The Official NBA Thread 2011-12

I'm not a "Laker" fan, per se, but that's who I'm for in the playoffs. I'm a Kobe fan, I have mad respect for his work ethic, and his ability to rape people and get away with it, on and off the court.

What's you team, yak_pac_fatal?


Well-Known Member
a lot of kobe hoppers
i knew it
most of them so called lakers fans r nothing but kobe hoppers
hop hop
street hop

been a Laker fan for quite a while. never jumped on any bandwagon. people despise me because im not a piston/cavs fan for living in this area.

i took a liking into the Lakers back when i started watching B-Ball in 87 when i was 9. those were the days back in the Great Western Forum.
a lot of kobe hoppers
i knew it
most of them so called lakers fans r nothing but kobe hoppers
hop hop
street hop

haha you fucken hater. You're on the Lakers bandwagon and you talkin shit on Kobe? Cmon dawg. Stick with the program.

been a Laker fan for quite a while. never jumped on any bandwagon. people despise me because im not a piston/cavs fan for living in this area.

i took a liking into the Lakers back when i started watching B-Ball in 87 when i was 9. those were the days back in the Great Western Forum.
Me too. I've been a Lakers fan since back when they had Eddie Jones and Van exel. That's pretty much where i started.

fucking kobe
i still pick lebron over kobe anyday
hahahaha, talk about hoppers... you were hoppin all over Kobe last year when they made it to the finals & now you want lebron cause he hit that 1 shot. ahahaha.
since when im with lakers lol
and about kobe
kobe go hard but fuck fakers
kid where is ur boy bynum?
havent heard of him much vs nuggets
Infact it seems that during playoffs every team got better exsept lakers (dont even talk about rockets it was 71 million vs 21 million and we took u to the game 7)
kobe got better but his team draging him down
if kobe dint score 40
it would be rip lakers
in reagular season kobe dint have to score a lot to win
so the question is
where r lakers?
hiders n shit
I will start this off by saying this was absolute pure speculation with little basis for reality by Bill Simmons and JA Adande at the end of a recent BS Report podcast. So don't shoot the messenger. But I found it intriguing enough to share and get ideas.

So they were talking about what do the Lakers do going forward after this year. Apparently they are on the hook for some huge contracts going forward with Gasol and Bynum and a few ugly contracts like Fisher and Walton. Resa and Odom are free agents, blah, blah and there isn't a ton on the market this offseason. So they were speculating about how they keep it together if they win and blow it up if they lose to Denver, etc. Then they drop the bomb that gets interesting. Kobe can opt out after this year. So if they lose, the question is, what if Kobe decides he has had it? His teammates are soft, the front office is hamstrung with what they can do. He has to carry the team by himself almost every night. What if he opts out?

So they were talking through all the teams with cap space Kobe might be willing to play for. And they mentioned Houston. They thought that with the team houston has, Kobe might be willing to play for them for mid level exception, but quickly poo pooed that. But then they brought up T-Mac. You'd have to put some other value with it, but TMac's expiring contract by itself has a lot of value. If Kobe says he is gone regardless, would LA trade him to us in a deal that keeps them competitive and with star power this year but sets them up with $$ for the big market next season?

Can you imagine the possibilities with a starting lineup of Brooks, Bryant, Artest, Scola and Ming?

Obviously, this would have to be Kobe's decision to start and there is 1% chance of it happening, but I thought it would be fun to speculate about, given the fact the media actually brought it up.

nigga kobe is going to pull out another goku
1% of winning and he goes and turns super sayin n shit
thats what kobe will do
^thats a cool thought, lakers do need a PG, fisher is ass and farmer is inconsistent with his game

bynums injury prone and hasnt played well since his injury

i think the number 2 will be traded. imo knicks have the best chance to get it. david lee (led the league in double doubles) and the number 8 pick for rubio. but knowing the knicks, theyll keep the 8th pick, david lee walks away, and knicks draft seth curry hoping he'll be ben gordon
Lmao, not your imagination. ESPN = Biased, fact. They are ALWAYS on LeBron, or any other young phenom. Dwight Howard, Bynum [when he was playing well] and Yao when he first came into the league. I don't like ESPN because they are so mainstream with who they back, and shit on all the hard working role players like Ariza, G. Wallace, Farmar, Alston, etc.
^yea espn dickrides lebron pretty damn hard, they called the gamewinner he made, "the shot"... "the shot" belongs to michael jordan

lebrons supporing cast is playing shit

damn i wanna see lebron/kobe finals

i figured why lebron shoots like ass, his form is terrible

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