This is my thread


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Kanye is like you. He thinks he has some inside knowledge about the world that the rest of us 'sheep' can't see. But really, he's insane. And I don't mean bipolar insane. I mean celebrity insane.

(I like it lol)

Tactical nukes though, right? I reckon that's been used number of times in the middle east.

Seems like the end game is regime change for Putin.
Getting canceled like never before. It's really bad when they remove your waxwork. :(

(here's a flip side; omg Kanye MAGA, gotta vote democrat in midterms! that'll fix toddlers getting drive-by'd and extreme destitute!)

I heard Ye got banned from FOX News... I believe it!
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Knock, Knock...
Staff member
What's a celebrity insane? Like attention whore? lol

I'm talking Charlie Sheen lamb skin condom insane

Basically, no underlying neurological disorder. Just plain detached from the reality of life

I liked Kanye when he said 'George Bush hates black people'. It was probably true. And it was funny. It was the right level of awkward. But now his attention seeking has gone too far...

People are genuinely saying he did it on purpose to exit his contracts with Adidas etc... Poor chap stuck on a 200m dollar contract. I'm not sure who's the bigger idiot, Kanye or his dickriding fans
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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
It's official: Elon now owns Twitter. He's already fired the top people there. Watch him bring back Trump and even Kanye.
It sucks the deal went through. Twitter is the only platform I go on and have to actively look for trolls and shit-stirrers. Otherwise, I've curated my timeline very well and split based on interests I have. Sports, news, cars, gaming, and tech. I'm not sure how Elon can fuck it up but if the site were to go to shit and people that I follow left en masse, I'd be really pissed and hope the space ship he's on to go to Mars or wherever nose dives in to a volcano.

He'd be doing Trump a favor by letting him back on Twitter. Truth Social or whatever garbage he started isn't doing too hot.

Funny how his deal went through rather quickly and right before midterms. I just read that Russia spent about 2.5+ million on funding propaganda in the US and other countries. That's peanuts for Elon but I don't think it's about the money for him.

I thought he just had the typical the-Jews-own-everything beliefs but this is full-blown antisemitism:

I saw that too. I'm not sure why people that were supposedly "close to him" knew this and kept it quiet. It's really like someone you know admitting to being a pedophile and you just hope he never comes in to contact with children. This was from 2012 so that's basically a decade of those close to him, allegedly, knowing this dude kinda liked Hitler. That has to include Kim and the rest of her family.
It sucks the deal went through. Twitter is the only platform I go on and have to actively look for trolls and shit-stirrers. Otherwise, I've curated my timeline very well and split based on interests I have. Sports, news, cars, gaming, and tech. I'm not sure how Elon can fuck it up but if the site were to go to shit and people that I follow left en masse, I'd be really pissed and hope the space ship he's on to go to Mars or wherever nose dives in to a volcano.

He'd be doing Trump a favor by letting him back on Twitter. Truth Social or whatever garbage he started isn't doing too hot.

Funny how his deal went through rather quickly and right before midterms. I just read that Russia spent about 2.5+ million on funding propaganda in the US and other countries. That's peanuts for Elon but I don't think it's about the money for him.
What difference does it make really? We still get to see him post dumb shit and block happy people aren’t following him.


Well-Known Member
lol I don't know if you're joking or if this is really how he was caught. Sad we can't tell for sure since we've seen similar antics before.
That was actually from 2019, when he was in some kind of opera.

But there's no telling what he's capable of doing nowadays. By the way, Sketchers is owned by a Jewish guy. lol


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I'm watching a YTer do a commentary of Ye's interview with Piers Morgan on his live stream. lol this man is unhinged. And has Piers become, at worst, a neutral guy? He took Andrew Tate to task and now Kanye. I don't know how many other controversial people he's interviewed but Piers always came off as a chode. And now he's not....too bad?


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
I'm watching a YTer do a commentary of Ye's interview with Piers Morgan on his live stream. lol this man is unhinged. And has Piers become, at worst, a neutral guy? He took Andrew Tate to task and now Kanye. I don't know how many other controversial people he's interviewed but Piers always came off as a chode. And now he's not....too bad?

I hate Piers Morgan. But he's another one who has built a brand on being a hater. I'm not sure how much of it he actually believes or whether he's just following the money ...

