during All-Star Weekend.

When Tierney asked Stoudemire if he's better than Bosh, the Suns forward said, "Oooh man, are you kidding me? Ask Chris Bosh that question."

So that's a yes?

"No doubt about it, I'm better than Chris Bosh"

"How serious will you consider the KnicksNew York Knicks in 2010"?

"I will be totally serious about that, I spent a lot of my childhood there, I have a connection with the state, and I also love the entire coaching staff"

" I think Coach D'Antoni's doing a phenomenal job with the Knicks, NY's a great city, I follow them closely."

Bosh or Stoudemire? Your call.

The Knicks, according to speculation, also expressed interest in acquiring center Darko Milicic in a deal that could possibly include Quentin Richardson, whose $9.3 million contract expires after the 2009-10 season. Milicic will earn $7.5 million this upcoming season -- the last of a three-year, $21 million deal.
id like to see darko in a knick uniform, i still have hope for him

refs suck already, minute 30 in the game a bs call on varejao

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