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Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I mean, this is basically something we have all wish for. This is basically the custom built desktop market coming to mobile phones.

It's an interesting idea, but unless someone big picks it up, like Google, this isn't going anywhere. So it might be the future, but I doubt some new player is going to come in and take it to the point we are expecting it to be.

And this would be for geeks, right? People that actually know the difference between a GPU and CPU and the importance of RAM? Otherwise, I can see morons tacking on like 15 storage devices to bring their life stories around, or people simply buying it and not really upgrading the parts and still complaining about it.

And given the prices of phones today, no carrier is picking this up since it means no upgrades to more expensive phones, and so this thing is gonna be off-contract and probably upwards for a grand, or more.


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Yeah this might not be great for the smartphone business as people wouldn't be replacing their phones. It's good for the world and extremely awesome for the geeks, lol.
The point they're making is it would be simplified, so there would be a block responsible for "performance" (CPU, GPU, RAM I guess), so it would be hard to screw it up (although there are silly people who would surely do things wrong and for example just unplug a necessary block to connect something else and wonder why it's not working).


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
A friend of mine just scooped up a Tab 2 for $75. Doesn't come with a charger, but everything else is working fine.

What a deal.


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My benchmark? Well, it was revealed long ago that Samsung sets CPU frequency at max for benchmarks and some other apps (such as camera). It was the case with the Exynos Galaxy S4 as well. Nothing new and nothing spectacular. They're not doing anything with the CPU that it can't normally do. They're not overclocking it. They're just making it run at max frequency instead of throttling while running those apps.
Most good reviewers test CPU performance by browser tests so it doesn't matter.

Also, everybody cheats:


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The Note 3 is pretty amazing and scores the highest battery life again:

I've played with it and I'm rather impressed. It's just a little better than my S4, and not much bigger. The screen is the most impressive one there is on any phone.

I lold at this:
The quality of the Galaxy Note 3 4K videos is so good that in good light each of its frames has more detail than, say, the HTC One's 4 MP stills.
Yes, it does 4k videos..!

And the whole review:


Well-Known Member
I'm on XDA quite a bit and from what I've read there is quite a bit of backlash towards Cyanogen Inc. I'm wondering if this will continue and if this is going to be a bad move for cm


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Every underdog company that makes it big, eventually gets hated on because fan bases feel they "sold out."

It always happens. We are all guilty of it, too.

So long as CM remains free and the features remain the same as they are, they can do whatever the hell they want with their new company.


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I never hate on companies because they go big and it pisses me off when people do. People were supportive for Samsung when they were making their first reasonable smartphones, and now when they make great phones people hate on them because of tiny details - each reason seems to be good. Same is likely to happen with Sony. People seem to love falling companies, dying celebrities etc. When someone's all around successful even if it's by making great things, they hate on it.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
I think some people find the only thing they have going for them in life is that they know about a company, product, band, rapper, etc., but others don't. It's like the last fiber of hope for them.


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Actually the idea of hating all products because of a company that makes them or loving all products a company makes is also silly. Each product is so different. I don't like Apple but I like the Macbooks. I like Sony and some other Japanese companies but most of their products these days are mediocre.

There's not much that pisses me off more on tech sites when I read reviews for a decent product and there are comments hating on it because of the company that made it. Same for mediocre products and people saying how best it is because it's made by company X.

I mean, there are companies that are specialized in making some types of equipment and there are companies that in general make decent things in their field. But those comments never regard that. People usually say that shit not because of rational reasons but because of sheep mentality and sentiments.

It's annoying how the world hates Samsung now, but there's no other company that comes up with so many great products in so many different areas. They are one of the leaders for hardware innovation as well always coming up with some new cool tech or solution.
Their way of doing business, pricing, durability of their products as well as support are really great and their products are market leaders in so many areas because they're great and often wipe the floor with all competition (at the same time they're not even demanding extra price premium). The company is also doing lots of good things for the world.. yet people are hating it and I can't comprehend why. It seems like people are just willing to bash it because it's big. It's still one of the most ethical big companies around though and one of the most important tech companies right now, in a positive sense.

Btw. I've been to Samsung's city in Korea. It's not something you're going to see on this scale from Google, Apple or any other big tech corporation. They have schools there and thousands of young tech geeks studying solely to be able to come up with cool things in the future. There's a separate building for each important tech area, just to conduct research there. Sillicons? There's a building for that. Battery tech? Same. It's same for displays, solar cells, data storage tech etc. etc. It's really impressive.
I'm a fan of the Japanese companies but in comparison most of them are stagnating. I won't even mention the American ones, as the only thing left there are services and software products, maybe except the likes of Intel which are dealing in specialized research.


Trumpfan17 aka Coonie aka Dilla aka Tennis Dog
Well, you are mentioning the hatred for Samsung, but I really have not experienced any of it around me. If people are not slobbering for the 5S, the alternative (to them) is the S4. And prior to the S4, people were all about the S3. I know people now that are looking to get a new phone, and I hear them say "I'm going to wait for the S5 to come out." Who knows when that may be, but they're at least seemingly giving Samsung a shot, instead of defaulting to Apple's iPhone.

Maybe it's a European thing, this hatred for Apple or Samsung. It's not that strong here. People just get what they feel is best, and there's certainly no bias against Samsung. If anything, the iPhone has some people calling others "sheeps" for getting the iPhone. But still, not so much.

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