I realize alcohol is responsible for more fucked up shit that probably all other drugs combined, including deaths and lives fucked up, but I still don't see it as "as bad." That's me, though.
I go out and live. I guess, since I see as alcohol as ok, I definitely indulge in it, like last night, and I enjoyed myself. I've just known people personally that lost control of their lives because of alcohol and other drugs. Mostly other drugs, but one person in particular was all alcohol, and I get scared.
In my mind it's like this: some say to use drugs but be responsible. Know when to stop. "I know how to control myself" is something I hear a lot. But soon enough, I see those people get caught. Their studies slip, they knock up a girl, lose a job, etc. I really haven't seen it turn out well for anyone.
So I know how responsible I am (not very) and I know that I get addicted to things very easily (foods, cigs, games, etc.). So I worry about losing control of myself before even doing these drugs. And while it's important for me to stress that I don't necessarily judge these people for doing the things that they do, I can't help but have an image of someone from the way they act in school and even outside of school, and then find out they partake in drugs and other stuff outside of all of that. And I can't help but at least be surprised at that.
I guess it still comes back to me assuming things, then.