Regarding Twitter.... Musk has massively overpaid. Who really cares if he brings back Trump or Kanye. What difference does it make? If you believe what they're preaching you don't have to go far to find another site that pushes that message.... Not sure even Elon Musk can pretend that 44bn for Twitter was a good buy!!! I give Twitter 5 years!

Surely Kanye doesn't really admire Hitler and it's just made up to bury him further!!


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I hate Piers Morgan. But he's another one who has built a brand on being a hater. I'm not sure how much of it he actually believes or whether he's just following the money ...

Regarding Twitter.... Musk has massively overpaid. Who really cares if he brings back Trump or Kanye. What difference does it make? If you believe what they're preaching you don't have to go far to find another site that pushes that message.... Not sure even Elon Musk can pretend that 44bn for Twitter was a good buy!!! I give Twitter 5 years!

Surely Kanye doesn't really admire Hitler and it's just made up to bury him further!!

Even if he overpaid, I feel he will consider it a victory if he can run the platform in to the ground. If he truly proposed to buy Twitter "for the luls" and then backed out just to lower its value but then was forced to buy it months later, then he'd be on a revenge tour to utterly fuck up the platform and throw it at investors' feet and say "look what I did."

He already got blasted for sharing a conspiracy theory under Hillary Clinton's tweet about Paul Pelosi getting attacked during a home invasion. He took it down eventually but this gives me the impression that's he's going to use it as his own personal playground to fuck around and toss aside when he's done making a mockery of it. He thinks this will get cheers and applause from those who simp for him. I don't know what his total worth is but if Twitter cost him 44bn, he'll see it as a worthwhile investment if he can use it to troll his detractors.

I read a rumor that he is fast-tracking the process of increasing the price of the premium tier of Twitter for about $20 a month. He told employees to have it done by Nov 7th or something or they risk being fired. I don't use that tier of Twitter and I don't know how long it would take to implement something like that but it looks to me that it's another opportunity for him to axe some more jobs and further gut the platform.

It sucks to see because I use Twitter for following news on things I enjoy, be it sports, the news, cars, etc. To have the platform they're all on go to shit would mean...I don't know what. What other place can one go to for simplified headlines that come through tweets? Google News is ass, as is Apple News, and while I do follow similar accounts on IG, those are more for things that are photo/video based. Sports highlights, short clips of car reviews or races, etc. Not the same as Twitter. Who gets world news in a 30 second clip from Instagram?

I don't care about changes to Twitter policies since I don't really tweet but if the accounts I follow get affected by it and eventually leave Twitter, then it's going to be noticeable.

Someone needs to make a Twitter alternative that actually takes off and doesn't sputter and die like Parler, Truth Social, etc. People even tried to make their own Reddit with Voat and that fell on its ass almost immediately. The only successful migration from one platform to another that I have experienced was back in 2010 or so when Digg got caught up in some scandal and there was a mass exodus to Reddit and no one turned back. Otherwise, no one has made an alternative to Facebook after its controversies with Cambridge Analytica and other suspicious groups. Russian troll/bot farms with misinformation. Vine? I guess video shorts went to IG and YouTube and Facebook? Is Snapchat still popular? TikTok is probably the Vine alternative now but I use neither Snap or TikTok.

As for Kanye, he's apologizing and then saying stupid things again in the same interviews. It's starting to shine the light on more black athletes that have posted questionable things. Most recently, it's Kyrie and his sharing of an antisemitic documentary/movie. He's always had strange views and takes, including an anti-vaxxer, but this is a new one.

One thing that's got me scratching my head is some headlines and opinion pieces claiming that there's a sudden rise in antisemitic rhetoric after Kanye's comments. To be fair to Kanye and other athletes and celebrities that have posted similar things, we've been seeing neo-Nazis and swastikas on the streets for several years now. The headlines seem to be trying to pin this on Kanye and others but....there's literally been people doing the Nazi salute since after Trump won in 2016 at various events. This isn't new or a "re-emergence," this is people with a different color skin spouting racist rhetoric. Makes me wonder why the neo-Nazis walking on the streets and hosting their events didn't get the same amount of attention.


