This is my thread

A cousin of mine who grew up in HK but has been in the US for 20+ years said going to Japan and SG and such make the US look like a third world country in terms of tech and just socially, in general.
I just don't understand why Americans - and sorry to say it but white middle Americans don't get this. These assholes will be quick to point their fingers at someone and say "hey a frog boiling in water" but they have no FUCKING idea the kind of future they are in for. "Where is the collapse?" They ask. More books and less receptions gringo. It's collapsing as we speak. I choose to be an echo chamber because I'm tired of starting over from page 1 when I swear I though we were on page 11. Peace

Page 1: Fuck your president and your flag. And your declaration and your 300 year old revolutions. Look where that brought us.
Pretty wild someone tried to take a shot at Trump.
Who did he want instead?
NIGGA. You trollin' now.

It's not wild. He wanted Trump. "A med student would be outta there" if he doesn't understand what happened. The rest you already know, if you don't --- Go watch some anime or make some memes.

Anyway, if you're still planning to go to Japan, I suggest fall for the colors and harvest or spring for the cherry blossom. Your American AC'd ass would be in a daze in Japanese August.
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Yo Dilla

remember when your wanna-be doctor ass said anti-vaxxers who prayed to God for safety "needed to die off" ?? I'm glad I don't have cancer and heart problems.

Pretty wild right? Go make some memes, bitch. Where you at fool?
Don't worry. I just opened my front door and screamed from the top of my lungs for my cracker neighbors to wake up. I don't really care for them like I don't really care for the catfish that lives in the pond behind my house.

A vet with agent orange, aww poor baby.

A land lord with a stick up his ass - keep watching CNN in your garage, bitch.

And I call the next one Betty-Rose because he a delusional nose bleeding triple vaxxed bitch with all kinds of dreams for his future. YAY AMERICA! FUCKING BOOMERS, I tell ya.
The American national anthem is hard to sing. Shouldn't our anthem be easy like the ABC song? I dunno

I heard the leaning tower of pisa is held up with wires. Isn't that cheating?

Don't move to Milan. Stay. There will be more tours.

They booed him.
I'm not good at reading the room but I don't think it's that bad.
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Well-Known Member
That woman who sang the national anthem last night at the Homerun Derby just admitted she was drunk when she did it and just checked in to rehab
Or she and her people thought that would be a better explanation than to let everyone think she's just a lousy singer. After all, it's not like she hadn't been drinking. A bit like Joe Biden and his cold. Let's throw out some plausible explanations that don't involve dementia and too old to do the job.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Or she and her people thought that would be a better explanation than to let everyone think she's just a lousy singer. After all, it's not like she hadn't been drinking. A bit like Joe Biden and his cold. Let's throw out some plausible explanations that don't involve dementia and too old to do the job.
Could be. It crossed my mind, as well. I had never heard of her before but apparently she was a popular singer....somewhere.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Sister got me the Suntory World Whiskey Ao lol

Turns out the Japanese whiskey in Japan is still more expensive there.

I'll just take a shot at my local Japanese market. Even my local liquor store chains carry some Suntory stuff.

I was also told about Nikka Black.

Anyway, my sister did quite a bit of shopping there for herself and for us. She's a big stationery freak and she told me she spent three hours at a popular place. Sekeido, I think it's called? So I got a few pens from there lol. They're like $12 for 5 on Amazon but whatever...they're from Japan, so I can say that.

Then she bought a bunch of Nintendo stuff from Universal. Don't give a shit about Animal Crossing but I do love raccoons so she got me a Tom Nook plushy.
Now you really have to go. Get your sister a gift in return.

It used to be the case that Japanese people would go to places like Hawaii, California and stuff empty suitcases with brand names like Gucci bags, Nike shoes, and bring them home. Even make a profit by selling the goods.
It's not going to matter. War with Iran, China instead of Russia. These guys are evil. Don't take my word for it, just ask God.

Here's where I am. Went out to get a few things from the store. Came back, started closing the garage door and I heard the tricycle-retard set off a recorded police siren.

Later I go out to the front of my house to smoke and I saw the bitch mother of the tricycle-child on her driveway acting like a bitch, in her scrubs (she's your nurse btw), smoking in front of the retarded child, so I proceeded to walk my dog out to the edge of the property line and yelled at the bitch to raise the kid right. Needless to say, the retards went back inside.

With these retards running around in this country, it's not going to matter how much "redneck" Vance is. I don't care enough to find out for sure but J.D. sounds like he's a MIGA. Make Israel Great Again. And a disgusting warhawk on China.


How disgusting of Americant's to cheer a mere seconds after a human almost having his brain blow off on "live" TV. This American hero worship needs to go for sure. They fucking stay in their house when the going gets tough. Sure, honor the dead and the wounded but there's nothing to celebrate about the so-called "Iwojima 2.0". Fuck that shit, for real. Fuck all the superficial chit-chats these spineless cowards excel in. They run like bitches. The last few days have proven it. It's not even gangster or thug --- it's about stranding up for what's right in a world full of wrongs. My bitch boomer neighbors can't do it yall. I hooe your neighbors can defend you, or learn to do it.

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Cops came again. Had the whole fucking lecture about relying on cops, by cops, again.

Knocked on this bitches mom's door and told to her to keep her mutt on a leash.

She says "I know. We need help"

Proceed to call the cops.

The Cops come.

Yaddi Yadda

Nothing changes.

This punk ass bitch had a Snoop Dogg t-shirt on. Calling his bitch ass friends on the phone, wearing Death Row t-shirt.

Asked him what does "thug life" means. What does it mean? Mutt?

Called me old and asked me what I was snorting.

Keep it up punks.

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