Knock, Knock...
Staff member
Even if he overpaid, I feel he will consider it a victory if he can run the platform in to the ground. If he truly proposed to buy Twitter "for the luls" and then backed out just to lower its value but then was forced to buy it months later, then he'd be on a revenge tour to utterly fuck up the platform and throw it at investors' feet and say "look what I did."

He already got blasted for sharing a conspiracy theory under Hillary Clinton's tweet about Paul Pelosi getting attacked during a home invasion. He took it down eventually but this gives me the impression that's he's going to use it as his own personal playground to fuck around and toss aside when he's done making a mockery of it. He thinks this will get cheers and applause from those who simp for him. I don't know what his total worth is but if Twitter cost him 44bn, he'll see it as a worthwhile investment if he can use it to troll his detractors.

I read a rumor that he is fast-tracking the process of increasing the price of the premium tier of Twitter for about $20 a month. He told employees to have it done by Nov 7th or something or they risk being fired. I don't use that tier of Twitter and I don't know how long it would take to implement something like that but it looks to me that it's another opportunity for him to axe some more jobs and further gut the platform.

It sucks to see because I use Twitter for following news on things I enjoy, be it sports, the news, cars, etc. To have the platform they're all on go to shit would mean...I don't know what. What other place can one go to for simplified headlines that come through tweets? Google News is ass, as is Apple News, and while I do follow similar accounts on IG, those are more for things that are photo/video based. Sports highlights, short clips of car reviews or races, etc. Not the same as Twitter. Who gets world news in a 30 second clip from Instagram?

I don't care about changes to Twitter policies since I don't really tweet but if the accounts I follow get affected by it and eventually leave Twitter, then it's going to be noticeable.

Someone needs to make a Twitter alternative that actually takes off and doesn't sputter and die like Parler, Truth Social, etc. People even tried to make their own Reddit with Voat and that fell on its ass almost immediately. The only successful migration from one platform to another that I have experienced was back in 2010 or so when Digg got caught up in some scandal and there was a mass exodus to Reddit and no one turned back. Otherwise, no one has made an alternative to Facebook after its controversies with Cambridge Analytica and other suspicious groups. Russian troll/bot farms with misinformation. Vine? I guess video shorts went to IG and YouTube and Facebook? Is Snapchat still popular? TikTok is probably the Vine alternative now but I use neither Snap or TikTok.

As for Kanye, he's apologizing and then saying stupid things again in the same interviews. It's starting to shine the light on more black athletes that have posted questionable things. Most recently, it's Kyrie and his sharing of an antisemitic documentary/movie. He's always had strange views and takes, including an anti-vaxxer, but this is a new one.

One thing that's got me scratching my head is some headlines and opinion pieces claiming that there's a sudden rise in antisemitic rhetoric after Kanye's comments. To be fair to Kanye and other athletes and celebrities that have posted similar things, we've been seeing neo-Nazis and swastikas on the streets for several years now. The headlines seem to be trying to pin this on Kanye and others but....there's literally been people doing the Nazi salute since after Trump won in 2016 at various events. This isn't new or a "re-emergence," this is people with a different color skin spouting racist rhetoric. Makes me wonder why the neo-Nazis walking on the streets and hosting their events didn't get the same amount of attention.
You think Elon Musk is going to spend 44bn on something just to fuck it up?


Well-Known Member
Musk is definitely not trying to take Twitter down. The money he spent is killing him financially. As soon as he bought it, advertisers said that if he brings Trump back on they will pause their spending or cut ties. General Motors has already paused their account. Musk rushed to reassure advertisers that the platform wouldn’t become a “free-for-all hellscape.” and tweeted “To be super clear, we have not yet made any changes to Twitter’s content moderation policies,” adding, “Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.” Might make him think twice about Trump.

LeBron James tweeted that the surge in N-word use on Twitter since Musk’s takeover was “scary AF,” and added that he hoped Musk “and his people take this very seriously.” In response Musk shared a tweet from a Twitter employee, “Nearly all of these accounts are inauthentic. We’ve taken action to ban the users involved in this trolling campaign—and are going to continue working to address this in the days to come to make Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone.” So, he definitely doesn’t want to lose his money in this or bring it down. But he’s an idiot outside of his technical field, so it’s almost certain he will.

A Twitter alternative? Jack Dorsey says he's starting a new social media site, so we'll see.

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